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Everything posted by majik16106

  1. actually, he might dig up the same pictures i plan on posting, so here it comes, the rest of the team, shield this from children...
  2. im saving the other pictures for the counter attack
  3. i have others, but too scary, ill post the rest later, yes, it does get worse....
  4. auxillary seems to be king of funny pictures and whatever, so beat this, an actual car club in japan of all places, which happens to be the MOST TERRIBLE CAR CLUB ON THE PLANET... For the above picture, why in gods name would you put that where others could see it? if ya'll cant read that, its 35rwhp, thats right 35 !! and almost, ALMOST 7 lb feet of torque, my mountain bike would make more, how does that car even move? and its not even a linear powerband, probably the WORST MOTOR EVER, in the WORST car ever, i have learned to look at the civics in my area in a whole new light....
  5. by the way.. the dark pool stick on the table.. carbon fiber, no im not kidding, its made of CF, all my friends call it before they come over...
  6. motor, trans, ignitor, map sensor, harness, ecu, i know this is going to sound wierd, but you need the Tachometer assembly to make life real easy. if you want an explanation on that you can e-mail me, but trust me, you want the tach, thats why i say buy a clip, you need too much extra crap to not buy a clip. make sure it has the turbo's with the y-pipe if you pan on using the stockers at all, if it doesnt have the y-pipe, its ok, i have a few extra from cars i did singles on. ALSO, the intercooler, its big, its free, it can handle 400rwhp, try to get it.' But again, i cant stress, life would be much easier buying a Jza70 clip, its the easiest version of the 1jz to work from, as the soarer harness would be a little different, i dont know how much help i'd be, especially if its a newer soarer. However, if you sent me a supra harness, i could have a perfect harness made in just a few days... provided im not busy with work.plus 3rd gen supra owners would buy all sorts of crap stuff from the clip.
  7. Jza70 now .. actually, now its in Nc torn to shreds...
  8. Fyi, 1jzs in australia and japan do 650rwhp on comepletely stock motors, just turbo, fuel, Ic, exhaust, intake. a few here do 5-600rwhp without ever having the valve covers off..
  9. stock intake manifold, um, im going to use a .57 trim ct-26 (modded stock turbo) with a 10 degree clipped wheel, you can get them lots of places, but the guy i get mine from does some extra stuff, too be honest im not sure exactly what, but on all his .57 and .60 trim turbos, the cars made more power with better bands than anyone elses version of the same thing.... should be good for about 350rwhp at 14psi, 400 at 21ish.. I had thoughts of moving to a full to4, but i love that damn 1jz engine, so my 7m set up may be for sale by the end of the year, wiring harness pipes and all, i think i may swap it out for the 1jz over next winter, but we will see, i havnt even finished this yet.. who knows, it should be more than enough for me..
  10. by the way, i painted everything black on the engine, they dont come that way.. took awhile, but i thought it added to the "stealthyness" of the car...
  11. and, dont know if anyone cares, but here is some of my old 1jz supra.. the car i was talking about in my thank you thread.... Notice the license plate.. also, I DID actually get this car running on my own before i sold it.
  12. MORE !! MY cradle, you can kind of see it. Trunk full of r200 and drive shafts and etc... room full of parts above and below.. you can see my front spoiler and wing and bumper and stuff...
  13. Ya'll had been asking, here is from today, in its current state of re-build, we had it together, now its getting the works, the new turbo is going on, and we are wiring all my electronics directly into harness to make for a clean install. also, brand new carpet and racing seats are going in, new suspension, bushings, brakes... etc. me and my partner in crime have devoted the next few weekends to finish her up, hopefully for SEZ. body work may not be done, but she should look ok. As for the body work, im not sure, i keep going back and forth, i wanted HUGE flares, but im starting to think they may look a little goofy, so right now im between a stock body, zg flares, and flares like Rick Bower has. im leaning towards ricks... Here are the pics YUM, no carpet, and hey look, my gear wrenches.. sweet.plus my ultra nifty steering wheel
  14. buy a clip, sell the extra shit and make almost everything back (supra owners buy anything) and take what you need, and GET the 5spd, the auto trannies are alright, but the 5 spd makes it worth, its no fun trying to control an 8000rpm power band with a slushbox...
  15. took them this afternoon, hopefully i can load them up and post them up from my cardomain site tonight when i get home from class..
  16. 1j's came with front, rear, and center sump pans. you need to know what it came out of or just look at the pan.
  17. if you get the supra version or the soarer version of the 1jz yes, if you get the chaser version then i dont believe so..
  18. clifton, i mispoke, my trans mount is solid, id have to weld one up. Lapping is a type of finishing technique for machining, basically smoothes out the surface so it forms a stronger seal when its reunited
  19. This is going to be kind of lengthy so bare with me, but its important to me to share some things/ideas with the board. It's kind of got a story behind it, so ill break it into three sections so i hope this isn't too boring and i dont sound retarded. first, a little about me. I have been around cars since birth, my mother's family toyed with them, i learned to drive when i was very young, doing junior dragsters and watching my g-pa and uncle mess with thier cars at my g-moms house. I used to go for rides in my g-pa's 64 triumph tr4a (which i now own, and am waiting to restore) and my unlce's 5.0 mustang. so when i turned 16, i had saved up for a ford probe gt, dont laugh, i loved that car. Well i knew i wanted bigger and badder so i worked on a few cars and eventually ended up with a 90 toyota supra..... Well, i tried to hang out with all the supra guys and what not but the crowd there was very unaccepting, and at most times insulting, at 17 trying to become a part of a group like that is important. to have friends who can appreciate the same passion i had. I think those people often accomplish one of 2 things. Granted, i know there are a few kids my age who should never be near a sports car, but there are a lot of us willing to learn and trying to learn, who are never given a chance. I discovered as i went on however, it turned out i knew more than most of them anyway, but i respected them, they had the cars i was trying so hard to build.so those 2 things i mentioned, one, they turn away very capable young people who could end up being the most help they ever had, or 2) they put kids in a position where instead of learning from experienced people, they have to get the experiences themself, often leading to injury (that "ill show them" attitude) or someone loosing interest in our sport. I had "ill do it without them" attitude, and decided to try a 1jz swap, my knowledge was ok, but i had friends who could help, so i promised this and that, anyway, its supposed to be a 3k swap, 7k later my car still didnt run. I had been ripped off and lied too. and 7k wasted for a 40 year old with a decent job is one thing, but for a 18 year senior in HS, its the world, and not only that, but i didnt feel anyone liked me anyway. Which brings me to now, im 20, 21 in oct. over the past 2 years I have done everything to learn all the loose ends i need to make sure i dont get screwed again. im still learning. I always liked the old Z's, so i took some spare parts, bought and old Z, and me and the guy ive been working with set to work. Motor in, car ran (recently took back apart for mods) and we are doing all the exterior, interior, and suspension work now.(hopefully done by sez3, but it will be close). so i joined Hybridz, and i looked at joining another group locally, which i wont name, however im sure you can guess, i was told they were "older, more mature" individuals who are definatly nicer than the supra crowd (which by the way i use as a generalization, i still am friends with a number of supra owners). and i was coldly welcomed by that group as well. They didnt give me a chance, right away i felt like i was being treated like a child, one individual called me a liar about my car, said there was no way i built it. so there is no way they will see me again, of course except lapping days when i run circles around them.. haha, but im not bitter. So, with that being said, I just REALLY wanted to thank EVERYONE on this board. I have yet to meet, or see a person who posts here who treats people the way all these other groups seem too. I know there is always a bad egg, but if there is one on this board, i havnt met them. Everyone at the last sez meet was really nice to me and they had no idea who i was. I really like this group and id like the mods and stuff to know, that if they ever needed anything, id be glad to help out. all the members here share information, no "secret" turbo set ups or crap like that ( well, except for the all in fun races between guys like scottie and tim) who wait till meets to show what they got I know it might sound kind of cheesy, but i think more people think it than are willing to say it, so im going to say it, Being welcomed into a group is one of the best feelings a person can have, and this group certainly welcomed me. So, again, id like to thank a few people individually. Ross C- helped me pick things, open with help, even though i bothered him forever without buying stuff. Mike(on3go)-Talks to me about crazy crap all the time. similiar in age so i feel like we kind of relate, similiar style. Auxillary- you make me laugh everyday, some of the stuff you post is the funniest shit i have ever seen. Mike Kelly- you dont remember this probably, but a long time ago, my 1st post ever was "I think i want a z, can anyone in ga show me thiers" and not 30 min later you posted up offering a ride. plus, i met you at sez briefly and you were extremely kind. ( That would be Mike kZ, not Kelly ) Rick Bower- I met you as well briefly at sez. Plus you have helped me really figure out my extrerior styling. JohnC- You have helped clear up a lot of misconceptions i have had about the more technical aspects of things, most people wouldnt take the time to explain things to me, and the group, like you have. and everyone else for just being nice and open with information. always compliments and good feedback, never insults or bad karma here. And if we ever do a Z calender, I can get a bunch of hot girls to pose for us! haha. Thanks Again, Paul
  20. I love Rick's car, his car is the inspiration of the styling of mine, im doing similiar things, but different... i had to add my own style, but rick's car is one of the ones that really sold me on building a Z
  21. clifton- yah ur right, sorry im getting mixed up, i was thinking about putting the 550's in the 1jz, which takes side feed, between all this 1jz crap ( im still getting e-mails about that) and the z and 7ms.. i tend to get a bit mixed up...
  22. kinda looks like your micromachine was microwaved.... oh well, what can you do?
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