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Get these posts off this board please


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I let my kids look over this site, they like the pics and maybe even learn a thing or two. I look at this site at work and don't worry two much about the content. These two posts don't belong here.




At least change the heading on this one



I'm not a prud, I just don't come here for this.

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I don't think it is everyone elses responsibility to monitor what your kids are looking at on the internet at your home. I think that's your job. Both posts are a play on words and show nothing that they won't see in the supermarket check out line.
while I agree with you, in my county in Georgia, they actually put covers over all the magazines in the grocery store checkout lines that have any women on them, not just provocative poses. go figure/
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I think we should have a completely lame/useless post to good post ratio, and when you get too high on the lame side you get banned. While I have a sense of humor and I'm not offended easily I am getting a bit ticked off at the consistently worthless posts from a few of our newer members.

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how about you guys just put "WARNING* or "Not safe for work* in the thread title?


Couldn't have said it better myself!



I for one like the funny/pointless posts. Most are pretty funny. Though some might say some are a little too "racy." A warning would be good enough in my book.



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Yeah, that avatar is definately "not" racey! I wasn't trying to start a flame war, just stating the obvious common sense to the situation, sorry if that offended you, sincerely I am.


Gee, it just seems to me that there is so much out there that you can't protect everyone from everything and the one voice that complains gets all the grease. If one was so worried, then the picture section covering "chicks" would definately be off limits and it has no warning, but nobody is complaining about that, oops, cat's out of the bag now. I don't think this site should appeal to nuns and the like IMO, but some common sense would be a novel idea. I don't let my boy wander around the internet unsupervised, or anywhere in the wide world unsupervised as well. It's a watchfull eye, cause I care and I don't expect everything that "might" be harmfull come with a warning label cause my kid, however curious, is going to look at it whether or not it has a warning label or not, and probably more so with a label. Dog gone it, more common sense slipping into the picture.


Do what you all feel is right, but it isn't going to stop an underage kid from viewing it, label or not, is it?

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I agree that a NWS warning would suffice.


On a side note' date=' I love Mikelly's avatar :)[/quote']


Sorry for offending you but like they said its just humor and everything is going to offend at least someone. However If I post anything like that again I will put a NWS or a warning on there I have no problem with doing that. But still the chicken and the cat one?? common who hasnt called there cat a pussy cat, and a baby chicken is called a chick and it does not do anything more than that. Just the wording offended you it seems, and the Optical Illusion one yah I should have put a NWS on it I agree it was my mistake. till then its just good humor nothing serious intended from me just a laugh or two like most are doing.. However I am fairly new to Z's and am not terriably knowledgeable in them yet as what parts and such are and years things along those lines. I built my Z per the JTR stuff but if there is any V8 or general question I do try and help out untill I know more about Z's id rather say nothing then give bad advice, agreed???

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You didnt offend me. I thought it was funny as hell. I just dont want to see anyone get in trouble.


And again im in agreement with that. Like i said if I post any more ill say smut humor I will put in the name of it NWS or a warning or something along those lines. I don't believe this should go as far as shutting down the posts or not cause they arnt that bad. But couldnt a Mod just update the titles with NWS or a warning and let them live?


It seems everyone is in agreement with the NWS, warning thing for all posts simular to those I made. So I personally dont think it even needs a vote just send it straight to the prez for his signature and post the rule.


so with all this said, In the words of the song by disturbed, "Does it make you happy now?"???

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Dr hunt' date='


With all due respect, I don't need any help parenting. My concern is the crap on this board that is usually not here.


Warning or not safe at work is fine with me.[/quote']


Just do as I did, add those few (I'm sure you have your own list) guilty parties to your IGNORE list. It works great. I now don't see anything posted by them, infact, half of the posts in this thread have been auto deleted by it .... I like it and I use it...

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that also is a good point. but still for those who dont know who to do that too and such still might run across something of this nature from someone else and thats where the enforced NWS stuff would then come in handy...


but I just had a thought of how I was when I was 12ish surfing the net. If i seen a post that said not for kids nude and stuff thats the first I clicked on lol but that was just me also... Now its like meh unless its Lacey Chabert i dont pay attention. Ohh man shes soo fine anyone wanna figure out a way for me to meet her and marry her?? lol

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Guest Battle Pope

Isn't this kinda stuff part of the purpose of the non-tech board? Or would you prefer that the non-tech board was simply removed? Everyone is offended by something, so let's just do what offends everyone at once! Huzzah.


Seriously. If you don't like it, that's what the ignore list is for. Either that or just don't let your kids into the non-tech section. It's not the board's job to parent your children for you.


That said, a NWS warning would have been applicable to both threads.

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