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Evan Purple240zt

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Everything posted by Evan Purple240zt

  1. That picture is SOOOO old, but still makes me laugh. Evan
  2. Okay I see where you may be having trouble. Is the welder setup for gas or gassless? Was the PO using it as mig gas sheilded? If so the polarity is backwards for straight wire welding. Evan
  3. Sounds like austrailian rice to me!
  4. Also, a good weld bead sounds kinda like bacon frying. Just a hiss/sizzle. Not poppy sounding. Evan
  5. I bought one of these awhile back, had to search ebay to find it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&viewitem=&item=150216583279 It has the second set of contacts for the alternator field wire. Evan
  6. You guys clearly failed reading comprehension. He said he could do whatever letter number combo you want.
  7. If you want the more conventionally mounted shifter, use a z31 turbo tranny. Thats what I have. Evan
  8. The roof is a structural part of a zcar, I would definitely not do gullwings without a cage. That said, you end up with a cage LOL.
  9. In the united states it makes absolutely no sense to mod an RB26dett transmission to fit due to lack of availability. If you happen to need another trans for some reason they are not all that easy to find. I have a z32 trans in my car, but mines an S14. Do what you want, but when making your decision remember that your creating a setup based on a transmission that you can't call a salvage yard for. Good luck! Evan BTW, search google for the images. Its been along time since I saw those pictures.
  10. Keep your surfaces clean! Make sure there is nothing to contaminate the weld on the front or backside. I have burned through paint before but the welds go on much easier with prepped metal. Don't be afraid to use heat. Error on the hot side if you have to choose, and adjust your wire feed and the speed at which you move accordingly. I agree with the helmet, make it so you can actually see the weld. That makes every difference in the world. Wire wheel the weld when your done and it will look much better too. Evan
  11. http://www.rawbrokerage.com Ricky runs that joint, he is on another forum. Ross machine is now making sweet harmonic dampers. Evan
  12. I used the pinout from the stock RB body harness and the stock 240sx harness and wired them together on my living room floor. That gave me a plug and play harness that I thankfully got right the first time. Its pretty easy. Evan
  13. That transmission weighs about a billion pounds. If you already have the 26 bellhousing pull it and use a z32 trans.
  14. Joel, I was having that problem at DNI... I couldn't get boost where it needed to be. Turns out my W/G spring was too weak and my boost controller could not hold it closed. I suspect you may have a similar problem. Evan
  15. Nice, oddly enough I searched one day for floor jack information and grumpyvette popped up from another forum. Way to help a guy out, and you didn't even know it! Evan
  16. You used lacquer? Wow. Not sure, you are supposed to wet sand typical paints within 24 hours of full cure for ease of sanding. Evan
  17. There is no way in hell its going to fit without modifications of rediculous extremes. Evan
  18. JoAnn fabrics stocks headliner material along with some real nice quality vinyl. Saves you having to buy large quantities when a yard will suffice. Evan
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