Here's the deal with Optima batteries, according to my buddy who is the head of batteries for Johnson Controls. I had awesome luck with my red top Optima, which is in my buddy's 510 and he swaps it out when he runs it in his Datsun Roadster. That battery is over 10 years old and still works great. It has been totally drained flat many times and ways charges back up and works just fine.
Now, here's where things went bad. My friend at JC said that when they acquired Optima, they saw that they build the Optima with at least twice the cell materials really needed, so they cut back materials to what they figured was the minimum needed and called it good. Hence, quality of the batteries was dramatically reduced and we've seen a few bad red top come through the shop. I hope my yellow top is still good once I put it into my car, as it has been sitting for 2 years. I put the charger on it, but ya never know.
I've had several friends use the Odyssey batteries with good luck. Guess it's a "luck of the draw" deal these days.