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Cant these religious f#$ks really read the bible and say to themselves that it was just a guideline for people to follow on how to be a nice person. Man I hate people who use that 2 thousand year old book to become a holes. What would Jesus do!! You think he would be holding up a sign like that? I am not religious at all either. It is all just sooooo very wrong to see kids brainwashed like that!!

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Well, it's obvious SOME religious groups can't wait for the children to mature and decide for themselves, they have to shove it down their throats while they are still impressionable and have no choice. Wow, what a concept... it's been working for hundreds of years, why stop now?



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Ah yes... The American way... Burn flags, hate those who provide the protections and liberties that you take for granted, and spit on the soil so many have died on to make sure you have said rights to display your beliefs and protest for your causes... :D


Glad to see it is still working, at least... :lol:


God Bless America and all our sheeople! :wink:


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What a crappy way to introduce myself to HybridZ...but I just couldn't resist.


Mikelly, blueovalz, you're exactly right.


I'm a student at Texas A&M, and every once in a while we have pro life groups come to protest on our campus, which is dumb in itself because we are probably the most conservative public campus in the nation - talk about preaching to the choir! Anyway, usually these groups bring thier small children and have them standing around on campus holding signs of aborted babies (which is offensive enough in itself- i really don't want to have to look at that when I'm cramming on the way to my 10:20 business management class!). These kids are usually about 5-9 years old...shouldn't they be in school?! I'll never understand the mentality of some people.


Does the look on these people's faces scare anyone else here? It sure disturbes me.


Sorry to introduce myself on such a down note - I love hybridZ's, and am planning on picking up a z to start my own really soon. This site is great!

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Guest 77vegasz

I am a believer in god, but do not belong to an organized religion because of crap like this. Instead of getting a point accross, all they are doing is convincing the world that they are a bunch of delusional, fanatical a..holess.


I agree with Blueovalz, subjecting children to this kind of crap should be a form of abuse with legal repercussions. If you used half of those words in public around their children, they would be the first to get irate about it, but in their twisted eyes, this is somehow fine.


Pu a bullet in their heads and bury them out back.



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Guest freedomfighter

:puke: If you think those pistures are bad, try visiting the sight and listening to the idiot leading these people... I made it through only a few minutes before I started screaming at my computer out loud. :weird: There is a link to his sermon on the topic. Overall organized religion has little to do with this stuff, IMHO. I've been around organized religion... non-denominational christianity... all of my life. This stuff comes from sick individuals, not organized religion. They distort the truth in an effort to control as many people as possible, to move their sick agenda forward. I know its really hard not to generalize and group them all together, since there are so many in the public eye... but they represent a really small percentage of people that are out there.

I know this flys in the face of alot of our beliefs regarding freedoms we have... but its very difficult for me to see this and not want to instantly round every one of these people up and drop them off some where in the middle of some third world country to fend for themselves... :ugg:

... but wait, no... some how even that seems too kind...

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I don't perceive those people to be Christians. Their message seems to be one of hate, doom, and gloom, condemnation under the Law of God, etc., rather than the Good News and God's love for the world. I suspect they are either unsaved and/or perhaps they are godless atheists trying to mock Christianity and the Church.


I browsed through this document and found their contempt for the Biblical doctrine of the grace and love of God and the preachers who preach about it.


Did I somehow miss their official 'church' doctrinal statements somewhere or are they simply not there?

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