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Everything posted by tannji

  1. I don't remember the year but I think any year will work. Mine are pretty cool. They are leather and have speakers in the seat backs. Do a search under my name and miata seats. You should find a lot of information. Thanks for that.... I will probably go with miata seats.... when they become necessary, have a lot to do before then. BTW, I asked you this once before, but it was in an old thread, you may have missed it.... You were in UTX and in EOL now? UT name escapes me, Fei perhaps? your current nic suggests Unreal Tournament, and the avatar is the same as a player there..... kinda funny if so.... I suspect the datsun interest will outlive the UT addiction. Anyway, back on topic, thanks for the feedback on the Miata seats. tannji
  2. do you remember what year miata? the ones I have seen looked ok and were fairly comfortable....
  3. Hey there.... Where is this gallery? I am about to start my own underside resto, would really like to see pics, and most especially of your car. Has there ever been a more completely modified streetable Z? lol.
  4. Excellent kill.... I take it this wasnt in the 3.0 daily driver.....
  5. here is a better site for the various products. I am looking at Rustgrip, Supertherm, Superbase, and Hot Pipe Coating. http://www.supertherm.net/home.htm The interesting thing about Supertherm, aside from its heat control, is that it can reflect sound waves, causing up to a 50% decibel reduction. Not a good thing for the inside of a car with a High-end stereo, but interesting for the undercarriage.
  6. Hey Jeff, Nathan here, in Davenport. I have a 240Z with 350 TPI and 700R. Runs nice, good mpg... but there are just enough minor issues with wiring and body that I plan on stripping the body, and redoing or refreshing the majority of it. (not to mention that the body is painted the oddest, ugliest rootbeer with a hint of purple... probably the reason it didnt get vandalized over the winter, while my old Subaru did.) I am also going the LS1 route, altho I am up in the air over the tranny. I really need to drive a F body with the T-56 to see if I like it. I also need to find a rotisserie very soon.... or have one made. where is Homestead? I am not too familiar with the area, have lived here for a couple years, but havent gotten out much. Local yards are a waste of time tho.
  7. Just out of couriosity, now that I have the means to start the work on my Z..... are there any other hybridZ types or even purists in my area? I live in the Quad Cities in Iowa, right on the Illinois border, and not too far from Wisconsin. I wouldnt mind seeing some other Z's this summer, as I have yet to see one single S30 on the road in this area.seen a few ratbox 84/85 300's, and a few 280ZX's, but none older than 79. For that matter, any construction types in the area? I am leaning towards knocking down my single car, detached garage (circa 1924) in favor of a 2 car plus workshop. I drink good beer and drive a mean BBQ..... lol
  8. tannji

    Steven segal

    I used to manage camera stores with 1 hour labs, and had quite a few celebrity run-ins... also sold quite a bit of electronic merchandise to Shannon Sharpe, of the Denver Broncos, back when I worked for Radio Shack. My favorite was during warmups for a Foosball tournament (table soccer). We were playing some warmup games when Dante Bichette walks in. (right or center fielder for the Colorado Rockies) It had been a topic of some discussion that Dante was a pro caliber Foos-baller. He stood around watching for a bit, then threw down some quarters for the next game. When he was up, he kinda looked around, needing a partner. He looked my way first, and for some reason I just walked up, as if I was supposed to be his partner.... to the dismay of the other hopefuls.... lol Turns out he was a decent player, but by no means pro caliber. We sweated out a win, but the legend grew... now quite a few people were there when "Dante kicked the shit out of some of the local talent". Nice guy, took a beating for lack of fielding skills, and an ever increasing waist-line.... 2 things I have in common with him now, lol.
  9. When I get to the body-restoration phase on my Z, I will be trying out some products from this site: http://www.superiorproductsusa.com/supertherm.html I have talked to the owner several times, and read documentation on many real world applications. Seems like the real deal.... but once again, weight would be a factor for some. There are multiple products on that link, makes for very good reading, not to mention it isnt quite as costly as some of the other products mentioned here. The underlying tech was developed and implemented by nasa, and is under consideration by the US Navy for fire-barrier doors. (jet fuel fires are a serious concern) If I recall correctly, this product stood up to temps in the neighborhood of 2000 degrees for a surprising amount of time. I also hear that a variant is in developement for exhaust applications.
  10. And to think I was about to buy a welding rig and take a couple of classes..... you are only a few hours from me, want some business?? Awsome work dude!! You will have to post a WMP file of the exhaust note when you get it finished, lol.
  11. Newbie question here.. does it make any difference whether or not the individual pipes are of equal length between the flange and the collector? It seems like some of the custom pipes I have seen went to considerable trouble in their routing to achieve that, but I never knew how much of an affect it would have. tannji
  12. Wow, take a couple days off, and I miss this whole thread....! lol, probably best I did, or you all would most likely be unified and shouting at me I saw some great points made here, and some pretty funny inaccuracies as well. No, I wont point them out, `cause I like you all and want to keep it that way = ) However, one of the stronger points made here was that (paraphrasing) this country was not specifically founded on religeon, but it was founded with the intent of keeping government out of religeon. (Back then, religeon of some sort was pretty well taken for granted. It was also assumed by most that that religeon would be christianity.) While many of our current traditions seem to be rooted from our founding, many came much later, as pointed out earlier. I have gotten into several conversations/debates with my girlfriend over various issues pertaining to Catholicism, and the origins of certain beliefs, practices, or traditions. Her 7 year old was playing on the computer in the next room during one such conversation. He has since raised holy hell with his Nun/religeon teacher at his catholic school, quoting me practically verbatim to support his positions. Fortunately ( or unfortunately, depending on whether or not you are catholic, lol) I was pretty much quoting the bible when I questioned some the the issues. Three different sets of parent have since called us to tell different versions of what happened that day, but they all agree on two points: Many of the Nuns answers boiled down to "because the Holy Father talks to God, and tells us so", and finally: "We will discuss this further later" Of course that has not happened. I further aggravated things at a parent/teacher meeting when I commented on how hot the school was at 7:00 at night. The teacher innocently replied that it was much worse during the day. My big mouth blurted without consulting me, and pointed out that the Church across the parking lot was air-conditioned 24/7, and used a few hours a week, but the school, (which is busy cutting programs and increasing both tuition fees and demands for donations) regularly exceeds 85 degrees. Since that time, it seems that the 7 year old has over-night become a problem child, altho they are usually weak on details. I think it is all pretty funny, but it definitely points out and supports the need for separation of church and state, perhaps beyond any level that the Founding fathers could have anticipated. There is a need in our society for both government and religeon, but like certain bodily functions, the two should be kept in separate rooms, so to speak. I know that gets a little vague, but I dont really want to offend one belief system over another.... I personally am not an atheist per-say, but I definitely share a mistrust of any major denomination's beliefs or traditions. I spent too long as a kid studying history and religeon, and know the origins of too many of those beliefs and traditions. well, I typed too much again, lol... would love to know how that PM debate is progressing = )
  13. yeah, well.... we work with what we are given.... and an awful lot of the income comes from my girlfriend's childcare business, which is run out of the home. None of the places we looked at with nice garages or room for me to build had what she needed for her business. So now I get to design one mother of an efficient small garage. I am going to put in a driveway with a car shelter, so the garage will be all mine.... just slightly less grand than it would be at the other house. Oh well, ya win some, and ya punt some... lol tannji
  14. That was the original plan, but the house that we just bought (instead of extending the original) is on a very small plot.... and has no room for an attached. So I am stuck with expanding the 1 1/2 car detached already there.... Just have very little room to expand into, lol. Oh well, the original house cost 80K, the new one is 125K, still cheaper than what the garage would have cost on the old house, let alone the extension to the house proper. tannji
  15. I suspect that the amount of ash and particulate matter that the Yellowstone volcano would eject into the atmosphere exceeds by orders of magnitude anything that Mt. Pinatubo is capable of. We have documented beyond a shadow of a doubt mass extinctions in the planetary record. Mount St Helen's eruption was a "Large" event, and deposited ash across the country, as well as affecting weather patterns measurably around the world. Yet that eruption would be an insignificant pimple on Yellowstone's re-occuring events. The event and its affects are bordering on the inconceivable. I doubt that there would be very many survivors on the North American continent, and I doubt that life would be even remotely normal anywhere else. I was wondering where it had been documented that nuclear winter had been proven invalid? I spent some time in the Navy, (Nuke Sub school) and have some familiarity with the concept. To my knowledge, most of the opinions opposed to the concept of Nuclear Winter were under the umbrella of the Military Industrial Complex = ) Nuclear winter as caused by weapon usage is extremely unlikely in actuality. However, the factors that make it unlikely, ie; detonation of the majority of the nuclear arsenal, are outweighed by the power of another Yellowstone eruption, which would make the "might" of our arsenal look lilliputian in comparison. tannji
  16. well..... Garage plans just got realigned and adjusted to real world specs.... bought a new house instead with a tiny single car detached.... and not a lot of room for expansion. Now the exercise will be to tear down and make as efficient as possible. I am thinking 2 car, with attached "shed, that I can wheel larger tools and appliances in and out of... with the garage as working area. Sigh..... the dream was nice, till the woman drove by the open house. tannji
  17. What was that about nuclear winter proven false??? tannji
  18. good link, Gramer.... tho it would be a 4-wheeled chair, that you need to determine if it will have a full fuel tank, where you are sitting on it, whether it will be left turn only, and make sure the the floor is level, and the wheels are all correctly inflated..... lol wow, lotta info.... mostly not needed unless you are going competitive, or are completely ANAL.... now I just need to decide how competitive and anal I am going to get, lol thanks for the steer... tannji
  19. IM gonna go read the link... mind explaining how it adjusts corner weights and the pro's and con's of that? tannji
  20. Its a great deal for someone who is thinking the same thoughts you were when you built it, and who doesnt want the joy/heartache of doing it themselves. 15 large is a lot of dough to most people, and too much for most to spend on a car that isnt streetworthy, even within the wide definition of street worthy that most of us here use. (part of being streetworthy kinda demands that your car not challenge the manhood of every police officer in your state.... ) I think many of us would love to have it as an extra toy.... but not at that price.... which puts you in the familiar position of wondering if you will get an acceptable fraction of what you put into it back out. I wonder if you would have better luck advertising in a site more "drag-centric"? Goodluck eitherway.... I think that if I ever go that extreme on a car, I will prepare myself beforehand on not ever seeing the money again. tannji
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