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Everything posted by pete280z

  1. That's an interesting little hack. I was thinking about blocking doubleclick at my firewall. This solution would be much easier for folks that don't want to get into firewall configuration.
  2. It's happening to me in both Safari 3.2.1 and Firefox 3.0.5 on Mac 10.5.6. Still only this one ad from pricequotes.com. Popup blockers on or off yields the same results. Looking at the source, that ad is loaded from Google/Doubleclick. I'm willing to bet decent money that this line (from content loaded by the ad server) is causing the problem: This is not something that admins at HybridZ are in direct control of. Disabling Javascript would be a workaround, but you'd lose a lot of forum functionality in the process. Hitting tab 3 or 4 times when it loads would take the focus off the ad entirely and relieve the arrow keys issue. In any case, it probably won't be long before that ad's run of service is over.
  3. As an aside, in all likelihood the ad contains some javascript that works in Firefox and Safari but doesn't work in IE. That's not at all uncommon.
  4. Hey guys, I didn't mean for this to get confrontational. This post was intended as a heads-up in hopes that your ad network had a facility for reporting abusive or offensive ads. I never expected anyone to make my computer work with your website the way I think it should.
  5. Now I get it. You were telling me that instead of bringing up issues that affect the usability of the site, I should use zcar.com instead. As a web developer by trade I take usability issues on my sites very seriously and thought that the HybridZ admins would like to know about this one. One particular ad behaving badly is not a browser settings issue.
  6. Doc, maybe I'm just being dense here, but I don't understand your response.
  7. I haven't. I put it here because I'm under the impression that this is the preferred place to bring up this kind of issue.
  8. This ad has been driving me nuts today. Whenever it is displayed my browser immediately jumps to the bottom of the page (where the ad is showing up). Then it manages to hijack my arrow keys. Instead of scrolling the page, a select form element comes up with a list of vehicle manufacturer names in it. Is there any way to report this ad to the ad network?
  9. Do both! But not at the same time. Finish the 240z then start on the z32.
  10. 3.11 on my first try. Pretty cool "game"
  11. It is loud. And the best way I can describe the recoil is "snappy" compared to .40S&W. Those are the reasons I find it entertaining for range shooting. The P250 is worth a look if you're interested in multiple calibers in one gun. As far as DA vs DA/SA I'd say it's a matter of preference for a range gun. If I wanted a super durable pistol for daily carry I'd probably look at the Glock first between the two. I was looking for a range and home gun when I got the Sig. The grip was more natural for me so I bought that.
  12. When I was shopping for a .40 S&W I wound up with a Sig P229 in .357SIG. No failures to date and it's been a ton of fun at the range. My next range pistol will probably be a 9mm though. .357SIG gets expensive if you're shooting frequently.
  13. Have any of you guys given John a call to see what he has to say about that situation?
  14. For the MM s130 or z31 adapters (the billet parts) you're looking at $400 just for the adapters which doesn't leave a much in your budget for reman'ed axles. My plan is to drop the coin on the Wolf Creek parts unless something better comes up. Please let us know if you can find an all-new CV solution for $500-600. I'd be in line right behind you to buy it.
  15. Wolf Creek Racing makes a CV axle set up. A search should turn up some info.
  16. Very nice! That "mild" cam sounds pretty healthy.
  17. Sounds like things are on their way to getting better. Sometimes when life gets "real serious" you don't realize how serious it was until you get a chance to take a breather. Keep your head up and try take something from the experience. (Been there recently myself, different situation, and way off-topic) IMO, you're right to not want to put this on your family. We're the Internet, we can take it
  18. Wow, cool find! I was only dreaming and lurking on HybridZ back then. That version of the site inspired me to start a Z-car project. Years later, I'm _this_ close to having a drivable hybrid.
  19. Not all LS engine throttle bodies are wired. As far as I know, all F-Body LS1 engines are cable-actuated.
  20. Cable-X is the speedo solution that JCI uses for LS1 conversions. I'm sure you can find some experience with that around here.
  21. I'll admit that I know very little about P-cars (just what I can absorb from car magazine articles). I got the impression that the "Club Sport" designation was something rare in the USA. The 996/997 GT3 has always been something I've planned to own just as soon as I can afford to do so responsibly. Shoot maybe if I'm doing that well I'll spring for one of those turbocharged models you're having so much fun with.
  22. The only one in the US? In that case I don't know what I'd do exactly, but I'd do it very, very carefully.
  23. That sucks Phil. Doesn't look like it will be too bad to fix...
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