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Everything posted by stony

  1. I will proabably get slammed for this but oh well. i used a simliar one to this and it has supported 700WHP!! Yes it may not be AS efficient as a 1500.00 intercooler. and it may be a tad heavier but you cant beat it for 150 bux. I cut the ends on and had really tight 90s welded on to point right at the holes in the core support. fits pefiect. I didnt use this exact vendor so you need to look around but i think they are all pretty much the same. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Universal-30-5x12x4-Turbo-FMIC-Aluminum-Front-Mount-Intercooler-3-0-Inch-/200690978216?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item2eba1d4da8
  2. My only input to this is if your looking to cut cost by using the stock rb25 intercooler then why do the swap. The money spent on a FMIC setup is just a drop in the bucket compared to all the other stuff to do it right....Besides the rb25 intercooler looks like an oil cooler.
  3. My friend if you read all the stickies your answer will be found. reading all the stickies may also un cover more questions that the search button will answer. 1. I'm sure someone has but dont know anyone personally. 2. 10K+ for a true swap with all required upgrades. 3. if the car dosnt have a motor no better time to do a swap. 4. Too many differences to list here. you will need to search that one. wikipedia has a lot of good info.
  4. Hey man sent you a PM on Ratsun, your inbox is full on here.

  5. Copy not sure you could call mine a street car. Not sure i could really get more then 2 miles without getting pulled over ;> Mine has plates on it specifically for a class i was running in alaska. Only plan on driving on the road if a specific class mandates it.
  6. Another reason im looking at doing this is space. Currently the MC is very close to the downpipe and im afraid it will get too hot. Does this kit actully move the MC closer to the firewall? Anyone have comparison pics comparing a stock booster MC and this kit?
  7. Thanks for the response. im not running pizza cutters (yet) i have s14 240SX vented front rotors and stock calipers up front and pretty large rear vented (13 inch i think) discs and calipers on the rear. The not modifying the firewal is what caught my eye ;>
  8. I would if i wasnt in qatar right now ;> Just doing research. thanks for the heads up though
  9. I searched around and was surprised I couldn’t find anything on this. Currently I have S14 front disc calipers and wilwood rear calipers. I imagine the stock 260 vacuum assist Brake MC wont be up to the task of slowing the car down from 150+MPH. Anyone have any experience with this kit? Any specific part numbers for res. and associated parts? trying to see how much this will cost me ;> http://www.betamotorsports.com/products/products.php
  10. I ran these and with perfect BS on the rims you will need flares and !/4 adjustment for them not to rub... Or the back of your car jacked up so high it looks like a old school camaro. If you shoot me a PM reminder i will see if i can hunt down some pics of what teh car looked like with these tires adn a set of WATTS. Also may be able to find it in one of my build threads in the rb section. The pics are almost 12 years old.
  11. Anything with 4 cams in it dosnt sound like it would be very cheap to make 1100hp.
  12. Yes i have but every time i do the $$$$ just add up too much.
  13. Ha yea I got it but just another v-8 But a turbo v-8 with 1100 HP rolling to the store for a rock star aren’t very common as far as I know :> I don’t think anyone will be willing to pay what I need for the setup anyways so nobody needs to worry about unnatural aspiration dying.
  14. Small block... buddy has a setup 406...not sure what turbo. If i do will be at least 1100 RWHP
  15. Yep once i get back from the desert it will be out and about.
  16. Well i must been away from the car too long again.... getting the itch to go turbo V-8 Any guesses on what the going market would be for a 700+rwhp rb26 complete setup from intercooler to 2 speed powerglide would run? I have an idea of how much i would ask but not sure many people would pay attention to it. not real interested in a part out either. IF i do this it will be a yank everything out and buy all my V-8 stuff in one shot. i DO NOT need another 3 years down in a build.
  17. I didnt see it mentioned allready ..... but it looks like the turbo will stick out of the hood?
  18. Copy, 2 steps are hard on the entire engine. RPM is what kills stock iol pumps. I guess the shock transmitted thru the crank and cause issues. Just never heard of it before specifially hurting a pump.
  19. Joel, never heard that before..... care to explain BTW not being a smart ass.... really never heard that.
  20. 2 months down 4 more to go. At least its not 130 anymore.!!!!!
  21. Agree with above..... The other possible solution for this is to bench bleed the master cylinder.
  22. here you go this is what i did and used. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/55130-sectioned-struts-with-vw-inserts-pics/page__p__499433__hl__scirocco__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=499433
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