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Everything posted by BillZ260

  1. VRJoe is right, and I am still thinking a jacket is best. While you are having it made, you might as well get removable sleeves and stuff like that for summer. Seriously! You can also then be a safe passenger and wear your jacket when you are in someone else's car. I can't believe you never wear a belt in another car! And if you say your luck isn't the greatest, then I would do what it takes to get this right. No one here wants to be the guy that asks... anyone heard from Matt lately? Good luck and be safe. I'll keep my eyes open for ideas.
  2. I think i remember another instance of this happening, did you try the search? If you must, you could use a come along, tie one end to a tree and pull...?
  3. What a crappy dilema you have!
  4. COOOOL! I like the front-end of that zish car! I want to see more stuff...
  6. Cool! Post some pics and share your 'personalization' with us.
  7. Hmm, lots to think about. I think if they say we are getting money back, we should expect it. But, since we won't be getting money back, they should, as you say, call it what it is. Then it should be constructed as such that when they take your moneies, taxes, ss, medwhatever, that's where it goes. Not over here for the arts or over there for the imigrants or whatever. It's got to be simple, straight forward and easy for everyone to understand. I am sure this WON'T happen any time soon and that MY money won't be spent on anything I'm told it's spent on so where does that leave me? "Davinci Code" is an awesome book, am a bit over halfway through... Oh, and I want to get back on the Z, anyone know how to easily remove about 1 full inch of saw dust safely?
  8. Does anyone know of a site with a very comprehensive list of truck bed dimensions, H W D, as well as the load ratings for each truck? I've been looking for a couple of weeks adn short of actuall contacting the manufacturers, I don't know if anything is out there. The info on ford, dodge, and chevy is NOT complete, they don't even list the same information from model to model.
  9. I know some guy's on here have mentioned before and I though I might try to get something started. Desktop Dyno is a cool tool, but for me, really lacks in that it doesn't supply possible parts numbers for the engine you spent all your time putting together on there. It would be VERY simple to add this to their software, and seems almost stupid for them not to hook up with Jeg's or Summit or similar to offer a partial or complete package of parts for their ideal engine. Once you settle on a 'design', you go to a parts list tab and select from different brands / prices that would fit your wants and budget. Maybe there could be a description of say the differnce in pistons from one company to the next to make a bit more informed purchace. This seems like a perfect scenario for all involved. Maybe I am missing something but this should have been done, at the very least 5-10, years ago. I don't know much about changing desktop dyno or anything about the calc's that it runs on but I would be willing to help set up the tables of parts that would plug into the end results. I am currently 'decent' at developing in access and am moving to sql stuff soon. Just seems like a kick *** tool for the engine builder newbies. Thoughts?
  10. ..... .....that is the sound of me running out the door to SEARS, by way of Harbor Freight Great list! Got most of the basics, and I am working on the rest...
  11. I think he would make a great online engine designer. Pick the right parts with p/n and set the machineing specs for the builder. Grumpies online engine building, I'd like a Grumpy Block. My thoughts for some time now! I think someone needs to put this together! Serious. Maybe I shoudl start another thread.... Grumpy, thanks for explaining the Difference, helped me alot!
  12. There is a definite need for reform. My main issue with the whole thing is that they SPEND the SS money we pay in on OTHER crap. It either needs to be a savings program for you so you can retire, OR they need to let us do whatever the hell we want with our money. I am not sure what the answer is but it's not what we're doing now. Polititians are tards...
  13. List your car for what you WANT for it, then if it sells in time to buy the other one, fate has taken care of the decision for you...
  14. I too am interested in this! Wondering if it's a good deal or if we should pc together something better for less...
  15. Cool stuff, with data logging and all...
  16. Das cool! Suspension looks alot like Z, maybe just really similar? Cool car!!!
  17. First thing is to take your time and lay out all your cuts. If you want alot of control (READ SLOW AND ACCURATE) use a snub hacksaw grip and a new blade. This hack saw only holds on to one end of the blade so you can get into tough spots. Take your time and you shouldn't have too much trouble. Dremel with the right cutter should work too but there is a bit more room for error if you don't have a steady hand. You can always cut inside the line and FILE the rest to fit. Just take you time...
  18. I'd take that pic first. Get a high res camera and you should be able to duplicate it fairly cheaply. Good luck, let us know what works...
  19. I'm with Tim. We shouldn't really judge just because their cars don't apeal to us. They are doing what they want and IF they can actually sell these things, more power to 'em. I am sure there are alot of guy's out there saying, them tards at HybridZ sure are excessive HP maniacs. I can't belive how dumb they are. Do we care? NOPE!
  20. Welcome to the board! Browse the Chevy section of the board, 'search' around a bit and I am sure you'll find lots of information and idea's for your project. If you still can't find waht you're looking for, be specific about the information you need, that will help us help you.
  21. I just sealed one up yesterday! Not like aux's or w/ lead but none the less it's fun...
  22. I like the first one, sans blue stripe. Do the BRE stripes but not in the red/blue, something more in TONE with the other colors your using. So they are a bit more suddle. Cool though!
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