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Everything posted by Poundz9oh9

  1. Yeah it's pretty much the same way (from what I've read) but it's only available in the Pro Comp series. Doesn't really match my other guages (Phantom seies), but I'd make the sacrifice to have an accurate guage. You wouldn't happen to know the part number of your Cobalt would you?
  2. I personally like the looks of the ZG's. Those flares look kinda "bubbly" to me. No offense to those who like "bubbly"
  3. Just in case it was missed elsewhere.
  4. I was looking for the exact same thing and that guage looks like it'll be a great addition to the project. I couldn't find it in Jegs or Summit. Anybody know where I could get one? Edit: Wow, I found it. $104 and some change, pricey little booger aint it!!
  5. Outstanding, I'll be on the lookout!!! Thanks again brother!!!
  6. Yeah, I'm sure the story has been plastered all over the internet. We probably crashed their site
  7. http://forums.beyond.ca/showthread.php?threadid=168264 Picked this story up from one of the other forums I frequent....
  8. Wow, never heard of that. Those headers must have been H. O. T!!! I don't think they're supposed to get that hot if your motor was running right.
  9. Shoot, looks EZ enough. I think I'll try it! Thanks for the info Jim!
  10. I mounted mine the exact same way as Devil-Z, fwiw
  11. I'm just tagging along with what Twoeightynine said! Verbatum!
  12. Cool deal!! Probably will be nice ot have around huh !? Get out to some of those events out that way, there's a lot of good ones coming up. Just don't buy anything from the people in that area without getting eyes on the item first! Ya might get boned! Ask me how I know..!
  13. I would assume that if your carb lines are set up, you could just cap it off, no?
  14. Cool deal. I might have to go with them then. Thanks for the info!
  15. Wow, I like the looks of that one. Hows the support from the vendor? How long did it take do get after ordering?
  16. Ya know, I've always thought of wiring as a headache, but since I'm running a simple old school run of the mill SBC, there won't be much in the engine compartment, then that just pretty much leaves the lighting and the small amount of misc. odds and ends. I think it would be a bigger hassle unwrapping and pulling apart the stock harness to be honest with you. I mean the wiring is some 36 years old, and it all seemed brittle, it's just that there were 2 BAD wires. Granted they were still operable, I just don't think it would be very safe.
  17. Hey guys, by no means was I trying to start a "this site or that site is better" type of argument. We all have our favorite for different reasons, I just didn't realize that despite the different views, knowledge levels and goals of the two sites, there were some people still out there that still are "talkin all that mess."
  18. Well, it's still for sale as I work on it. I guess I'm waiting for the light bulb to once again come on for me to fall in love with it again before it actually sells. Why do you think I'm shooting so high on the price Either way, I think I'm gonna go for the rewire considering the condition of the wires and that it could probably use it anyway. I'm sure I could get it done in a weekend, or, two, or three I was lookin at a wiring harness on ebay called EZ2Wire (the store name) it's a universal GM 18 circuit for around a hundred and a half. Looks to be a decent kit. I'd post the link, but I'm at work and can't get on ebay here.
  19. Oh, by no means is it necessary, I just wanted to get it as perfect as humanly possible. I'm glad I did though!!
  20. Ok, so I go to take my dash out so that I can install a full dash cover. I was already planning on pulling the R200 out to freshen up the LSD (add clutches, do the bearings and seals), while the dash glue is drying, but as I went to unplug all the connectors under the dash on the passenger side, I had some problems getting the main power wires disconnected. It seemed like the plastic had gotten hot and fused the two clips together. Besides that, the same wires felt awefully brittle and even had a couple "hotspots" where the insulation was melted in a couple spots. Thank god that didn't cause a fire. Anyway, so while I have the dash out and finding the wires in their present condition, I decided that a rewire was in order. I'm going to order an 18 circuit kit (haven't decided which brand yet) and redo the whole car. So, that being said, would this be "while I'm at it" or just unforseen required maintence??? Cliffnotes: Took dash out. Found bad wires. Rewire, or just fix bad wires?
  21. Hey Roost, will you be sending out totals soon? I must admit, I'm rather anxious to get my hands on this thing.
  22. Wow, they look great!!! Much better than I was expecting!
  23. I thought the two sites had a live and let live attitude towards each other........???? The first time in months I even LOOK over there and see two post making references to HybridZ... http://www.zcar.com/forums/read.php?f=4&i=325957&t=325957 http://www.zcar.com/forums/read.php?f=4&i=326063&t=326063 By the way, way to go Tony D on the defensive .... We've had a run in before (long time ago) and I still don't like you ... but good job!! I will now take you off of my list of people to kill
  24. My 06 Laser Blue Cobalt SS/Super Charged The wife's 07 Scion TC
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