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Everything posted by violacleff

  1. OK, so after 3 unsuccessful attempts at installing the tranny properly, I finally bit the bullet and took it to a tranny shop. They fixed installed the proper t/o bearing collar, I drove the car home which is less than a mile, and parked it for 3 weeks at my parents (I live 50 miles away). Today I come back for dad's b-day and drive the z to the mall and notice that the turbo's not boosting or spooling. I have an oversized t-bine housing, and was just cruising so I didn't pay it much mind. On the way home though I started hearing "clink clink clink" (kinda like bb's in a tin can) noises from the motor, and thought oh crap there's goes the motor. However when I pulled off the freeway and looked at the engine bay I noticed that the oil return line was bolted inbetween the tranny and the block, pinched like a water hose! So my guess is the turbo was starved for oil and what i'm hearing is the bearings. Is this a correct diagnoses? And how would you handle this with the tranny shop? I plan to take pictures of it and for my records. I don't want them to screw with it since they are tranny guys, and I myself don't want to pull off the turbo and what not since I don't know what I'm doing. Is it right to ask them to pay to tow it to my mechanic to dianose the problem?
  2. Man its too bad it's so hard to fit one into an s30. Do you suppose a 480rwhp vg30det swap in an s30 would be cheaper than an RB25/26 with the same power?
  3. Man, suddenly the rb26 swap doesn't seem so expensive anymore
  4. Yes. I think after tax it all came to about $1400 exactly, and they have great customer service.
  5. I have haltech and it rocks. Had vildini set it up for me, and they loved how simple it was to wire. Look for a company called speed options (I think) in SD. They have the cheapest price. Here is they're number 760746 3117. It will actually cost less than or same as a microtech from these guys $1250 for everything.
  6. There's a reason noone does the vg30dett swap. Its way too hard to fit in there. I've only seen one completed, and godzilla has been working at his for how many years now? That being said, I'd like to know how much less difficult the swap would be with a single turbo on it.
  7. hmm I must have missed that Jmortensen. I never touched the rears so I never thought of it myself. I really don't know how to adjust the rears. I'm guessing this is a simple task the local brake shop can handle? One of my biggest problems is that the pedal goes in further than the throttle, causing me to hit the throttle when i'm trying to brake. Is this another symptom of badly adjusted drums?
  8. I posted this in the faq, in response to the "stock brakes are just fine," and it wasn't allowed there. I know most people say this so i'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. I just replaced the rotors which were warped, bought some performance pads from MSA and recently put in a brand new booster and also have ss brake lines. After all this, the car still barely stops. I mean its pathetic, even at low speeds, its just super soft. What else am I missing here? Master cylinder is also in good shape.
  9. Well since an l28et can't get that much power, will an RB26 or V8 fit? And does someone make a kit for it? Can I do it for under 2k?
  10. OK so I just intalled brand new rotors, brakes pads, and have stainless steel lines, and you know what? My brakes suck! I also have a brand new booster. I mean the braking is waaay soft and takes forever to stop. I used some perf. pads that MSA sells that was supposed to be an improvement over stock. Is there something else I need to look at? Is there an adjustemnt to tighten the brake action or something?
  11. I'm waiting for someone to buy my motor so I can get an rb 25 Seriously though, this section has been quiet for a while.
  12. Car looks sick bro! BTW, unless you're going to make a significant amount of money, I wouldn't move to England. I've been there 3 times and its boring as all heck. Its a great place to visit and see the sites, but then its time to come home. Of course I'm from So. cali, which is quite different from tx.
  13. Hey btw, my friend had an increbidle chromoly cage built in OC for his eclipse. It was supposed to be legal for 8's. If your interested I'll get the shop's name for you.
  14. Hey I want it. I don't live that far from you. I'm expecting low 11's whenever I fix this clutch slave prob.
  15. hmm will a t3 turbine be sufficient to get you into the 11's?
  16. So is this the fate to be expected if any turbo fails? I know your's wasn't turbo failure, but say your turbo falls apart after so many miles, will it crunch up the motor like this?
  17. Did this happen to your stroker block/pistons?
  18. Well that was the case before. I gave it a little more play and it was fine this time, though not much. There's no way in hell i'm pulling this tranny off again, thats for sure. I'm going to try and take a bolt, and make a longer rod out of it and see if that works. Right now its at the tranny shop. I doubt they'll figure it out though.
  19. Well after zipping up and down the street for 20 minutes with a big smile on my face last night, it turns out I did all that work for nothing. This morning, the clutch slave busted again on the way to the gas station. So the car's getting parked for a looong time now. I'm out of ideas, funds, and time to work on it anymore.
  20. Dangit! I was going to do the reverse light, since I broke the wires anyway, but something didn't seem right about it! Anyway, my somoan z brother around the corner came over and got it right off! I took the drain plug off my last tranny and installed it as a fill plug for this one. In the future I can use a 1/2 in breaker instead of a 17 wrench. BTW I got her running again last night.
  21. I forgot to take the fill plug off while the tranny was out. Now its impossible to get it off. Is this a possible alternate way?
  22. So would this one here be a direct swap for my stock housing?
  23. I don't know what tangetial means. So I'm not sure whether or not that would work for me.
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