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240z car on Criminal minds show Thurs...


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I was watching TV while I was on the computer and saw really quickly a image of a 240z. I rewind the tivo and could of swore I saw a 240z, the car flashed quickly so I had to put the tivo in slow motion, then paused. It was a 240z, from what I saw, the Z looked clean. It had some nice wheels with knock offs. My wife liked the rims too. When I played it in normal mode she said how the hell did you see it. Funny how you spot things your into even if it was the corner of your eye.


It will be airing tomorrow Thursday 9/22 on CBS 10pm - pst time zone. This is Direct TV so it might be a different time in your area. The show is about 4 women getting kidnapped. It showed one of the women getting into the 240Z and riding in it when it was raining.



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I know exactly what you're talking about, Ron, i was sitting at my table eating lunch, and I looked at one of those big packs of water bottles we had on the floor, and it said 240z on it. i was so confused, i couldn't stop thinking why that water bottle pack said 240z on it, turns out, [if you haven't already guessed it] that it was actually 24 oz [ounces] then i laughed at myself for being so obcessed about datsuns...

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Yea I was watching that show last night and there was a 70 Orange Z with the tailgate vents and bumpers like mine and it was a feature of the show, this girl was interested in buying one and the photo flashed on her computer, she got all excited, then she met the guy and took it for a test drive, he was telling her about the car and that it had a 2.4 liter OHC and she blurted out that it had 2 side draft Hitachi carbs. Then they got out to look over the car again and he was going to driver her back to her work and focused in on the door lock knob missing when he shut the door behind her. Then he kidnapped her and took her for a drive.... Later in the show they showed a Z magazine and the investigators asked her brother if she was into Z's. It was kinda cool seeing that much of the story revlove around the Z. You hardly ever seem on TV at all, let alone part of the story. The show was suposed to take place in Seattle.

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The TV show hit home in Oregon... A guard at the federal Correctional Facility in Sheridan, Oregon abducted a youg halfway house worker and took her to the woods some perverted R & R on his day off. He left her for dead and unsuceesfully buried. She stumbled out on a logging road and was rescued by a forest worker. From the time spent with him, she was able to give a rather accurate composite drawing. He was arrested on the job at the prison. He was arraigned in court on the same day, he was to be sentenced for choking another woman. Warden Charlie Daniels allowed this sick bastard to work knowing about his former assault conviction and pending sentence. I will try to find the website and post about this incident. Keep in mind a guard's duty is to control inmates....seems this creep was getting on the job training as a stalker. I went in this "place" with one guard blowing his brain out in the parking lot and left with the pervert awaiting trial. Go to post # 62 (Lady Bug) and click on news web page http://www.webbsleuths.org/dcforum/DCForumID38/18.html#62

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