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Everything posted by Sideways

  1. I cant agree with this statement. Anything with more than 1 seat is a disadvantage. "Sports" cars are in nature a compromise, I guess the question is how much of a compromise you want. Im not some slick-♥♥♥♥ 1337 racer, So i dont mind the compromise (which is lets face it, youre not adding that much weight, youre not losing that much rigidity, and its a difference you more than likely will not feel, if there was an equal comparison). Its nice having room to put things into the back, its nice being able to put my kids or extra friends in the back (sure they might not be comfortable, but hey if they dont like it they can walk), its nice not having to switch to a second car because i dont have the room to do these things, and its nice having all that and still being able to be 95% as fast. Its having my cake and eating it. Some of the most fun ive had with my corolla (ae86) was doing some mountain cruising with 3 friends in the car. I dont need to be the fastest, I will never be the fastest, but im fast enough to enjoy myself and have a blast.
  2. Just a random example, I was looking for high temp coating on google to paint my manifold. First company I cross is Tech-Line with their ceramic coatings, so of course I look into techline on google (google images actually- curious to see how it looks) And the first picture that comes up, hey that looks kind of like- Oh thats because it is a Z manifold. Oh hey, its hybridz. Anyone else ever look for something on google related to whatever about their car, and find a link that goes right back to hybridz? And then you wonder why you just didnt use the HZ search in the first place, what havent we done to our cars? This seriously happens to me more often than Id like to admit, Hah.
  3. Kabump. Hows this stuff holding up? Been looking into it myself
  4. Bed frame for a z car? Not a bad idea! Theyd never rust. Termites though? They might cause trouble. Cool looking car- Any other pictures? Love the color
  5. Sorry to bump such an old thread- But im running the vented set up myself and am going to get myself a set of the 16x8 +4 RBs myself, and am curious to know about this- Anyone have a solid answer if they will fit without issues with those brakes? I do have a 1" spacer (to run my 14s) so if i need a spacer its not an issue, but itd e nice to be able to run it without it if its possible. Curiousity is getting the best of me.
  6. Well finally got myself a clean hood (Many thanks for the hood ronnie, That was an incredible deal). But now im lacking a latch to make it work So anyone have one laying around I get/buy off of them? Local junkyards have nothing for me. Feel free to email me at Sidewaysgts@gmail.com or text my cell (Where im staying ive bad signal- it comes and goes very abrutly) at 702 505 6896. Thanks everyone
  7. Now thats using your dip stick jimmy. Love the ideas.
  8. What rear end do you use? From your link would it be safe to assume youre using an R200?
  9. Janaka- can we get some larger pictures of your car? Im still waiting to see how these look/fit in 16s- those are what i want. I might save up the extra cash and get some Rota RBs though haha
  10. Title says it all, Im finally painting my car and I need a clean hood. Im in Torrance, but I can get around within a reasonable distance for a clean denteless hood. If youve got one let me know and how much you want for it. Pm me here, email me at Sidewaysgts@gmail.com, or send a text message to my cell 702 505 6896 (I ask for a text since where im staying ive no signal inside the house, and most calls dont make it through. Thanks
  11. That does seem low considering what ive seen other dyno claims are of otherwise stock l28ets and similar boost levels. My only guess would be that exhaust. Ive seen people claim wonders with a 3" turbo back exhaust (In particular the downpipe). Keep us updated if you ever get this thing making the power we all think it should be making.
  12. Really sorry to bump the old thread but im curious and a few others might be as well if they see this, what type of exhaust are/were you running when you did the 270 on 10 psi deal? The mod list you have in the first post seems like it might be missing a few things, can you elaborate a bit more on what youve got going on? Thanks!
  13. Ya ive seen a little mention of that. I half wonder about the installation sometimes- Ive seen a lot of harm come from people who install their bushings but dont properly load the suspension when they tighten things down, which puts some extra stress on the parts when you do set the car down and put weight on the bushings.
  14. The tuner there will handle pretty much anything most customers want with confidence- He however will not touch SDS. He does NOT like the system, finds it to be a waste of time/money, and refuses to waste the time/money of customers.
  15. Mosto f these kits dont say anything about the tension rod bushings- Is there something im missing or do they not include these?
  16. Bump for this thread- Anymore individuals running these rims yet?
  17. If youre looking for some tuning work let me know. I can get you a GREAT deal on almost all work tuning related, and it can be done on a dyno-pack. No angry tuning on some kind of roller. Theyre on the edge of LA and Culver. I used to work there so if youre interested shoot me a PM with your information and lets make something happen.
  18. Yup, some straight up use a 4g, the older ones had a g54 like the starions though but that was still easy enough to swap to. Starions were the only interesting rwd car from mitsu i think. Cheap, huge 4 cylinder, turbo, intercooler, lsd, all the makings for a decent car. Too bad theyre so piggish.
  19. While i dont have all the information, I know the 4g63 is a popular swap for the starion/conquest guys. The 4g64 motor bolts right up to their stock transmissions, and you can swap over all the guts and the head of the 4g63 into/onto the 4g64- making it an easy to do 4g63 rear wheel drive set up. There might be a little more to it, but thats the outline. Some good places to look would be KdmPerformance.com and Starquestclub.com
  20. Pretty hack? Come on now A spring is a spring to my knowledge they all do the same job, quality aside, right?. Im just trying to think outside the box and find a way to get a better selection of spring rates, without the cost and use of coilover perches/set ups. Coilovers are great, but theyre not magical. They just allow ride height adjustment. You can (in my understanding and experience) do more harm than good with them with a bad height adjustment unless you get the corners weighted. Then add in the fun of modifying them to work properly on the car. All of this is money time and more money. I guess what Id like to find out now is if it is possible to run coilover springs on our stock strut perches without modification or is there some type of spacer/adapter we can use at the ends of the springs to get them to seat properly. Is this the best setup? Nope. But imo, its a great alternative for the price. Springs for coilovers from what ive shopped around so far are about 200'ish, with shocks ranging in the 3-400 range. This gives us a spring/shock combo in the 700 dollar range that just goes on and gives us a wide choice of spring rates. Instead being stuck with whatever eibach thinks you should use, or azc thinks you should use, or tokico thinks you should use, etc.
  21. Sorta. Can the coilover springs be used reasonably on cars without the coilover perches safely and properly? I thought the different mounting perches would cause problems.
  22. Once again after looking around I cant seem to find what im looking for. Im not concerned much with what rates or what have you, but a question has come to mind. I constantly see recommendations for this and that front spring rates with this and that rear spring rates. But my question is where is everyone finding these spring rates? and with what brands? Ive found a handfull of coilover kits that let you choose the springs size/weight easily enough. Does anyone offer this same choice selection for someone who doesnt want to run coilovers or am i SOL? Thanks everyone
  23. How come we done have one? With up to 1k members on at a time? 400 currently. I think itd be a great way for the members to hang out and kill some time. Anyone else agree? And if we have one.. well i plee'in a number between 4 and 6.
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