Hi, everyone I feel kinda dumb for asking this but my mom always said their is no dumb questions so ill go ahead and ask. I am trying to understand what torque numbers do i use in my FSM I have a RB26DETT going in my Z and the FSM states ,for lets say a random bolt, the torque to use is 16-21 (1.6-2.1 , 12-15)N'm (kg-m, ft-Ib)and at the begining of the FSM they state "When X to Y N'm (kg-m, ft-Ib) is indicated, the standard tightening torque is the mean value". I dont understand what the crap that means ? I know i got to convert it in inch/pounds for my Torque wrench that i got it but what number do i use 16n*m or 21n*m or something in between ?