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Everything posted by BillZ260

  1. Hey you got to seat your rings! Should be good to go...
  2. I'll be thinking of you two, and I agree w/ JohnC. You may not see the reason for struggle now, but something very promising is coming soon. Good luck!
  3. Not totally on topic, but I am with MKelly. You can't get a deal all of the time, need or WANT may push you to spent a bit much. BUT, when the mother of all deals are to be had, they are, dumb luck. You happen to run across a person trying to offload whatever and you happen to have an insurance check, or you just got your tax refund and it worked out perfectly. It's the best!
  4. Thats awesome, it's so good to see examples of 'comunity' every once in a while, esp with everything going to hell. BTW...I want that Camero on the front page of their site!
  5. Makes sence Mark, but maybe there's a way to kill two birds w/ one stone. I am not sure about other cities but almost all our local news networks have a "WORKS FOR YOU" type deal where if you can't get anyone to help they do some investigatin. If they took your case, they'd be harrasing this guy as well as highlighting the problem. Just a thought...
  6. That's a good way to put it mike. I always loved riding, mostly cruzers, but after being on the receiving end of road rage from some BAMF in his car while on my bike, it had to go. He was upset because I was riding the SPEED LIMIT in a construction zone and then continued to ride my *** w/in 1-2ft for the next 3 miles. Couln't get away w/ all the traffic, I had never felt THAT helpless and vulnerable before, and it really just killed the whole riding thing for me. I miss it but like you say, it's just a matter of time...
  7. BTW, is where is a good source for flexible hose that can be used as a lead to the tank from the stock filler location. Guessing about and inch and a half or two inches is about what it needs to be
  8. Nope, havn't see that, like the color, not the tunnell ram. Well the cell I bought, some time ago, was the only one that I had found that had the filler on the side. I wanted to use the stock fuel filler door. So I placed it where it is now for ease of instalation of the filer hose and all that. But with recent posts and seeing what every one else has done, I am beginning to rethink my install. Here is the cell I currently have but mine doesn't have the return line. And I thought I only paid about half that amount. http://store.summitracing.com/default.asp?Ntt=fuel+cell&Ntk=KeywordSearch&DDS=1&searchinresults=false&N=0&target=egnsearch.asp It's the RCI-2161A The reason I got it was it had the filler where I wanted, it had the sending unit already, and no return, which I don't need w/ the Holley Red and carb set up. Or so I've been told. It's currently in place and there is plenty of ground clearance, but I guess I am just unsure of what I've completed. I'll see about getting some pics posted.
  9. Thanks for the input fella's, all very nice work BTW... I'll have to recheck my cell's capacity, I thought it was 15 gal, but it looks way smaller than the ones you guys have, it may be a bit taller but it's about the same width and about half as deep. Right now mine is at the very back of the car, I could move it up about 12 or so inches, but if I need to build more of a frame to place it in then I've got some work to do. I'll be back w/ progress later. Thanks again...
  10. Seems like it would help you spool up quicker and get you tickets for Db levels. But do you think it would actually boost power? I don't.
  11. You guy's are awesome, it's too bad no one know's this guy so we could hear from the other end how misserable he is. How long do you think it will take for him to change his number. Also, Mark, have you thought of turning him in?
  12. So you want it as close to the rear axle as possible. Has anyone made their fuel cell removable? I want to hang my Cell w/ straps, 3" wide .120 sheet, so that all you have to do is unbold it unhook the line and you have tons of room to work. Iv'e seen several of you guys putting in boxes that the cell slides down into, is this necessary? I don't really like that it's permanently mounted there. Also is the double wall a must? Aren't the cell's designed for some amount of rock/chip impact? Iv'e done this once already but I am not really sure about how I have it set up best for weight distribution. Right now it is almost at the end of hte car. I know i need to move it closer to the axle, but I also want to make sure that I take into consideration anything else that NEEDS to be done for a daily driver. Thanks! as always
  13. Thanks John! It's nice to know I get stuff right every once in a while
  14. What's the best solution for this? I am going to re-do my fuel cell and would like to optimize it's location...I know it's a fairly general question but I think it adds to this topic since mentioned as a sore point in Z design.
  15. It's not awesome, it depressing. I am sure this guy has refused help, but this seems to highlight that something ain't quite rite..
  16. Just about all my alignment problems stemmed from the front of the doors starting to separate right where the window fram meets the door. The inner and outer skins were breaking appart from each other. I am guessing from years of pushing the closed with the window fram I know this may not help your situation but check this area for cracks, they are right where the spot welds hold the inner and outer pc together. All I had to do, with all the internals OUT, was bend the door back in place untill it lined up again, and re-weld the area taht was broke. The tops of my doors were sunken in compared to the body. You should be able to use this method for any small tweaks you need, I moved mine about 1/8 to 1/4". Hope that helped some...
  17. I see what you mean... As a silencer, seems a little bit in-efficient.
  18. 260's are somewhat rare like 280Zone says but in 74, they did have the highest production numbers of all the S30's so as far as being worth anything, they are not really specail. Also correct in entering it into car shows being to your advantage being the single year of production. BUT, I would do what you want w/ the car, I AM I have an early 260 and I love that it has features of the 240 and 280. Kind of the FIRST hybridz . Build what you want to drive, who cares what anyone else thinks. It's YOUR car! Oh, yeah, as far as the stock harness is concerned, if you are going to go through your car at all, remove the stock harness and get a kit. It will be so much better in the long run, trust me. There are so many inherent problems with these old design harnesses. Sure there are work arounds and fixes, some may are may not be done already, but you don't know who performed the work and you don't know what other hacks have been made. Start w/ a clean slate and you'll be happy you did.
  19. Sounds like a greate opp. Youv'e got to do it if they are paying your morgage while away. I think you'll regret it if you don't. Especially if it is something you've wanted to do.
  20. That was awesome. I can usually place a car after all of this hub ub, but only by the wheels can I tell it's some sort of Honda, thinking like a mid late 80's accord coupe, but the front doors are too short for a coupe, what do you guy's think??
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