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Everything posted by jasper

  1. Very easy. Couple of ways. You could cut through the bushing with a thinned/modified hack saw blade. If you have access to a slide hammer with a vice grip attatchment, you can insert a bolt head first, and cock it. It will wedge nicely. Give it a yank.
  2. http://www.jagsthatrun.com/Datsun-ZX_Order.html
  3. Easy/simple/uncomplicated/cost effective.>>>> SBC 350 4bbl auto. http://www.jagsthatrun.com/index.html Get the books (2). Required reading!!
  4. Not a bad look. Took me a couple of seconds to see what wasn't "right". http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___1974-Datsun-260Z_W0QQitemZ290299442424QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item290299442424&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A-1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  5. " i drove the car around the block to check the plugs. going about 20 mph in third gear the tranny started shaking badly and i put it in neutral. i couldnt put it back into gear so i pulled over. " Hydraulics don't cause vibrations. Broken clutch discs can, but not hydraulics.
  6. How can bad hydraulics cause a vibration issue.......I DON'T THINK SO.
  7. Is there a return spring on the clutch fork/slave.... and is it too strong? " then, the slave cylinder extends because it's under pressure," If your foot is off the clutch...there should not be any pressure. Maybe an internal spring in the slave.?
  8. Dave..... Call Me 973-953-4368
  9. Auto Transmission failures are not uncommon. That's alot of work. May also have damaged electrical components in side the cabin. I would pass it by.
  10. jasper

    700R4 info

    I know Camaro's, Firebirds, probably Corvettes will work....Probably others. NO 4x4 transmissions. Since you won't have a computor to engage the lock up converter, kits are are available.
  11. jasper

    700R4 info

    This is in Response to a PM I received. Since I can't answer all the questions, Maybe you guys could chime in. "Since the 700 r4 is a good consideration for a daily driver...very good MPG on a cruise. Please advise me of what vehicles it was used in so that I could go to the wrecking yard acting more intelligent...... I don't like to act stupid. I have no idea when it was sold and it what it was sold. .......They will ask, what kind of vehicle are you putting it in, and I will say a Z, and it will snowball from there. Am I talking Suburban, Caprice, Impala, you know the obvious stuff. Is it a 4 speed automatic? THANKS" LOTS OF INFO HERE http://www.bowtieoverdrives.com/index.shtml. If you don't have the JTR manual....GET IT! AND ALWAYS TRY SEARCH AND GOOGLE
  12. How old is the battery? If you loose everything during "crank" then #1 bad battery connections/ground...#2 Siezed starter/engine(excessive draw)...#3 posibble ignition switch....#4 bad battery?????
  13. Check for poor connections. Clean and tight. Check major ground points. Start at the battery.
  14. Curious, what does your friend think of the change. How difficult was the swap? I DD a '92 190E 2.6 and could use better lighting.....Thanks....Tommy
  15. After reading your post, I'm not quite sure you have a problem. I would not be surprised that you could hand crank 40 psi on a cold engine, that wasn't rotating. The initial spinning of the drill will slow down to a crawl, once you fill all the voids and passages, and develop some psi!!
  16. It's great to see all the progress. Pretty soon I'll get on mine. Only suggestion, there are much better choices than a power glide (only 2 speed). The 700 r4 is a good consideration for a daily driver...very good MPG on a cruise.
  17. Don't forget,...After a head gasket replacement, It will usualy smoke for a while, your exhaust system maybe loaded with coolant. Do you have any fouled plugs???
  18. Quad 5 3/4 round headlamps????? Looks like the challenger from the front.
  19. I was 19, she was 4yrs old. ('74 early 260) It was love at first sight. In 1981 she hit a pole.(RIP) In 2007, I'm back in the saddle again. ME>>> 50yrs old come march.
  20. Seems others share the same curiosity I do. Don't vote if this offends you. I am very surprised to see the predominance of younger owners/ enthusiasts. I would have bet my money on the 45 plus+++ crowd(I'm a member). In addition, I'm impressed with the intelligence and knowledge of some members, who I now learn are 1/2 my age!!! To me, this is all about getting to know a little bit more about the guys I chat with. I am also aware that the youngsters are trying to beat us to the good deals on Craigs List. (Clive apparently is writing a book on this subject) I would also like to see the day when I vote in the 61+ group!!! It's all good.....Tommy
  21. Max is ten choices allowed. if you're that young ,vote in the first group, I don't think I can edit a poll!!!
  22. Go watch the Rocky Horror Picture show at midnight,...In a theater ....And get back to me!
  23. oops...... Vote on the low side...not sure how to fix it. Thanks
  24. Curious about the demographics.
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