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Does anybody know what today is?


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  • 11 months later...
5 hours ago, Michael said:

Newsworthy or not, here we go: it's been 20 years since this site was founded!  20 years!  How far have we gone over those 20 years, and has the direction been predominantly forward?

I sure think so! Hybridz continues to be a site i visit daily. Now that i think about it its been 10+ years that ive been hitting that "unread content" button. lol  Happy Birthday Hybridz!

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On 2/8/2020 at 2:59 PM, ihavearustedz said:

 Now that i think about it its been 10+ years that ive been hitting that "unread content" button. 

And that's precisely the point that I've been lamenting now for several years.  20 years ago, something pithy and valuable would pop up every minute... weight comparison of different engines, a new method of mounting the differential, carburetor selection advice, dynamic compression ratio, JTR vs. Scarab weight distribution.  This continued apace for maybe 5 years, before settling into a more steady maturity.  Maturity inevitably led to senescence.  

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  • 1 year later...

And here it is!  HybridZ is now 21, fully and properly having attained the age of consent!  Does this not call for a round of drinks?


In all seriousness, folks... thanks to everyone, frequent or irregular, veteran or neophyte, or anything in between. The journey/saga/whatever continues!

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  • 1 year later...

Yup, it's that time of year again!  HybridZ is officially 22, which makes it what - a fresh college graduate?  Time to enter the workforce?


OK, informal poll: who here has been working on THE SAME CAR for 22+ years, and the vehicle still isn't road-worthy?

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10 hours ago, Michael said:

Yup, it's that time of year again!  HybridZ is officially 22, which makes it what - a fresh college graduate?  Time to enter the workforce?


OK, informal poll: who here has been working on THE SAME CAR for 22+ years, and the vehicle still isn't road-worthy?

Not quite 22 years but still wrenching on the same z since 2007! 🙃


Happy bday to HybridZ!

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  • 11 months later...
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