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Everything posted by cygnusx1

  1. EGO Control, Automatic Mixture Control, Autotune....? What is the difference? If I enable AMC, does that mean I am Autotuning? Or is Autotuning a separate thing that needs to be turned on to automatically to tweak the VE Table?
  2. "Learn to swim." Tool-"Aenima" Lyrics: http://www.elyrics.net/read/t/tool-lyrics/aenima-lyrics.html Mike, I take my motorcycles in the woods. Less a-holes, more potholes. I'll take potholes ANYday.
  3. It definitely depends on where you live, and the population density. When there is a ton of traffic, it is much more relaxing to hang right and take a chill.
  4. There are no straight roads here which makes it even more scary. He came out of a left hand curve that leads to a right curve, and kept going left.
  5. Finally, got around to making covers for the unsightly bumper shock holes. I had some sheet stainless laying around, so I busted out the tin snips and 3M VHB tape. Cheap, easy, and looks better than holes in the a$$.
  6. OK, cool, you can hit the spacebar and make a mark! Nice. I was grabbing my coat to get my wallet and it laid on the keyboard, it must have hit a key while it was logging.
  7. This is the second time this has happened to me. An oncoming pickup truck with a one handed, one eared driver, (cellphone) came COMPLETEY across the double yellow, dealing me the poker hand called the "head-on-collision". I had just washed the Z and took it for a dry spin. Fortunately it happened in front of a gas station that had no curb. I swerved HARD into the gas stations driveway and sneaked around the oncoming truck by inches. I was going about 45 and he was going about 30. Knees just stopped shaking. Last time, I was in the minivan with my family. BARELY,got out of that one too. Also, caused by a cell phone.
  8. I datalogged a drive today, when I viewed the log in MLV, there is a vertical red line in the time bar. When you get to that point in the graphs, there is a vertical red line that crosses all of the graphs. What is it? What does it mean? Thanks, Dave
  9. Nobody tailgates me. I drive faster than them. Seriously, I don't put myself into situations where I can't get out of someones way, wherever possible. I drive pretty fast but if someone want's to go faster than me, or is approaching me quickly from behind, it's either a cop, or someone that I am going to let by. I don't block. I hang in the right lane always, I'll go left to pass, and then back to right. If a moron happens to be tailgating me on a road with no passing areas, like a country road, I will typically slow down and add more time between him and I. 30 feet at 60mph is much shorter, timewise, than 30feet at 30mph. If I have to stop short, I don't want this idiot (usually on the phone) in my backseat. When I was younger, I used the handbrake technique on tailgaters. No brake lights and my car slows down. Now thinking back, that was certainly a wake up call for the tailgater, but a STUPID thing to do.
  10. Yup I used 6 bolts. I have no issues. The car has been EXCELLENT. Not sure if this is a bargain but I have dealt with this company a few times and they are reliable. NX2-HDSS/1 ACT Clutch Kit – Heavy Duty Pressure Plate with Performance Street Disc $385.00 1 $385.00 http://www.importrp.com/home.php
  11. Believe it or not, my wife was watching House Hunters on HGTV and called me over because she saw a Z in the guys garage. I watched the entire show and at the end, they showed it again. It looked like a perfect '77 or '78 light blue 280Z. It was in Fort Collins, CO. If it was your Z, good choice on the second house. Now go fix up that garage! Anyone here?
  12. IMHO: If your best guess is that you will be staying there for many years, refinance and continue to pay the original monthly bill of $2270. As long as the additional money goes towards priciple. I am no expert and I think each case is different. Read this as a counterpoint: http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Banking/HomeFinancing/DontRushToPayOffThatMortgage.aspx
  13. If you had all the flywheels handy you could just hang a weight off of a string wrapped around the OD of the ring gear. Then mount them on a free spinning spindle, let go of the weight and see which one unwinds the fastest. The fastest to unwind has the lowest MOI.
  14. It's really easy to calculate MOI if you have a cross section and material specs. I designed a machine to cut slats, from a wood-like material, with 32 skill-saw blades spaced 1" apart on a common shaft. There was no way that just the blades and motor were going to do it. I ended up calculating the required MOI to cut through each slat of material and added flywheels in between each blade that had enough energy to make the cuts without killing the motor and gear drives. The power required was to bring the blades back up to speed before the next slat. MOI is a basic calculation. Of course I would still need to go dig out one of my old, dusty textbooks to prove it.
  15. Another option is Chromoly. How's this for taking out weight where it counts! http://www.upgrademotoring.com/performance/jun/ltflywheel.htm or http://www.upgrademotoring.com/performance/jun/ultflywheel.htm
  16. My opinions. I have never driven a car with a light weight flywheel until I installed the 11lb Fidanza on my L28ET. What a difference. The rev matching is much, much easier during gear shifts. I was struggling to tune the MS with the large injectors to give good throttle response. All the hours of tuning didn't match the improvements I got with the flywheel. The Fidanza can take either size clutch. My car now responds as if it has ITBs', even with a single throttle plate. Go light. My daily driving launch point changed maybe 250rpms. I have never heard any members here complain about an aluminum flywheel failure of sorts. Just make sure you read the thread about using the Fidanza and bolt lengths. It's pretty much common sense. The light flywheel also changed the "sound/feel" of the engine. I can feel the firing pulses a little more in the cockpit. I like it.
  17. I doubt it's an oil issue. I would first suspect an oiling issue if mechanical or assembly flaws are ruled out. This hasn't been a recurring issue for you, I assume, so the likelyhood of it re-occurring on the next build, is slim. If it does re-occur, then we have two data points and can diagnose it much more accurately. Especially lately, I have learned that things are often more simple than they seem. Don't try to out-think the problem. Step back and go to basics.
  18. You can still make it. Use the patent as "assembly instructions". You just can't market it yet.
  19. Screw the glass, I'm wearing a helmet.
  20. You mean death insurance?
  21. I just had the glass replaced in my glass top patio table, which broke in a storm last Fall. This morning, my dad and I picked up the new glass and installed it. About an hour later, my wife, son, and I went out to get lunch in the Odyssey. 1/4 mile from the house and it was raining. We passed a ball field where there was a local league baseball game in progress. I was saying to my wife, why are they playing in the rain. As I finshed the word "rain" BAAAMM a hardball landed square into the glass moonroof of the Odyssey. We were doing about 40 and right away I knew what had happened. Good thing the shade was closed, which caught all the broken glass. Had to go back home and pull the Z out of the garage and into the rain so I could park, the no longer watertight, Odyssey inside. Insurance will pay in full, but what luck? As I cleaned the glass out of the sunroof, I noticed that the ball hit directly over my head in the drivers seat. Had the roof been open, I would have been in rough shape. Lucky, I guess Very weird.
  22. Young and Wise(ass) a rare combo?
  23. I am using the Walbro external pump, externally.
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