Ive never heard of that material and a quik search came up with nothing. If there is such an alloy, and it has similar properties to other std stainless's, then I will have to disagree with Bill's comment on high cutting speeds.Stainless should be machined/drilled at low rpm and with a fair amount of pressure. A coolant/lubricant should definaltey be used. The chips coloration will tell you if things are going well. If the chips are a nice silver ( no discoloration ) then your good. If they start to turn a goldish color your still ok. If they are blue/purple , your doomed. This means your turning at too many rpms and its getting too hot. This heat will work harden the spot and make it even harder to get thru.If this has happend, flip the part over and come in from the other side. You mentioned reaming. If by chance you dont have an existing thru hole and your trying to drill a hole larger than .25", you should put a pilot hole thru (1/8") prior to using the larger bit. Good luck.