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Graphic / Gory Images


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Folks I ask for your help.

I need to round up some VERY graphic images / video clips of car crashes and related.

The images need to show “people in a bad state†as well as vehicles with lots of damage.

I have been tasked with teaching my oldest nephew how to drive.

(I know a track event would be the best, but it`s not an option at this time)

I will have him out there in about 6 months to a year.

He is being a butt head to his mother and now I`m going “real world†on his a$$.


No I do not have a thing for this kinda stuff, but those of us old enough to remember and have gone through an “actual†drivers education program may get where I`m going with this.

All kids these days (in VA) have to do, is log so many hours driving varied conditions and then a parent signs them off. This takes place from 15 years 8 months to 16 years of age.


* EDIT * There is a written test required.

To make matter worse, he thinks he is going to be cruising around with his little sweetie (who is actually a little hottie) with his cell phone stuck to his head.


I personally would like to see laws passed that kids could drive with a parent from age 16 to 18, but not get a drivers lience untill 18!


I do not want stuff being sent to me via e-mail due to all the virus laden e-mails with attachments I already get now.

If you know of links, websites, etc. please post them.


Please try to use a "link to", instead of posting pics here.

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Guest 350Zen

I know this is a little off topic, but if the DPS was just a little bit more strict they could save thousands of lives. My friends, his brother and I were talking about all of this, most people don't even pay attention... when I drive around in Dallas I see about 5 potential wrecks everyday, it's scary. It's not just young people to be afraid of, a short person that can barly see over the wheel in an Excursion talking on a cell phone, see one of those everyday. They have restricted the laws some, but in my opinion, it's still not enough, there are too many dangerous people out there.


Here are some wrecked cars:



You might find some on http://rotten.com/ but there's some pretty bad stuff there.

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I agree with this completly... I too see at least 4 or 5 wrecks evry day, and I live in a town with only 14000 ppl!! It's not always a young person, but it IS always someone not paying attention while driving. As for the age to drive, I think even 16 is too young... Heck... I almost died/caused accidents countless times when I started driving! It is something that is next to impossible to explain to a 16 year old though... that a collision at 40mph can be deadly... cause hey.. thats not too fast really.. and it's only a cell phone... and cars are so safe with the air bags, ABS, ect....right? :roll: I took a few close calls for me to straighten out.. but I was lucky... Im still here right?!? :lol: See if your local wrecking yard/towwing impound will let you walk through with this kid... See if you can find a good wreck and point out the bits of hair and clothing stuck in the smashed windshield, and the spots of blood on the seats, ect. That might get past the attitude...

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Maybe you should lobby to have the graduated drivers program put in place. This is how it works. Ok, when you turn 16, you have to pass an written test to get your learners license. Once you get your learners license, you have to put a red square with the letter "L" clearly visible on your car(its magnetic). You are restricted to having only one passenger who is an adult with a valid drivers license for 6 months. Then, you go for your first road test which is a normal test. Ok, once you pass that, you move on to the "novice" portion of the drivers system, which lasts 18 months. It is basically just like having you license, but if you get caught speeding, drinking and driving, street racing, ect, you license will be taken away for a set period of time after which yo will be able to drive again or if it is a serious offence, you might not even get your license back. At the end of the 18 month period, you have to go back for a more intense road test where they test your hazard preception and driving skills.

I am 21, and i went throught this program when i was 16 until the 2 year period was over. Ofcourse, i have driven like an ass, but who can really say they havent when the first got their license?? Anyway, it will probably strike fear into the minds of most young drivers. It has reduced the young drivers crash rate by 26% in my area.


here is the link to the site...


click on the start button and go through all of it, and maybe propose it to your city/state

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my advice, buy a junker take him for a ride and find a little brick wall or gaurd rail and hit it at 5mph, then take him down to the police station, and have him listen to some of their stories. worst case scenario let me talk to him about the guy i saw get beheaded by a tree that he flew through when someone hit him head on when they were driving 100 mph around a blind curve and crossed the double yellow lines. i was on the fone with my friend who was on the other side of the whole road closed thing. my friend joked that the corpse looked really short on the stretcher (my friends make fun of me for being short) then i saw another emt carrying a bloody plastic bag and a smashed helmet from the field some 200 ft away ill never ever forget that nite.... anyways it seems like the only way to teach kids is to let them see and feel the pain that can be had from such incidents.....

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Yea, our system here in Jersey is strict, but rightfully so. Drivers here, especially young ones, really suck. To get your liscence here, at 16 you have to take 6 hours of driving instruction from a registered student driver program, then you can take the written test and get your permit, which allows you to drive with someone over 21 or who has had their liscence for more than 3 years. Then, at 17 you take your road test and get your provisional liscence which restricts the hours you can drive (not in the middle of the night) and allows you to carry only 1 non family member in the car. Then, at 18 you can go to the dmv and pick up your full liscence. I am taking my road test later today to get my provisional liscence, wish me luck.

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I can't believe you people, because you are car enthusiasts, would base your "ideal restrictions" on age. Age is no indicator of skill or maturity level.Many 16 year olds are out there working for a living. I'm sure there are many of them that are more responsible drivers than a cross section of many other age groups. I know that I was, and I still have 0 wrecks on my record. I have a cousin who was making flights by himself before he was old enough to have a driver's license.


If you want more restrictive requirements for driving, fine. But use your head and leave age out of it. What we need for more responsible and mature driving is good instruction (good parenting.) To increase skill you need more seat time.[/i]

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Forrest, I agree with a portion of your comments, that of training and education, however...


AGE generally equals experience. Every siingle accident I had before I was 19 years old could be avoided if I were the driver I am now. I live with and deal with two teen age drivers who think they are the best drivers on the planet... Gee, no need for seat time I guess, and lets just forget about training... :roll:


Uh, No. Facts are facts... Generally speaking LACK of experience and a HUGE LACK of dscretion are the number one reason why auto accidents are the NUMBER ONE cause of teen deaths in America. Thinking anything less is just plain wrong.


Mike 8)

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Mike, I don't think you really mean age=experience. You mean the older you are the more likely you are to have more experience based on averages. I've met several people at work who are older than me, but immigrated to this country without ever driving. They have 0 experience driving and they are very scary to ride with (from what I've been told heh heh.)


Anyway, I agree that in general it works out that way, but I don't believe the age restrictions should be increased, rather, the requirements should be. I definitely didn't say "no seat time," I said more seat time. I think people ought to log lots of sim hours (especially with the technology available now) and supervised hours as well. Number of hours logged should be much more important than age.


Auto accidents are the #1 cause of death of everyone under the age of 45 as well, not just teenagers.


If I owned the roads my restrictions would be based on performance history and experience, not age. The main problem with our entire country is that the government owns the roads, not me, so there is nothing I can do about it. But that is a totally different topic. :)



As long as we are talking about roads, though, check this page out:





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two years ago I saw these pictures, and its F'd :puke: me up ever since...







and some more, just in case that doesnt do it. the only thing is, is that the following pages require you to search through them, and are Not Safe for Work viewing!








ugh, a google search for gory crash pictures will bring up just about anything you want, ohhhhh I thought I had a strong stomach, but after searching through all that...



I was wrong.....

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