johnjayb: no it was not that hard. just had to cut a small piece near the reverse light. very easy to do. If interested send me a pm and i will send u a pic.
Lunar240z:If there was ever a list? what is that suppose to mean? maybe u didn't read my first post that this was still in the preproduction stage. sorry that u think this some kinda scam or something.
Like ive said before im not the one making the panels. My friend is and this is not his primary business. Things have come up for him. We had planned for these panels to go into production alot sooner but things happen. Theres a reason we didn't just start collecting money. We are not trying to scam people. When they are ready, i will let u guys know.
The goal:TO PRODUCE A QUALITY PRODUCT FOR A REASONABLE PRICE. That means these panels will not be rushed into production as a poorly fitting panel. From what has been explained to me, if the panels don't cure properly (are not giving enough time to cure) they shrink.
Hope you guys understand where i am coming from. They will be made, but will not be rushed (or of poor quality), so if that means longer time to get this going, so be it. I will let you guys know if anything changes.