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a woman killed my 280zx daily driver...

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That really blows, I was rearended by some old lady once. Man was I pissed. Luckly she just bent the bumper, and that was an easy fix. Did this lady have insurance? What did she hit you with? Well, glad to see your ok(you are ok?)

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Ouch dude that way sucks. I am really sorry that happened.


Women drivers.....No survivors.

I constantly see women driving on the cell phone. It's scary! On top that they have 5 billion of other emotions going through their head all at once. Us guys have many too but only one at a time...hehe

Driving with emotion is a bad combination.

Makes perfect sence why very few, if any, of them can ever pilot winning race cars...

I would have slapped her.

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county sheriff stated 'she was clearly at fault' and his report reflects that. she has insurance, waiting ot hear back from them. i'm asking for; check for totalled zx, coverage for rental car [prob couple weeks], cover chrio bill. had sold the zx to a friend last week-he wanted it for the engine & tranny, called him yesterday and told him i totalled his car-he still wants it as it runs great and has only 58k on the odo. went to the chiropractor yesterday-sore neck, feeling better today. i had sold the car last week to another z friend-wanted the engine as it's only at 58,000 miles [called him yesterday, he still wants the car!]. still runs great but i won't fix it as there's quite a bit of rust underneath...now just another donor car.

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Young women drivers:roll: :eek2: Yesterday, on the way home from work, I was following a "young lady" in a late model VW Beetle. It had several dents, no brake lights, right tail light was out, left headlight was out. It was very obvious that she never used her rearview mirrors for their intended purpose as the inside mirror was adjusted for putting on makeup and the outside mirrors were pointing at the ground. Needless to say, I didn't stay behind her for very long.:mrgreen::burnout:

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Glad to see no serious injuries. Here on HybridZ we worry about people more than metal. By the same token, that might qualify as "minor" damage here. Amazing what a HybridZ member can do with a hammer, cut-off tool and a welder. :lol:


- Joe

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