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Who are you insuring with?


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Looks like I will be turning 25 soon, so in order to take advantage of the lower risk rating, I was wondering who everyone is insuring their cars with.


What I am looking for.

Insuring my daily driver 2006 acura rsx

Insuring my 1971 datsun 240z with an agreed value policy ~15,000

Preferably the same insurer would be great, although for a better policy/deal I don't mind splitting up the policy between different insurers


Currently I am with Liberty Mutual, and they are gouging me at 1400 a year (that's with a work discount!) for just the Datsun. If it is not too personal I would love to hear some advice on where people are shopping/have their policies.


I have contacted some companies, but they are informing me that they can't generate a quote until I physically turn 25, so if any kind folks wouldn't mind giving a rough number with location, age, and yearly costs I would be greatly appreciative!


Companies I am looking at are:




State Farm?

Edited by seattlejester
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I'm in my late 20s. I have USAA comprehensive for our 2 dailies, then Hagerty for our two "classics" (280Z + Z32TT). We pay ~700 a year for the two classics, agreed value. You'll want to split companies, unless there's some company that offers both agreed value and normal insurance that I don't know about. I think Allstate used to, but it's still not as cheap as a true classic car company, IIRC.


All in all I pay about 2,500/year for four cars and two people. And I live in NJ, supposedly the state with the highest insurance premiums. Plus Hagerty offers a pretty cheap, unlimited free towing service so I don't care so much about not being able to have a spare tire all the time, and other problems. Called them up once and it was no problem. Car started working again right after I called though.

Edited by BLOZ UP
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Nationwide for both my daily along with an agreed value policy on the Datsun. $1,300 a year total.

100/300 coverage, central FL, 2 drivers listed.  The actual break down is 955/yr for the truck, 349/yr for the Z.



For the agreed value policy, they require either a bill of sale or an appraisal for the insured amount.  Also, they required a daily driver on the same plan to do an agreed value plan for the Z, but considering I was paying basically the same amount for just my truck with Geico that they quoted me for both cars, it was a no brainer.

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Thanks guys, keep them coming, if you could add the rough amount you are paying and age it would be really appreciated! As well as any special reason for the rate.


To lay all my cards out on the table, I think I am at 3700 a year right now with two different policies liberty mutual and pemco, I just got a quote for 2900 if I combine the policies without my rate adjustment for my upcoming age. I am sure there has to be better out there.

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With hagerty you're not allowed to drive your car except to car shows, auto shop and parades ONLY. I switched to American Collectors as they allow you to drive the car more. I chose the 7500 miles a year plan with an agreed value of 17,000 on my last car. It was 300 something a year. While I'm doing my swap I switched what was left of my old policy to the Datsun with the lowest mileage package and they refunded me $27.

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Read your policy very carefully. It states the above limitations very clearly. The agents always tell everyone it's ok to drive it other times but that's not what you sign in writing. They will usually cover minor things outside their rules but a few years ago someone on a British car forums neighbor got into a bad accident with injuries ad hagerty used it as an out because the guy was on his way home from work.

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I have read it; I could not find anything to contradict what they say. Also, I remember a particularly humorous exclusion clause:



Loss due to nuclear reaction, nuclear 

radiation or radioactive contamination. 
We will pay for direct loss by fire 
resulting from any of these
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Its been 3 years since I switched from them, so maybe they changed to not lose customers. Several LBC guys were dropping them like flies when that happened. My policy specifically said that in it, even though the agent on the phone said i could drive it to work sometimes, etc. Apparently the "dude on the phone said it was ok to drive it to work sometimes" argument didn't work out in court for that guy when his contract said differently.

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I copied this off my HAGERTY CLASSIC AUTOMOBILE POLICY  (in .pdf form)


I. "Your covered auto" means:

1. Any "antique vehicle" or "classic vehicle"

shown in the Declarations.

2. Any "antique vehicle" or "classic vehicle"

on the date you became owner during

the policy period, provided that it

replaces one shown in the Declarations

and you ask us to insure it within thirty

days after you become the owner. This

automatic coverage for replacement

vehicles does not apply to Part D -

Coverage For Damage To Your

Covered Auto. An endorsement must be

issued to fully cover any additional

vehicles you acquire.

J. "Antique vehicle" means a motor vehicle 25

years or more of age that:

1. Is maintained primarily for use in car

club activities, exhibitions, parades,

other functions of public interest or for a

private collection; and

2. Is used only infrequently for other


K. "Classic vehicle" means a motor vehicle of

unique or rare design and of limited

production that is an object of curiosity and:

1. Is maintained primarily for use in car

club activities, exhibitions, parades,

other functions of public interest or for a

private collection; and

2. Is used only infrequently for other


L. "Regular use vehicle" means a motor

vehicle which is used for regular driving to

work, school, shopping, errands or for

general transportation and is not an "antique

vehicle" or "classic vehicle."



We do not provide Liability Coverage for any


1. Who intentionally causes "bodily injury"

or "property damageâ€.

2. For "property damage" to property

owned or being transported by that


3. For "property damage" to property:

a. Rented to;

b. Used by; or

c. In the care of;

that “insuredâ€.

This exclusion (3.) does not apply to

"property damage" to a residence or

private garage.

4. For "bodily injury" to an employee of that

“insured†during the course of

employment. This exclusion (4.) does

not apply to "bodily injury" to a domestic

employee unless workers' compensation

benefits are required or available for that

domestic employee.

5. For that “insured’s†liability arising out of

the ownership or operation of "your

covered auto" while it is being used to

carry persons or property for a fee.

6. While employed or otherwise engaged

in the "business" of:

a. Selling;

b. Repairing;

c. Servicing;

d. Storing; or

e. Parking;

vehicles designed for use mainly on

public highways. This includes road

testing and delivery.

7. Maintaining or using "your covered auto"

while that “insured†is employed or

otherwise engaged in any "business"

(other than farming or ranching) not

described in Exclusion 6.

8. Using "your covered auto" without a

reasonable belief that that “insured†is

entitled to do so.

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Boy I thought I was getting shafted at $190/year for $10,000 full + road side assistance and I think 1000 miles (maybe it was 500) with Hagerty.


They played us around so much just to get it though. Car is in my mothers name, she said I would be the driver, they didn't like that. So she said she will be the driver; doesn't really matter to us since the car is in storage. They came back saying "they car isn't showcase quality" even though we marked restoration on the paperwork,


Over a year later, come last summer, we tried again but this time using our regular insurance All State as a middle man to get to Hagerty (All State said they're working with them or something for classic cars...) Again, no to me, ok so my mother will be the only authorized person. "We will get back to you when we reach a conclusion".


Week goes by


Two weeks


Three weeks


In the mean time I am paying for regular insurance on my Z so I can get it registered, that's why I went insurance shopping to begin with otherwise I would have left it uninsured. We called them up and said we know what you're doing. You're putting it off hoping we won't return. Tell us what the conclusion is and tell us WHY if it's a no so we can work to resolve the issues you have with what we are asking for. "We'll get back to you", this time they actually did. They said they thought I would still drive it since I have a '71 truck on our All State policy. "He drives an old car for his daily". We had to reassure them that the car is not on the road and its registered as an antique so I can't drive it daily like that. I was sure that the $190 was a reflection of them being worried that I was going to joy ride the car as an unauthorized driver but with what you guys are saying, it seems pretty fair.

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"They will usually cover minor things outside their rules but a few years ago someone on a British car forums neighbor got into a bad accident with injuries ad hagerty used it as an out because the guy was on his way home from work."


Most, like JM posted, exclude commuter use. Pleasure use is broad enough to cover occasional trips almost anywhere...but COMMUTER DUTY is specifically to work and back home. This isn't an evil insurance company, it's an idiot driving his car in a way that was prohibited after he told them he wouldn't do that. Oh "The Salesman Bent the Truth"? See section on "he's an idiot"....


Also, putting in the accident report "I was driving back home from work" or making that statement to a cop is colossally stupid.


Legally, stopping at a gas station after you leave work means "you were driving home from the gas station"... And if you're hit on the way from work to the gas station....well, you shouldn't have been commuting in a car you said you would drive in mostly off-peak periods and under very controlled circumstances and not the morning free-for-all on the 91 with guns blazing and iced latte bombs from the sunroof...


That's how the prices stay low. Exclusions of liability. 

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I wonder if that exclusion "While employed or otherwise engaged in the "business" of:

a. Selling;
b. Repairing;
c. Servicing;
d. Storing; or
e. Parking;
vehicles designed for use mainly on public highways. This includes road testing and delivery."
Includes when you are working on your personal time on your own car, and road testing it...
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"They will usually cover minor things outside their rules but a few years ago someone on a British car forums neighbor got into a bad accident with injuries ad hagerty used it as an out because the guy was on his way home from work."


Most, like JM posted, exclude commuter use. Pleasure use is broad enough to cover occasional trips almost anywhere...but COMMUTER DUTY is specifically to work and back home. This isn't an evil insurance company, it's an idiot driving his car in a way that was prohibited after he told them he wouldn't do that. Oh "The Salesman Bent the Truth"? See section on "he's an idiot"....


Also, putting in the accident report "I was driving back home from work" or making that statement to a cop is colossally stupid.


Legally, stopping at a gas station after you leave work means "you were driving home from the gas station"... And if you're hit on the way from work to the gas station....well, you shouldn't have been commuting in a car you said you would drive in mostly off-peak periods and under very controlled circumstances and not the morning free-for-all on the 91 with guns blazing and iced latte bombs from the sunroof...


That's how the prices stay low. Exclusions of liability. 

Tony there was a simpler way to go about this.


British >>> commuter use.


The world doesn't have enough oil reserves for that type of travel. Nor does it have enough spark plugs, distributor caps, or gasket materials to maintain a single British vehicle 10,000 miles/year.


Major cities would be heavily hazed by wiring harness smoke, no one would be able to see.



Tony, it's just not realistic. Please. :P

Edited by josh817
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