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Evan Purple240zt

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Everything posted by Evan Purple240zt

  1. I did the swap in 2005 with the z31t trans. I used the tail housing from the z31. I have a z32 trans lying on my floor awaiting installation. The z31t trans has whined since day one! Its just getting worse, so time to swap again. Hopefully this one is fine. Evan
  2. Wierder things have happened. Just remember, if someone knows there is a lojack they will likely almost destroy the car trying to find it. If they can't find it your golden. However you get back a trashed car! 20k in a motor? seems like a car that some folks may take a gamble on! Evan BTW; LoJacks are only installed by lojack installers! Make sure you trust your installer.
  3. IMO lojack is only useful if nobody knows you have it. I would NOT be posting that up on a public forum. Just trying to help you keep your ride safe.
  4. You can also use an RB26dett bellhousing. Thats what I have on my Z31t transmission! Definitely grab it!!! Evan
  5. If thats the case, your already on the right track! Good luck with your project buddy. Evan
  6. You say its a half inch dent with surface rust? You really don't have to replace the panel if you don't want to. I would recommend pulling the dent back out with a stud gun (welds studs to the panel, then pull it out). Clean off all rust with a grinder loaded with a flap disc. Treat with por 15 or rust bullet, and a thin coat of filler and evercoat final glaze. Would be about a million times easier then cutting/replacing the panel. You will almost certainly warp the panel badly with a welder. Evan
  7. Big-Phil. A couple years ago my buddy Joe had TWO of those AND his new 600cc yammy motorcycle stolen out of his garage. We both know the thief, and he is serving time. The "50s" were never recovered. Evan
  8. I love those ads. Its like the acne commercials when the before shot is after a night of binge drinking and after is post professional makeup. Those cars are not even comparable to begin with. Clifton, I do love your car though.
  9. Oh I guess I missed the boat. I didn't realize that was with assembly. Still a huge boatload of cash.
  10. 10k?? Not a chance I would pay that. I love the L motor as much as the next guy but wow! Isn't 120/hour kind of high? Not totally sure on that one but my machine shop used to charge me about half that. Evan
  11. I totally understand what your saying. The same frontal opening, with the back of the duct, say for example, covering the entire radiator OR half of it. If you don't build the duct to cover the entire frontal area you are losing out on cooling capacity. You will only be cooling half the rad, and its harder to force the same amount of air through half the fins. Evan BTW, did anybody read this thing about ducting in Maximum boost? Basically said as long as frontal area is 25% or more then the back of the duct you are still gaining efficiency due to the air not bouncing off the front and going around the sides.
  12. Hopefully it remains intact long enough for someone to see it. I can't Imagine stealing that setup to part it out, but maybe stick in a container and ship somewhere maybe?? Evan
  13. Good call using the RSX seats, I am leaning twoard an OEM type solution because they tend to be a bit cheaper and the quality is there. Those seats must be heavy with all the side airbag stuff still in them! I would be hooking up the heaters here in WI! BTW, the fit and finish on the DAD seats is actually pretty nice. Its just a safety thing for me. Evan
  14. I respect you for admitting your limitations. Ending up with a snarled mess of wires will be a headache for the rest of the time you own your car!! Evan
  15. How can you not know the difference between pink and salmon? lol Uhh, cheezo. I bought my mom a tool kit from ace hardware for christmas. Its full of quality manly stuff. None of this fru-fru BS! Quite the marketing ploy I must say. Evan
  16. Or blow apart! Should be fine if you keep a close eye on it though. Your welds look very good though!
  17. Nice to know that someone appreciates the fact that I can be a total jerk. LOL. Evan
  18. Maybe its a different one. This one has some age on it. The diaphragm side leaked, and gave me low vac. in my intake. Evan
  19. I had a turbo XS bov with the sliding piston. Do NOT buy one of these. That piece of crap leaked like mad! Just wanted to give heads up. I have an SSAC intercooler. Quality is very good for the money. I suspect I could spend way more and not get anything besides a name. Evan BTW, I think this BOV is right up my alley. I already have a tial wastegate but my clone HKS is a piece of crapola. I was told it was a real ssqv but I dont think so.
  20. Garrett76zt's car broke down in alabama for the same reason. Engine would stumble and die when the clutch was pressed in. That was a fun find in the middle of nowhere!! Evan
  21. Carfax it!!! You may get some indication as to what happened to it.
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