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Everything posted by BillZ260

  1. Thanks Jeff, things are going pretty well now. But as far as the Z is concerned, it's got about an 1/8" saw dust on in, I am sure glad I rolled those windows up! I'll give you a holler soon.
  2. Sounds pretty much done. I too just got a new toolbox addition and havn't really settled on a perminent place for everything yet. I'll let you know if an epifany hits me
  3. So does this mean you are working on the car again? Havn't heard from you in quite some time. Howz things?
  4. Does the Pathfinder have a tranny cooler? I'd definitly get one if it doesn't.
  5. That is DEFINITELY NOT shadetree
  6. Honestly, I think it will be less work all together if you pulled the engine and trans to proceed with this work. I think if you leave that stuff in, it will be a pain to work around as well as the stress it ill put on the chassis haveing it up in the air. Just my opinion..
  7. Go to Pete Paraska's website, he's got a ton of information on exactly what you are wanting to do. There are some good posts around on this as well, I had one but not sure if it's there still or not, it's been a while...
  8. iskone, Pete's the man when it comes to this part of the build, hit up his site for some good drawings he posted, as well as documented step by step how to. I used his info while doing mine and had no problems. Keep in mind each year the chassis may have changed a bit here and there so you'll probably end up changing the over all design a tad for adjustments. Personally, I went 2x3" .120 wall and after I finished sticking them in, like Jamie T, I now have awesome jack pads! The tops of mine are same level as the floor, but either way is fine. Show us your progress! And FWIW, you need about 6' of tube to make each connector. I bought a 24' bar and had it cut in to 6' lengths and was able to make two and have enough for two more, or a small press
  9. Good call on modding the stocker. I am sure it can be done but I would have to say the aftermarket FW would be the way to go, since it was designed to be light and on your engine.
  10. I didn't, but I just found out that my neighbors son did/is. He was shot just below the Jaw w/ and AK in Faluja (SP?) last november. I talked to his brother yesterday. He is ok, but has another surgery still, and has a titanium plate in his head. I guess it didn't really hit me what kind of stuff the guys are going through over there. I do appretiate your service fella's, but I'd rather have you home! Not really sure what else to say... Thanks AGAIN!
  11. Yeah, we ended up watching 'secrets of the code' and that new Revelation. I just finished the Divinci Code last night as well, very interesting stuff, fun to think about.
  12. Lost is great, in HD it's even better, the scenery is amazing, the story is confusing! It does leave you wanting more each week, we'll get there eventually! 24 is also great! BUT don't you think Jack would have disabled those two jeeps just sitting outside the plant? I was like what the F???? Dude!!!!! Office is the Hilarious as well "Want to form an alliance?" LOL!
  13. I think it's weird that they have a place to do this stuff. They had a crane, a big *** dumpster or whatever filled with foam, and ramps all on some lot. Is it like " Hey dad can I borrow some of your construction equipment? " ODD and DUMB
  14. Very cool, looking fwd to the finished product. Those lines should be interesting...
  15. It does look hard to pass up! Enjoy..
  16. Those would be perfect for look I am after, any info on how easy they are for fitment and such in the Z? What do you think it'd take to ship them? 100? more? Thanks Aux.
  17. Sweet! I like hearing stories like this. So your still in school and you have a V8Z AND a TA? Some things in this world just ain't right Congrats!
  18. Man, Progress is an understatment! There's alot of holes in your car! Or were. Looks like you did the same thing with your frame rails and floors as me, tieing in the floors instead of just one pc all the way across. Keep up the good work! Hopefully I will be able to get back to work on mine soon, you inspired me!
  19. I was at the Tulsa Raceway on Saturday night and saw what was probably the oddest and most horrific accident ever in IHRA drag gracing. This car http://www.tulsaracewaypark.com took off, ran about 7/8ths of the course when the nose picked up and the car lifted into the air and landed upside down. At this point (about 6 seconds into the deal) I am freaking, and hoping that the driver is ok. You can see the flames shooting out of the exhaust easily and the engine was reving and stuff. It was really hard to tell what was happening. At some point the car got turned around backwards on the track and it ended up back on it's wheels. The next thing that happend is still stuck in my head and is unbelievable. The engine roars at full throttle and the car comes BACK down the track at full speed like it was doing a run and strikes the chase car at over 200 mph. This was the worst thing I have ever whitnessed and I am still freaked out by it. The entire ordeal was probably under 20 seconds, it's a blur... The driver was Shelly Howard, 59, and her son was in the chase car, he was 36. My wifes uncle had been talking with them earlier, it was a brand new car and they were getting it ready for a Dallas event next weekend and were haveing problems w/ the front lifting all day. They all knew the risks involved in this sport but it is quite un-nerving seeing it happen, I know alot of guy's here are racing, not just drag but autox and others as well, and would just like to say be carefull when doing this stuff. I know her car was quite a bit more extreme than ours but still, any accident can happen at any time. Godspeed RIP http://www.shellyhoward.com/
  20. "............Sometmies leaving the cell charger plugged into the lighter with the red LED on it is good enough.............." Wow-do any of you guys see this as being ricey? Not ricey, LAZY, and it does seem to work for me...
  21. Man, if you don't blow it, I'll take your 'old' engine! Good luck on the 10's. Where's san angelo?
  22. VRJoe is right, and I am still thinking a jacket is best. While you are having it made, you might as well get removable sleeves and stuff like that for summer. Seriously! You can also then be a safe passenger and wear your jacket when you are in someone else's car. I can't believe you never wear a belt in another car! And if you say your luck isn't the greatest, then I would do what it takes to get this right. No one here wants to be the guy that asks... anyone heard from Matt lately? Good luck and be safe. I'll keep my eyes open for ideas.
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