Sorry I do not have any more pictures of the install besides the one I attached in this post. Let me say this, the floorpan install is actually pretty easy once you aquire the kit and welder. I used a large saw to trim a little bit off the new pan I did not need though. All you do is align everything up after the rust and floors are all cut out and use a jack or two to keep it in spot before tacking it in. Then release jack, finish up welds, and apply seam sealer.
As far as the rails, I put a footlong piece of L shaped steel VERY THICK inside that, then hung out the rail to give me a little more metal to weld the floor rail to. Tacked it in by drilling holes in the frame then tacking through the holes. I had left over fiberglass resin so I stuffed it "Not that it will do much" and then heavily coated por-15 on the inside and outside. A little over kill but that is a very important part of our cars.
-Hope that helps
You wait and see what I got in store in about a week. HAHA
rail pic.bmp