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Everything posted by cygnusx1

  1. I need another one. I only have one. Good idea to put in a second one. Thanks.
  2. I tend to like the Blue/Silver two-tone S130 jobbies....but then again, look at my sig pic! lol
  3. The kid was so scared...he was clueless. Maybe he will look up from his cell phone in between texting each word from now on. God, I hate ignorance. My last words of advice as he left were, "learn to drive." When my brother saw the LED light strips I put on the headlights, he suggested putting them on the tail lights too...hmm. Maybe I should stop ignoring him!
  4. This one is too obvious....it's to dampen the Vibe. Seriously, It's probably a band-aid to fix NVH as said above.
  5. Damage is there but visually it's not bad. I am surprised that the body work behind the bumper is pushed in about an inch but the bumper is still relatively decent and from 20 feet it looks fine. Still, it needs to go back to perfect and HIS mom's insurance will pay for it. I'll post pics later. They have Gieco and I have Hagerty, I hope Hagerty works as my agent to make sure Gieco hooks me up properly. Anyone know how that works?
  6. ...and I was stopped at light, in my Z when a 17 year old cell phone toting, cowboy, hit me. Pushed in the upper, right of rear valence, twisted up the 240Z rear bumper, and cracked the paint on the body line, along the bottom edge of the tail panel. Wanted: Looking for a pristine, rear, early 240Z bumper that his insurance company can buy me. I will call Hagerty Ins. tomorrow to make sure this gets fixed RIGHT. The way it was before.
  7. That bugs me too. People that ask for advice but don't have the nads to admit they aren't going to do what you suggested. I don't mind as long as they have their own reason...but at least save me some breath.
  8. At least they left the oil cap hole there. That one is important!
  9. There are some but I can't fully say they do great work. It's tough to find anyone that will touch the Z cars around here.
  10. Another thunderstorm has just raised the humidity from 97 to 100% for the overnight....again! I swear I hear Monkeys and Toucans, outside! I just picked out my outfit for tomorrow....
  11. Severe storms at 5pm yesterday and woke up to severe storms at 5am today. Now it's dark, drippy, chilly with 100% humidity. Nice.
  12. Honestly, a few pieces of steel bar stock about 1-1/2 wide and 3/16" thick, a vice, hammer, drill, and you can put the bumpers exactly where you want. I started with original 71 front and rear brackets, I flattened them out and "re-fabbed" them to work on my 280.
  13. If you can get them, and got the $$$ ready...'70-'72 clean chrome is best. Fiberglass in satin black would be second choice. Either way, you will lose about 80 pounds, and it can be felt in the steering response. The "Biotch" is that darned spot welded lip over the rear bumper. That is going to need to be ground off and the tail resprayed. BTW I love that color. The pearl effect is awesome. The photo doesn't do it justice.
  14. I am convinced that the Northeast is now officially a rain forest. The slugs are getting HUGE. The frogs are everywhere, insects are taking over, indigenous trees are dropping leaves from too much rain. I bet I can start growing banana trees. Don't bother looking at the forecast. It's mostly cloudy with showers and a slight chance of brief sun, to raise the humidity levels. I have a tough time keeping the house from rotting. You know it's bad when the house rots faster than the Z!
  15. Turn the motor over a few times by hand and keep stopping at TDC on the crank pulley. When the front two valves are shut and the piston is up, you are at TDC. Eventually, you will see that the cam/chain marks will line up too.
  16. Open up, dry off, and lube the AFM and TPS connectors. Use a dielectric grease.
  17. That's funny! last night I was looking at Jim Bourke's "Russian Thunder". A radial powered trick plane, and thought, it would be neat to put a radial into a car. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php?u=486
  18. The carbon fiber stuff is going to go really well with that red. Red is such a cool color. Wait until you get the satisfaction of waxing and polishing the red. Red is the most satisfying color to polish.
  19. wild guess....11.5 ????? What's the prize for best guess?
  20. You can hardly hear mine idle or driving around casually,(as in the video above-Dr. Jekyll) but when you get on it, it roars. Here I am at Watkins Glen. (video below-Mr.Hyde) http://videos.streetfire.net/video/2005-National-Z-Car-1976_7008.htm
  21. First off...do a compression test to rule out a head gasket leak which is quite possible on a non-wastegate turbo setup over an N/A motor with little to no fuel enrichment. DETONATION PRONE! Ruling out a head gasket leak...it's an exhaust manifold gasket leak. Usually the first and last exhaust manifold bolts are loose. Now, to modernize, add a rising rate fuel pressure regulator, to add fuel under boost, and and a modest intercooler to curb pre-ignition. Run premium fuel. Other than that, NICE CAR!
  22. They were specifically looking at 2002. 2002 is the first year of the WRX model. I am not sure if the 2003 model has the same calipers. I think they were revised and I am not sure about interchangeability. Good point. I should have asked for 2003 calipers to test fit.
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