Scottie mentioned BOLT ONS, treefr85 is talking about TimZ's engine, which has a lot more than bolt ons. I think Scottie is right though, 350whp out of the stock L28ET longblock is not hard to do.
The main difference that I can see is going to be driveability. If you're pushing the boost to get max hp you're probably going to have a big turbo on there, and as a result you'll be "suffering" from turbo lag. Might not matter in a drag race situation and some people actually like the feeling of the turbo kicking in, but for a daily driver or even more so in an autox or road course car I'll take the NA V8 that makes 400 hp over the L28ET that makes 400 hp anyday. I have never seen a fast turboed Z at an autox. That doesn't mean they don't exist, just that I haven't seen them, and I've seen probably more than 10 of them now both VG30 turbos and L28ETs. What that means to me is that it's hard to make a turbo Z as fast as an NA Z at an autox.
If you're comparing boosted to boosted, I'll take the V8 running 5 psi that makes 400 hp vs the L28ET that runs 20 psi to make 400 hp anyday (in terms of driveability). Bigger the turbo, the worse the lag has always been my experience, and I've driven quite a few turboed cars, including some pushing 20 or more psi.