Some more progress to report today. I explained to my wife how I couldn't get the rear quarter body line straight and she came up with a pretty damn good idea. She suggested I use tape to mark the line and then sand up to the tape. I had to remove most of the primer for that quarter to fix the body line. I took her suggestion and it worked really well. Then I sprayed primer again, and paint. The first coat of paint I thinned 80/20 with Acetone, and this was not thin enough. Not knowing WTF I am doing, I went ahead and sprayed the car, but the paint was really rough. I went back and wetsanded most of the paint off and cleaned off the surface, but I had a lot of dust around.
Like an idiot I used my air gun and blew off the surface and then repainted with a 60/40 mix of paint and Acetone. Apparently blowing off the surface with compressed air is a bad idea because my next layer of paint had quite a few fisheyes. Much wetsanding later (just about took the whole coat of paint back off, I talked to a friend who has done some paint work before and he suggested I clean the surface before I shot the next coat. I didn't have any of the special solvent that he uses, so after the wetsanding was done I just wiped down the surface with Acetone and then sprayed the coat shown in the pictures here. This coat which was 60/40 as well layed down really flat. There is some dust in it since I didn't bother to make a booth, but it will come out with some wetsanding fairly easily. This layer looks REALLY good. I'd say that the part of the car that is currently painted looks a hell of a lot better than the old paint job that was on it. Granted, I got severely butt raped on the last paint job and the paint was cracking under the clear coat where the clear wasn't flaking off, there were runs in it, etc. But this really does look presentable.
After rolling the interior, I'm glad I sprayed the exterior. Now that I know which is my ass and which is the hole in the ground, I'm confident that I can do the rest of the car with a minimum of drama and do-overs.
Here are a couple pictures: