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Everything posted by m4xwellmurd3r

  1. so what you're asking is slightly different eh? you need to have the distance between the PEAK and the landing, be equal or greater than the distance between PEAK and origin?
  2. unless you have wind it will never move close to you at an angle greater than -90 or less than 90 it's IMPOSSIBLE to do that without wind. at 90* it moves straight up, and lands on your head. at -90 it moves straight down between your feet. at 89 it moves slightly forwards from your hand, and lands forwards of your hand, at -89 it moves straight down, a bit in front of you. UNLESS you have wind, it can't possibly move BACKWARDS if you throw it FORWARDS. so unless there's an outside force working against that stone, it moves forwards. mythbusters had this slight problem when they did the bullet shot in the air trick. they had to get a PERFECT 90* trajectory to get the bullet to stop in the air and start tumbling at it's max velocity of 120mph into the ground (even then it moved away from the gun many feet) it's a trick question of sorts. you can't throw something forwards and have it come back to you if you don't have any wind. that's just physically impossible. OH, and you can't count on it BOUNCING backwards. That wouldn't count, since as soon as it hits the ground, THAT is the landing point. go outside and get a sling shot, shoot it straight up in the air, and I'll bet if you shot it right, no matter what angle you do (as long as there's no wind) it'll never get closer from your shot point
  3. BAH I hate you people with Sub 2.00 gasoline. it's still in the 2.80's in AZ (but of course, I'M not using it!....poor z)
  4. umm...ANY angle you can throw a stone and it'll move away from the thrower unless you threw it perfectly at a 90* angle that is. think about it. throw it at 1 degree from horizontal, it goes forwards, throw it at 89 degrees from horizontal, it moves forwards. the stone makes an inverse parabola no matter what the angle. hell you could throw the stone at -89* from horizontal and which way will it move? away from you. common sense man
  5. wait, do you not have a rollpan at all? or are you just trying to make your smooth. if you just wanted to smooth it out, just get some sheet metal and weld in some patches, smooth it up, and bondo it over. I don't think a z's body would flex without having a rollpan. as far as I know it's not a major support structure at all.
  6. yeah, but he said he heard a "click" last time I had a fan belt snap, it went BANG WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP till I shut the engine off.
  7. I don't care for the lights, but I do like the shape
  8. holy ♥♥♥♥, even the WHEELS are made out of wood!
  9. A few years ago I saw someone talking about driving a car without using the clutch, so I decided to start practicing to see how easy/hard it was in my 62 bug (stock 1200) and it was REALLY easy. it would go in and out of gear no problem. downshifting was a pain, but besides that it was easy. Fast forwards about 5 months later and as I'm shifting into 3rd gear GUESS WHAT. clutch drops to the floor. the cable had snapped, and I have no spare and no tools. so what do I do? I stop using the clutch and use that bit of practice to use. Stopping/starting was a bit tricky. I had to pop it into neutral then shut the car off, then lurch start it in 1st gear to hope it starts ok. another time, the throttle cable snapped at the carb, so I had to rig in a way to give me decent throttle without any gas. luckily I had duct tape and a broken fan belt so I sort of jammed the throttle part way open and I was off on my way. once when I was playing paintball I had lost the striker buffer in my gun (it keeps the bolt assembly from moving too far back, which causes the bolt to allow almost 2 balls into the breech, which causes chopping and a big mess) so I had to make one out of duct tape. the really sad thing was, it worked BETTER than the actual part, so I never bothered trying to find the buffer. my board in my EM-1 had fried on me, and I was going to go to play the next day (this was at 12am when it fried) the only other board I had was a special upgrade board for a different gun, that uses way more juice, and doesn't even have remotely the same plugs, so I hacked all the wires, hacked off the capacitor (and hoped the board only needed it to ramp up the noid output without causing problems if it's gone) then soldered all the wires together. I didn't plan on ever using that baord in my EM-1, but the funny thing, it worked WAY better than the stock board, and since I had all these pretty settings I was able to make the gun run almost twice as efficient as it would be if it was using the stock board. oh and I had a stereo that would malfunction because I sort of punched it when I was a kid, it had two circuit boards mounted perpendicular to each other with metal rods linking them. I took a pen and jammed it into the gap between them and BAM no more screwups anymore. that was great. the starter relay in my Z is messed up for whatever reason so I'm currently using a big screwdriver to turn it over lol. (I think the relay/30amp fuse is corroded or something)
  10. haha I love when they're giving the tech specs, and the gtr shows in at 99k and the porsche at 260k, nearly 3 times more. Then goes off and runs 7 seconds quicker. But I wonder just how different the tires were on the two cars. I really don't think they'd try to use less than Ideal tires, but who knows
  11. don't buy it from ebay since for the most part, I think they're pirate copies made in china. the REAL wangan DVD's are 50 bucks a pop and contain 2 episodes each. AND since it's not licenced outside japan, you can download it for free on the internet, without worries of breaking any laws.
  12. Patrick Norton is freakin awesome haha. I'm not even a cad guy and this stuff is really freakin cool
  13. wow, and just when I thought mc donalds crappy food couldn't get crappier. my mom had one of those moment where I just looked at her trying to figure out what she was thinking. we came home from the store (me driving) and she couldn't figure out how to get the door open and told me to unlock the door (you know, with the pretty little auto unlock all door button) and I just told her "why don't YOU unlock the door" "How?" "The little lever that unlocks the door" "The what?" yeah, my mom has never known how to unlock the doors with the manual lever, and not with the button. at least she knows how to unlock the doors with a KEY. my friend freaked out saying she couldn't find the remote for her car to unlock it, and I yelled at her saying to just use the stupid keys. "What? you can do that? .....people these days. Maybe it's just my ability to take in any information set out in front of me, store it, and recall it later on. Instead of trying to do things without thinking much (Like mister engineer on the plane) I'll sit there and stare at something for a while, then try things out and see if it works. I tend to watch more than I do, so when I finally do it, I don't have much problem's
  14. lol the Mazda Fly (The reason I say that is if you were to spell it with Katakana, it would be a foreign word, and thus, the Fly)
  15. here's what he's talking about look at the end of the hatch slope. it starts leveling off and gives it the look he's talking about of the ass sticking out, where as the 370z, has a smooth line going to the very end of the car, interrupted by the spoiler
  16. for the exhaust it looks like as it rotates, it hits a spot where there's an exhaust port, and the shape of the combustion chamber pushes the exhaust out.
  17. I agree on that as well. everything is done in one stroke, with no waste. the power and exhaust strokes are done by the outer ring, and the intake and compression take place in the piston. I think it's a very efficient design. I wonder if you could turbocharge this design lol. it would be pretty interesting to say the least.
  18. yeah, that did make no sense lol the way I understand how to do it, is you have to hold the car some way (using the e-brake with the button taped down works good if you don't have a line lock) hold the car with the e-brake and get it staged. pre-load your clutch and bring the revs to probably around 3-4k. when you go, let go of the clutch and brake and EASE into the gas, don't hammer it. if you hammer it you'll spin the tires. if you bog, try using more revs, if you peel out, try using less. I really shouldn't be talking though, my understanding of all this comes from listening to all my dad's drag racing friends during test and tune nights with their VW's haha
  19. the outer ring would act as a counterbalance I think. so in a way it would be an externally balanced engine. Lubrication shouldn't be too bad. it looks like they use some sort of ball bearing system, so if they had a way to add oil pressure behind that, I think it would stay lubed up fine. Internal maintenance may be an issue, but from the looks of it, externally, that shouldn't be much of a problem either.
  20. that's what I was thinking too. and it looks like you could make it some what stackable like the rotaries are
  21. That purple 2+2 is a bit over the top, BUT I love that tail light panel, it's very clean and add's a nice look overall. I like the rims too. If it were maybe a different color, with different sized tires I think it would be a really mean 2+2
  22. DOH! what did you do to get that wheel possessed Aziza?! did you forget to shine up one spot on it and the wheel goddess decided to curse that wheel forever?? Bummer that it happened to ya man, hope it didn't hurt too much stuff.
  23. wow, I like this design, it's simple and unique. instead of having the piston do the combustion stroke, the outer ring becomes the combustion chamber. the expanding gas rotates the large ring, which in turn turns the crank and piston. the small cam built into the crankshaft operates the two valves that are integrated into the piston assembly, and when the gas ignites, it looks like the ring timing makes the flap pop open as well, forcing the gas in, then shutting as it expands, then pulls in fresh air/fuel, right? I understand it in my head put words fail me. it's a really cool design. I wanna see someone build it.
  24. Ah, ok, then I understand the imbalance you were talking about. Thanks for explaining that one to me.
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