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Everything posted by pete280z

  1. Ain't it cool? The past couple of months have been like Christmas with all of the boxes coming in the mail. I've got a decent sized pile of parts on my bench awaiting the conversion. It will be even better once I can get working on the thing next week. I really wanted to do the rb swap too, but decent 26'es were tough to find and objectively the LS1 makes so much more sense. The straight-6 song will be missed, but the v8 grumble ain't shabby
  2. +1 on calling them. They've been pretty good about taking care of problems for me in the past.
  3. Sweet car and great write up. How do you like the 224R? I've got my eye on the 224R or 228R w/114LSA.
  4. I know you asked about donor cars, but if you decide to go the pull out route, check out HP Salvage in San Antonio. It was worth the drive from DFW. http://www.hpsalvage.com/
  5. Cool purchases. Post pics when you get a chance. I'm intrigued about that A8L.
  6. Has anybody contacted JTR or Sanderson about this issue? I've got a set of the ceramic coated JTR headers on order. Seeing this is making me a little weary.
  7. Thanks I don't mind the difficult parts one bit, but it does make for a lot less time in the garage. Enjoy the show. I'd put this year's show up there with last years', which I though was great.
  8. Hey Josh - I don't have a lot to add but it's cool watching you dig in and make progress. Can't wait to see that stroker on the road.
  9. Sounds like a really great night. Our boy was born 4 months ago so "our" Z is still languishing in the garage mid-project. Looking forward to when we can do the same. We did get a night out yesterday to catch the Rush show. By your user name I'm guessing you might be doing the same later this tour.
  10. On my 75 I have the 20" hard line installed straight. It fits and is functional, but I'm not really happy with the way it comes together. Next time the car is apart I'll be bending up new lines for a more factory-like fit.
  11. I had a hunch it was a significant effort. Well worth it though. I can't get over how cool that is.
  12. Very, very cool. Can any PS experts take a guess at how many hours went into the post-processing for something like this?
  13. If you're not sectioning your struts, you won't need to remove or cut the spacers on the bottom of the rear shocks.
  14. In that case I'd consider getting a 2002 or 2003 Ford Focus ZX5. My wife had the ZX3 and the only reason we sold it is because the baby seat just wasn't going to work with the 2 door. That Focus was extremely reliable and parts have been surprisingly cheap. The only problem I ever had with it was a hole in the PCV hose at about 110,000 miles. 30-31 mpg highway with the AT.
  15. 4 door GTI was added for 2007 I think. I have had a few people accuse me of dressing up a Rabbit to look like a GTI though.
  16. Are there any pictures of that Accurate Injection setup installed on an LS1? I haven't been able to dig one up.
  17. We bought a 2007 VW GTI for my wife about a year ago. The only options on it are floor mats and iPod adapter (6 speed manual). Vortex people would call it a pkg0 car. It gets 33.5 actual mpg on the highway. We really only looked at VW because I had a chance to get an outstanding deal and we needed something for her with 4 doors. I have been really impressed with this car. Build quality seems very good. It has much better power than the 2000 Focus ZX3 it replaced and it gets better gas mileage.
  18. The one I bought about a year ago has the word "treadstone" in raised letters. It appears that it was part of the casting, like the one pictured in the link in the first post. That's not to say definitively that the ones in that ebay link are fakes. Manufacturing processes can change at any time obviously.
  19. Scott - I had exactly the same problem with the parts stores here. It was as if they heard "metric" and their brains shut off. Eventually I just asked if I could go back with them and look at the rack. I was able to pick out what I needed almost immediately.
  20. The one I've got is a Treadstone, or at least that's what's cast into the end tanks. I might be able to get my hands on a similarly sized Spearco (or whatever brand Corky Bell used to sell) to make a comparison later this week.
  21. You can get those Treadstone intercoolers on ebay for significantly less than retail. I bought the TRV185 from a seller named Vecco Performance for $200 shipped. The auction does not list the brand name, but you can tell what it is from the photos.
  22. Hopefully BG will deliver the results that you guys expect. I couldn't be happier he's gone. Turgeon is doing great stuff with our team. Sounds like you're getting advice from people with more C++ experience so I'll duck out of the conversation now.
  23. Ah, gotcha. I don't remember the API well enough to give specific advice. Could you use getline and then split the line into an array of the individual entries using another method? Clyde AKA Billy Clyde Gillispie
  24. I'm a programmer, but it's been a long, long time since I've used C++. Algorithm-wise this is a pretty easy problem. Solve it in baby-steps. First read the line and calculate the average. Then generate the CSV. Finally add in the "Above/Below" comparison. PS - I see you're at UK. I'll try not to hold your association with Clyde against you (Texas A&M grad here).
  25. Tuned in last night and was glad I did. What a cool effort! I really hope they pull this off. They've taken a very significant risk and it would be cool to see it pay out.
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