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Everything posted by 19762802+2

  1. Thats great, Glad to hear it, I bought a ton of parts today so I should be trying to start my car up in a few weeks. If you still need anything or want to trade that alternator for wheels or something let me know.
  2. Dang beat me too it, Even added in Gas shocks for an idea.
  3. You could possibly do a door that opens outwards and upwards you could make some kind of curved notched piece of metal or wood and a slot to rest it on to keep it open or use some foldable supports to fold down to prop up the door. If you kept the door light enough it wouldn't be hard too lift. You could do corrogated tin with a small wooden frame and cut out some half circle sections for windows or something fancy for windows to make it look nice. Also whenever you had the door open it would provide some shade outside the garage and shelter from light rain etc.
  4. The car looks awesome, I think some Gunmetal Rota RB's would look great with that color, but its up to you for your wheel choice. The paint looks awesome.
  5. I got to see a Kia soul at the Denver International Auto show, Pretty comfortable and also pretty cool, Have fun with it, tell us what you think of it sometime.
  6. I know how you feel, I'm 17 and I have a 76 2+2 I should have it on the road this spring after 4 years of working on it. Having an awesome job that pays really well also helps with that. I think its just some sports car drivers that have that mentality of flipping people off. My dad talks about this mustang driver he sees everyday on the way to work that flips him off everyday and speeds past him and my dad drives a 03' Ford focus ZX3. Its not the fastest car but its not the slowest I have taken a few ricers and some mustangs in the Focus its a fun car to drive.
  7. Congrats on getting it running, what was causing it not to run? I still have a few things left to do to mine till it runs or will be on the ground but it sure does feel better to have it running.
  8. I went up there on friday and he did have it hooked up and he said he did have it running so I'm sure this was just one of the first attempts. Another thing, Don't pump the gas when your starting it, you have Fuel injection and your most likely flooding it. Also when I was up there it wouldn't start anymore and there was a weird issue with the electrical that I couldn't figure out at the time. We connected the ground for the lights to see if they would work and after we tried the lights the injectors started clicking like mad in the On position and a slight electrical noise was coming from the distributor area.
  9. I removed mine on my car by doing the thread the bolt on suggestion a while ago and I had no problems, Though I think one may have been replaced at some time because it was basically rust free while the other had some problems. Maybe being that my car had been a stock track car may have helped keep things loose.
  10. You live in the springs? Sounds like you got a good deal on the 240z I live near Manitou send me a message sometime if you need some help on your Z, I have Fridays off work.
  11. That sounds like what I deal with almost everyday (Discount Tire Service tech).
  12. Hate to burst your bubble or steal your moment but your post is #401 haha.
  13. He got that stuff from me, I had Two 2+2's and I sold him my extra set of front fenders and hood. Its Looking good David once I get my car on the ground in the spring we should meet up for a drive in the mountains or something. Also sorry to hear about the Nova that really sucks I have work off tomorrow if you need me to drive up there and help you out no problem I can bring some parts if you need anything I have, Give me a call sometime. I have a spare Clutch cylinder if you need it too, You don't have to pay me right away if its a problem as long as you do sometime haha.
  14. My vw has a Solex, a tiny little solex haha, But otherwise I have owned it for only a few days and still getting to know it and all its little gadgets. Its pretty simple but if your talking about the electric automatic choke then yes I'm using it but otherwise not sure what you mean.
  15. That starts a lot better then my DD 73' Super beetle, Its not even cold here yet and I have to start it at least 4 times to keep it running. The Z sounds nice though, The paint looks great too.
  16. I don't think the owner knows anything about Z's either because the 260z never had fuel injection, Fuel injection was from 1975 and up and the 260z was only produced in america in 1974. Either you have a 1977 280z with fuel injection or you have a 1974 260z with carbs or possibly a motor swap.
  17. Well the 260z wasn't made in 1977 either So I'm guessing you mean 280z. I would do some searching their are plenty of threads on this site about costs of certain swaps etc etc. I think it would be best to develop your own opinion on the swap because the situation is different for everyone and everyone has their own wants for what they want their car to be, how can we decide if a engine is correct for you if we don't know what the purpose of that car is going to be used for? plus there are personal tastes in mind also. Just do some searching this site has been around for 10 years and is full of almost any information you could need.
  18. Some of the members can be smart asses at times but if you get an ignorant person or group of people coming to a site and not trying their very best to follow the rules after some time seeing it over and over gets a little old. There are threads where they have been helped out but usually they get shedded because the person didn't follow the rules such as correct grammar etc etc so some people don't usually bother. Most of the time if someone doesn't get their answer they will either 1. Ask again, hoping for a response or 2. Search while they are waiting for an answer and figure it out themselves.
  19. +1 I like the first choice they look awesome and a bit more unique.
  20. When I lived in some apartments one of the guys that lived their told me how big they were when he was in highschool and how his friend had one in college and the would go cruising around.
  21. I have a vapor tank from a 1975 280z if your looking for one, I'm not sure if it would bolt up like a 240z expansion tank, If I am right I don't think you really need it, I would do more research into that if I were you and your interested in not having one for simplicity/weight etc.
  22. Edit: Nevermind Looks like you already found the link to what I was talking about. Why not just do the upgrade mentioned in that link? It works and its a lot cheaper then trying to find and buy some of the OEM stuff.
  23. You could have searched Air dam and found your answer but Its a MSA or Motorsport Auto air dam, Check out their site and you will find it.
  24. Hey I recognize those fenders and that hood. nice to see the Z coming along Good luck with getting the wires situated.
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