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Everything posted by Poundz9oh9

  1. BE EXTREMEMLY CAREFUL!!!! PM me and I'll give you ALL the details of what went bad on my deal and how I ended up with a $4,000 paperweight.
  2. Glad to see the money I donated to your project is going to good use..... I hope to see it in person soon!!!
  3. Oh, the Humanity!!! Ok, so I lied about the NSFW...
  4. Yeah, I'm still getting used to it
  5. Haven't shot one, have you?
  6. Does anybody else hate this guy???? Just kidding, great concept and work Terry!!
  7. Gotta love the roadsters! Maybe my next project............
  8. Boy, I think somebody missed that boat.......
  9. c'mon guys, I know there's more of you out there doing nothing like me....c'mon in
  10. Hell these cars turn heads even when they're partially done! 12 G's and counting for me and that's including the cost of the car. So I guess I'm not doing too bad. What's left........... Body work/paint chassis reinforcements brake upgrades exhaust upgrade suspension work (not needed, just wanted) Installation labor hours and motivation
  11. SSG, 31B3PZ6 (Military Police/Airborne/K-9), just hit 9 years. Set for Drill Sergeant duty at FLW in Sept. Upon successful completion of school in May of course.
  12. How bout this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4532315250&category=6187 not sure where exactly in TX it's at but at least it's in the same state. Oh, on a side note. I'm slated to be stationed at FLW in Sept. Blah!
  13. HA!!! FLW!?!?!?! What's your MOS?
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