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Close Shave of the Passing Kind *video*


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FYI... When I raced Spec Racer Fords back in the day, Friday open practices had us and the Formula Atlantics on the track at the same time. That's exactly what happened to me lap after lap. You spend a LOT of time looking in your mirrors before each corner, at corner exit, and any time you think about moving off the racing line.

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Driver of the Mazda said he did not realise how quickly the Lotus came upon them otherwise I guess he would not have been caught racing side by side with the Porsche all along the straight. Lotus driver was chasing the yellow Gallardo for a place so I guess he was not going to hang around while a couple of slowbies took their time sorting things out and so wreck his chances. At the drivers briefing it was emphased that slower drivers were to hold their lines and allow the fast blokes to find their own way around. Which maybe, strictly speaking, is what happened.


But big speed differentials on a race track are a bit scarey anytime in my limited experience, for the passer as much as the passee.

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When I used to track the 996TT I would regularly pass guys in their Miatas, and I'd be doing well over 160mph and they'd be doing MAYBE 115mph. Then I moved into a SpecMiata and was paid back in spades. There is no fear like that of being surprised by that differential speed, even when you know it's coming... :lol:



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SRF and FA? That must have been worse than the video... blink.gif


Since it was an open practice the FA drivers I talked with said they slowed down when approaching us SRF drivers because were so slow and our sports racers were such tanks. They still were 20 seconds a lap faster then us at WSIR and almost 30 seconds a lap faster at Buttonwillow. I remember one passing me on the outside of turn 8 at WSIR and he was at least 40 mph faster then me (I was topped out at about 125) and he waved to me as he went by.

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It may sound strange, not that I care, but it is this sort of incident which makes circuit racing the pinnacle of motorsport for me. No matter what car you drive at what level. You just never know what may happen next while you are furiously concentrating on doing the best you can with what you have right now, although, geez, driving a powerful nicely handling car is a buzz all by itself.


How do you retire from this, can't imagine.

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It's why teaching students before they jump into that end of the pool is so important. The situational awareness required to get around a racetrack in traffic without being held up or holding someone up is quite overwhelming to most, at first.


But you're right man... This sport is very addictive and why I couldn't fathom "drag racing" or "ovel racing"...



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Expressway was 60kph posted, I passed three cars, two left, one right with a quick lane change L-R-L doing 200kph without thinking that it probably looked a lot like the second pass on that video. The opening was there and I was coming so fast they couldn't floes up on me. I was past and pulling away as they all flashed their lights in turn.


I was around the curve Egan the last car didn't only flash his headlights...he turned the one on top of his car on as well...


Going that fast, sometimes you miss the gumball on the roof...D'OH!

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Just coming from my... flag dragging standpoint, the corner workers should have been on their tip toes waving the hell out of the blue flag when leaders or two classes with big speed differentials come up behind traffic. Once the blue flag is shown it's nothing but the drivers fault for not backing off and staying on the line while the big boys come through.


Blue flag only means check your mirrors and considering the pass was made on a straight, he had plenty of time to check as compared to in a corner.


"I didn't know he was coming up or else I would have moved out of the way" is a poor argument if you plan on exchanging words with someone after a race.


Corner workers can scrutinize all they want though... Generally keeping it to ourselves unless we know the dude. In that case at the end of the day you go to his or her pit and bust their balls about it. :D There was one time an instructor with a spec racer ford complained about not enough blue flags to get the rest of the PCA drivers out of the way and for good reason since they can't see him well. He complained so much one of the workers took all the blue flags he could get and waived like... 10 of these things every lap, just for him. It seemed to work well until the next lap he came around and no one was in front of him but he still got 10 blue flags so he knew we were busting his chops... "If we were perfect we would get paid a lot more, or you can come out and work with us." ;)


Pretty cool to see the speed differential though! I could easily see how a person on the highway is hauling ass and to someone like my mother... "GEEZ IS THAT GUY DOING LIKE 150MPH?!" :P

Edited by josh817
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Mate, have a good look at the videos and you will see that the flag marshalls/corner workers were not in the picture, the last post is at the beginning of the long high speed sweeper that leads onto the straight where the pass took place. At that post the cars were not even in view of each other. It basically is the closing speed which catches everyone out but all involved did what they were supposed to do and that is why the pass worked safely.


Good on anyone who donates their time to waving flags though, it is people like you who help make racing safe and enjoyable.

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