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Really odd; Lack of power under boost; details inside . . .


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Guest bastaad525



a thread I posted about this very issue the other day... it is really odd, but it seems very common... whenever a turbo car starts cutting out on boost or at wot like that, for some reason simply unplugging and replugging the ECU will often fix the problem. *shrug* it IS nice when it's something simple like that though....

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a thread I posted about this very issue the other day... it is really odd, but it seems very common... whenever a turbo car starts cutting out on boost or at wot like that, for some reason simply unplugging and replugging the ECU will often fix the problem. *shrug* it IS nice when it's something simple like that though....[/quote


(cough) that my sh@t (cough)

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Guest bastaad525

huh? what?


hey I'm not trying to say it was my idea or anything... if that's what you mean. I dont remember who, or how many of you, suggested that to me when my car first started acting funky... it just seems really odd that it works.

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You know if you unplug then plug back in the connector to your ECU. It seems to clear things up!!!!!!!!!!........ :D ...........Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Sorry guys had to say it too!

But really; it got to the point where I resoldered all my connections trying to find the reason why my car started cutting out and running crappy at WOT (or trying to get there). Even the mechanic I bought my Z from three years ago told me if it runs crappy wiggle the wires connecting to your ECU. It works, I notice it more in the winter than summer.

Be sure to brace yourself if your driving and you wiggle :-D . Because when I bought the car I had to repair the windshield due to previous owner wiggled while driving and his foot was still on the accelerator :malebitchslap: :shock::cry2:

I guess we just need to remember that these cars (and wires are over thirty years old!). Another reason to convince myself to pay $1,400 plus for a stand alone FMS.. :D

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Now fl327; I don't want to poke holes in your hypothesis but I still haven't ever removed my engine its still in my 83 280zxt. And I still need to wiggle my cable... :shock: .............yo... I didn't mean it to sound the way it does. But after I read your last post... :nono: ..I just hope people didn't just only read these last posts or else I think they'ed get the wrong idea. :D

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ok fine, zts and zxts are known to have intermittantly faulty efi wiring connections that manifest themselves in the form of the "impossible" problem, also referred to as

"mystery turbo death" that is remedied by wiggling, or cleaning and reinseration of the ecu molex ports. happy? :D

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  • 1 month later...

First a contraction for ease of typing:


OOYA - Object of your affection/aggravation (whichever is more appropriate)


Rules to live by when wiggling your connector:


Be sure to let the OOYA know you intend to make her PURR (until you really put the hammer down and then expect her to ROAR), and that this won't hurt a bit...


Not on public roads or in public...


Don't be looking at anything other than OOYA when wiggleing because if the said object catches you said object may throw a fit and become even more of a headache...


Make sure your connector is going in the right hole - many times you will get serious bucking/backfire when not connecting properly...


Wiggling only goes so far - for maximum effect/contact you'll have to pull out and push in a few times...


OK - MORE than a few times...


Application of appropriate agents will help in this process, especially if the object of your affection is balking...


Keep repeating until OOYA lets you know by her behavior you've reached a satisfactory conclusion (or you have lost all desire/ability to try again)...


When finished, a nice cold six pack and a good sandwich caps the whole experience while you congratulate yourself on a job well done... After that - a nap maybe...

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  • 4 months later...

I was so happy to find someone with the same problem as me and that there was an easy fix. Unfortunatly I had no luck with unplugging my ecu to get it to run right. I'm so frustrated, I just spent a ton of money on this car and broke it in slow now I want to go fast and all I get is a flat spot when it should be slamming me in the seat. Do you have any other suggestions for me? Do you know what is happening when it does this ie, ecu cuts fuel, changes timing or is it a bad connection? I put some di-electric grease on the connector and it still does the same. Thanks Paul

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