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Well the cat is out of the bag...


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...Got the call to come into the corporate offices in Upper Marleboro, Md. yesterday. Seems the cat is out of the bag that Barry and I are starting our own company. After some heated discussion with our CEO, Barry and I decided we'll have to resign from our existing company. I don't currently have a contract with a contract company in the intelligence/ defense industry, but Barry does, and that will allow us to get by while I do some business development work. On the plus side, I'm not losing my clearances. On the negative side, I really like the branch I currently support, and I'll miss the work I do.


Gonna be some interesting times within the "new" company! Been a stressful couple of days, and I still need to decide on "how" I'm gonna pay my bills until we get the first invoice from our prime contractor for Barry's work, or if I'm gonna hit savings, retirement, and equity in the house. Crazy crazy crazy... Needless to say, the wife is a bit "stressed"! :shock:


I'll officially have "free time" come Oct. 14th when I resign from my current position and company. :2thumbs:

Mike :cool:

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Congrates and more power to you! By the way, what sort of work do you do? Will you have to kill me if you tell me? Just curious, I work for the DoD in research, design, developement, test and evaluation of physical security systems and components.

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kinda sounds like my band situation. I'm starting a new band with the other guitar player behind the rest of the bands back... becasue they all suck and won't ever go anywhere. Doesn't mean it isn't fun, because i do enjoy playing with them.


Hopefully the new company will go well. I wish the best for you.

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...Can't tell ya what I do, but the work is very rewarding...


On a side note, the CEO of my company sent me an e-mail tonight... Knowing I don't have a contract yet, and knowing I'm living on savings and investments, and really liking me... He offered to get me another job and wants to chat about my future in HIS company while growing mine... This guy is the absolute tops!


Yea, we knew it would come down to some hard topics and discussions about ethics and decissions made, but bottom line is we haven't done anything other company upstarts haven't done...


Crazy times. :2thumbs: The wife was happy to know that my current employer wants to keep me on his staff KNOWING I'm starting my own company. Now that he knows, we can move forward above board... I'm Much more comfortable with that!


Mike :cool:

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On a side note, the CEO of my company sent me an e-mail tonight... Knowing I don't have a contract yet, and knowing I'm living on savings and investments, and really liking me... He offered to get me another job and wants to chat about my future in HIS company while growing mine... This guy is the absolute tops!


[approaching the Death Star]


Luke: "I have a very bad feeling about this."

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It's great to hear that your boss is going to help you out. Always play your cards close.... I had a situation a couple of years ago when a position was being offered to me from another company. My boss found out and "eliminated" my job position. He always expected his *** to be kissed. I have never been happier since I left, but by eliminating my position when he did, he prevented me from collecting 4 weeks vacation pay (by 1 week). His lovely way of taking care of a 10 year dedicated employee (NOT) Hope your boss takes care of you better!



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Guys, I appreciate the comments.


I think my CEO is gonna look out for his interests first and foremost. I'm looking out for mine as well. I'll be cultivating POCs over time. We've got one contract off his business area, and did not violate any laws. We did step on toes, but overall things are good. I need to either find a contract for me in 90 days, or I lose my access until a sponsor prime contractor puts me on contract. The other thing is that If I get business developed for the company and hire cleared people to fill those slots, I'm effectively earning by building the business. Either way I'm good to go.


I don't think my CEO is going to put the screws to me. But my guard is up anyway. However, it is to his advantage to keep me billing on contract for him for the same reasons I would like to bill on contract for me so I can pay my CPA her $2000 per month retainer... :shock:


As of now, we're bringing in about $225K for 1800 hours work for Barry. I'd like to double that if possible by the end of the year, which realistically means putting me on a contract.


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