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Everything posted by MJLamberson

  1. need to know info: what year harness are you using?
  2. does it die while you are cruising or stopped?
  3. Im not sure I fully understood you there but thank you very much for taking the time to try to help me... Are you saying that I can leave the 77 harness all hooked up and plug it into the ZXT harness By connecting those pins from the 77 harness to the appropriate pins on the connections to the 83zxt? That almost sounds to simple?
  4. Anybody else go? It was pretty cool, a couple of GTRs, a few super cars, a 646whp integra, a lot of 300-350z's one turbo s130.... a drift event, pro stunt dirt bikers.... and a lot of girls.
  5. At a dyno yesterday I saw an integra roll up, nothing special right? except for the fact that it put out 646Whp
  6. I really wasnt expecting anything to come of this thread, I am just getting frustrated with this wiring. Thanks for the bump though
  7. Thats a great color, and engine, and Z.... Nice job
  8. when mechanics get bored, lol, He needs to sport that wherever there is an import vs American car debate...
  9. No, it fits the same, its a matter of unbolting the old and in with the new
  10. I think he will make a fine admin.
  11. So looking at my wiring harness from a 83zxt, and looking at my wiring harness from the 77... Im lost. To be specific: Does the ignition harness plug Into the main harness before the ECU or are one of those three connections to the ECU for the ignition? I really havnt touched the ignition harness before so I dont know what it looks like or what Im looking for. The only right ups I can find are from the 81 harness, which I guess has enough differences to confuse the typical guy? Does anybody know of any place or thread based off an 83 wiring harness for use in an s30? With pics? I need pics! Im sorry for the lame post guys but Im feeling overwhelmed right now and in need of guidance.
  12. Yeah I to have crashed on a canyon road. I must say it isnt much fun, And a good portion of my friends have at some time or another as well. It truly is important to relearn your car after a major modification (auto to manual swap).
  13. They do initiate and enter the drift at 90+mph though, two cars, side by side, I wanted to do a ride along soooo bad but thats a big no no.
  14. You guys have to admit though, people may not know about them, but they always like them. I love not being able to fill my car up with gas without getting a complement, even if they do call it a porsche.
  15. There are several really great roads in my area, I found the best way find them, other then exploring, was to use google maps, go to satallite, and just look around.
  16. It was a good show... anybody else go? I know I saw one clean silver s30 with an msa type two kit driving away, sounded good, then I heard the BOV, sounded great.
  17. Man that little Z adventure you just took really transformed your car, it looks great man.
  18. I dont know about a soul, but I feel a connection to my Z, its hard to explain but Im sure you guys know exactly what I am talking about... On a side note, my Z always does things I find "coincidental" that some may interprit as more then it is. For isntance, when My car was running very well, it died and would not start on two first dates with different girls, it never died any other time. My Z simply will not play rap, you think Im joking??? buy a rap CD and try to play it, fail, it will not play, it will play my rock CDs all day though. I know that sounds hard to believe.
  19. Ive seen an integra with a HUGE tach and shift light... it was an automatic --- rice
  20. i think I am going to buy his stock clutch type fan for 50$!!!! what a steal!
  21. If you want to now everything about rice, and experience it first had multiple times a day... move to Napa, CA
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