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Dan Juday

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Everything posted by Dan Juday

  1. What is in a name? A ricer by any other name would look as cheap.
  2. Now see, that would never have happened if that team had gone with the original sponsor: Strictland Propane, Driver: Hank Hill.
  3. Eric, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.
  4. Yup, pull out the latch. Even if it might clear with the small dizzy, it's still in the way. If you don't want to use hood pins you can use the jtr parts or fab them yourself, not difficult. I used a spot weld cutter to remove mine. It worked nicely, looks like a miniature hole saw with a spring loaded pointy nail in the middle. About $15 at the auto paint store.
  5. I have the f-body T5 as well. I used the 7/8" Tilton master unit and did the modifications. I haven't had any problems with it, after I discovered the 3/4" was too small. However I think Miles has the hot ticket. Maybe a little more work to make the Ford master fit, but after that it all snaps together. Be aware that you will need to do a little "clearancing" on the floor/tunnel for the f-body clutch fork/slave to fit without hitting. Once you do this it is a good idea to trim off about an inch from the bottom of the gas pedal so it doesn't snag on the carpet at WOT. Here is a shot of the tilton unit. That's the first one, the 3/4". The 7/8" looks the same only slightly fatter.
  6. Go here http://www.zparts.com/events/riovista2002/riovista2002/index.html to see several under car pics of custom exhausts.
  7. Congrats! Where is Wyotech and when do you leave?
  8. Yup 240's have the stamped numbers on the firewall. Not a good idea going with that whole swap-the-vin#'s-fake-the-title thing. Fraud still gets you a ton of time in the big house, ...even in California.
  9. I like the Porsche wheels better. Make sure you bop that kid that leaned the scooter on your car.
  10. I like the Porsche wheels better. Make sure you bop that kid that leaned the scooter on your car.
  11. Ever seen the hood of a cop car? Those arn't door dings. Them's nose prints.
  12. Beautiful rims! It's going to be stunning. $5k!!! Man, what a piece of change. What flares are you going to use? I have 305's on the back with 4" flares and coilovers and they just barely tuck.
  13. Get out the tape measure Charlie. Very few are narrow enough to fit. Brackets can be fabbed. That's no big deal. Butt if it's too wide in the seat or the shoulder area your wife is safe.
  14. Sad to see Mike bowing out. But I'm glad to hear you're picking up where Mike has left off. I've no advice to offer, only encouragement. Even if I never order any adjustable supension arms it's good to know they are available from a trustworthy professional like yourself. Brake parts are in my future too.
  15. Dan Juday

    Pinto Ad

    Wagon. They had a marginally stronger body than the hatchback. V8 hatchback Vegas would twist to the point that the doors wouldn't close. But they didn't explode when rear-ended.
  16. This works everytime for me. And it's quick and easy. Ball joint separtor, looks like a letter C with a bolt going through the middle. $15-$20 any auto parts store. Tighten it onto the joint. If it doesn't pop off with moderate pressure on the bolt rap the steering knuckle (just like Zya says) at 90* to the balljoint shaft with a hammer. Don't hit the tool or the ball joint, you'll just damage them. I learned this years ago from and old steam fitter. The first time I tried this I had at first completely mushroomed the end of the ball joint whacking it with a sledge. I beat it with all my might but it wouldn't budge. Then after my buddy (with a big smile on his face) gave me the advice, one light rap on the knuckle and off it came. Ever since that day it has never taken me more than two minute to to get one off.
  17. It may actually get worse. It depends on were your headers line up with the shaft now. The only thing that changes is that the upper end of the shaft, where it goes through the firewall, gets higher in relation to the engine. This can either help or hinder header clearance. Sounds like what may be the best solution in your case is to use a mid shaft u-joint and locate it with a heim joint. Others here have done that (Alsil?). I've seem pics somewhere. Then you will have a much broader selection of header options.
  18. Just a FYI on T5's. Borg Warner made many 5 speed trannies under the the big "T5" family name. Even within the same applications there were many internal variations. There were T5's for Ford, Chevy, Nissan, and others I believe. All different. T5's for V6 Chevys are different than T5's for V8 Chevys, and different for cars and trucks. Now, can you fab and mod to make mismatched pieces work? Of course, hey this is Hybrid, right. Is it worth it? You decide. I haven't even finished my car yet and I'm worried that 3 to 5 years down the road will I remember what parts fit. For me I know that everything from the water pump to the driveshaft yoke came out of a '91 TA. Just the way GM put it together and warrantied it. It works. I'm not ragging on guys here that are striving to improve there rides by putting together the best parts possible. I applaud them. The guys with hp numbers in the stratosphere have to do that. But you either have to know what you are doing or have enough green to afford your "experience" a.k.a. misstates. This post strated out to be informational and ended up sounding like preaching. Didn't mean for that to happen. Oh well, hope it helps anyway.
  19. Wait, wait, WAIT, just wait a minute!!! You're pulling the V8 out and putting the L6 back in????? Do you know what site you're at?
  20. Success! Thanks to all who offered help. I cut it out of a white '90 300ZX this morning in Milpitas. $10 for part, $20 for gas. Well worth it. The winner is Josh. Watch your e-mail box for pics buddy. Dan
  21. For me it was a non-issue. Being a control freak I had to have stick. Plus with all that pent up energy I need something for my left leg to do. The T5 has a lot of plus's in my book: smooth shifting, light weight, nice gear spacing. With the 7/8" master and Camaro slave the clutch action is light and proportional. Many here have ragged on it for not holding up to high hp and/or abuse. This is also not an issue for me. I'm only running about 250hp and 300lb/ft trq. And I don't plan on beating it up. However, few have mentioned that this tranny can be signicantly beefed up with a few aftermarket internals. Yes, the T56 is strong as an ox. But it also weighs like one. More notchiness in the shifter, and in a light car like the Z it's really more like a 5 speed with two first gears, low and way low. I'm I biased? Yup. Hey, you wanted OPINIONS.
  22. I used a Hagen kit too for my relocation (the orange and white car above). Top quality stuff at a very reasonable price. P.S. It's way cool to find a pick of your car unexpectedly in a post. Very flattering. Do it again anytime you want guys.
  23. Somebody here is doing just that. I can't remember his psuedonym though. Help guys, isn't something like Vettetek?
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