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Everything posted by BillZ260

  1. do what john said and then put your aluminum around the steel for the look you want... Drax how much time / $$ you got in your experimental bar? What do you use to cut the steel plate. I have a 12" band saw, and a 4" grinder, and can borrow a welder, and was wondering if I could replicate what you have there...
  2. SO WHAT??? I personally think that would be great as long as it is secure. BUT, that information is ours, i think we own it, it should NOT be public unless we release it. AND if we release it we should get royalties... I have nothing to hide and data sharing is the future, it makes everything more efficient and...well...better. Maybe I am crazy, or maybe it's the fact that I am trying to build sharing tools here at work, but it's all good.
  3. Great work! I love that look and the 'style' of the lights and bezels match the car so well. I think that is due to the fact that they are from the same time period. Doesn't make the car look too modern. I have some other thoughts but I will start another thread on the MISC forum...
  4. Doh could be right, but. I heard or read somewhere that the girl wasn't the first to be injured by the drain and repeated requests to have the design changed were fruitless. SO, when a big, or little, company refuses to make somethign safer for kids or the general public F'em. I think there should be discussions and recomendations before you try and sue them but if lots of people can be injured and they don't care because they just want to make more money? By all rights that is a good law suit. BUT, I don't really know the facts in THIS case. Just saying that just because he made some people rich by sueing big companies doens't mean he is an ambulance chaser, they could all be legit and he was just really good at picking out ones that made him and his clients a lot of $$.
  5. Either way, the Heinz affiliates are a non issue...
  6. Could you post some more pics and resize them? Those were pretty small and it was hard to see the DETAIL!
  7. I thought the combo of Camo and Spoke wheels....well, they really set the car off...yeah...
  8. Two auto trans, i doubt if they are sync'd up that could be an interesting ride! I just want to HEAR it....
  9. Thats the is exactly what should make people realize that that partys and the paryt system is straight dung! ARGH!
  10. I thought you were serious Tim, and then it hit me once I saw your reply.... DOH!
  11. Would like to see a safety harness.... and Tara
  12. I don't really think over simplifying is fair. I am not a democrat and I certainly am not a Republican. These party lines need to be desolved and people need to make a movement that demans more choices. Each party line tries to paint the other as extremeists, which hurts us all by blurring the truth. I am probably a bit more to the left than right in the middle but I absolutly do not agree with ALL party line decisions. There is a happy medium somewhere. We need candidates that are specific about what they are going to do instead of making vauge promised that try to encompass all. There is no majority because the TWO parties break up the boundries between the different sectors in such a way that almost no one gets what they want. It seems that everyone is so hellbent on their one special issue that they loose focus on things that are REALLY important. I know we are all different, which is good, but I think we all need to step back and take a look at the BIG PICTURE and then start making decisions that make our country better for EVERYONE. I think I just realized something....I'm ramblin "DEMOCRATS" are people who think.."You honestly can't tell me that there are people out there that don't need help and others that can't afford to help." Yep, another oversimplification...
  13. The math club pretty much all agree on 23... I am not in a math club but math is my strongsuit as well as my wifes and college buddies. Discussed a bit and it fits.
  14. UM... are you trying out a new standup routine on us or...??? Good stuff, hard to nail the delivery with text thuogh
  15. Have a good and save trip...
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33701&item=7926600842&rd=1
  18. You're no fun And I hope you don't run around telling people that you need to get on the internets...
  19. TRUE... But neither does Mr. Bush Sorry couldn't resist
  20. Sorry if this is a repost but this story is just great!!! http://www.ubersite.com/m/41986 Any one else got a great story like this???
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