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What's All That White Stuff


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Woke up yesterday morning to 4" of snow. First time in a long time to encounter the white stuff. I saw several feet of it up on Snoqualmie Pass over the holiday and evidently some of it followed me back to Yakima.

This morning I got additional experiences with a frozen door lock and a parking lot so slick I could hardly get the 300ZX to move. Left the wife the Suburban with studded snow tires all the way around since my drive to work is a full 0.3 miles parking spot to parking spot. I can commute to work all week about a gallon of gas!!

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Phantom, a drive that short technically qualifies as what the owners manual would call "extreme conditions" because the car gets a lot of startup wear and tear, but no real time to get up to operating temperature...plus, snow is COLD! I'm in florida, here the low is like 56 degrees or something...

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Do those go on the front or rear tires?


I wouldn't know. We Texans don't really get snow. What we call "snow" tends to be a thin sheet of ice that covers an entire city for about 12 hours. Nobody attempts to drive unless their truck is outfitted with at least a 6" lift and mud tires. Watching them is great fun! :eek:

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Haha, yeah I remember that in 02 or 03 I think it was. I35 froze over from San Antonio north and the state troopers shut it down. I was stuck on my way back to Fort Hood from Austin. Had to detour off the interstate and go up 190 which thankfully wasn't blocked, but very slick. Had to do 25 the whole way. Of course I only had a little 2wd S10 with street radials.

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Thanks for the idea Pete. I'd probably get to work just as fast but the roads are covered with sand now rather than snow.

John Scott - It's forcast to be 3 here tonight with a high of 20 tomorrow. The heat wave is due this weekend when it's supposed to sneak a couple degrees above freezing during the day.

I did an internet weather study of this area before coming up here and the average low in November is supposed to be a lot warmer than what we're currently experiencing. Interestingly enough the West side of the Cascades is really getting hammered with heavy snowfall and the cold temperatures. Really severe weather for this time of year. I actually have a full set of studded snow tires on the Suburban already and I've only been here two weeks.

Hot tub? Oh yeah, did I mention my new place has a great hot tub on the back porch overlooking our private pond? Three steps outside the bedroom door and I'm in it!

Too bad you guys down in Tejas are so far away. There are absolutely fantastic driving roads up here and they are fully Z worthy 8 months a year. I do love this area.

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Yep. We got a good 5 or 6 inches here, roads are iced over. My wife was out when the real heavy snow started yesterday afternoon. She went to the grocery store, came out and there was 2" of snow on the ground. It came down fast! It then took her almost an hour to drive the 2 miles home. We have a 4wd GMC truck and it did fine, but everyone else out there was sliding all over the damn place. She said one car literally stopped in the middle of the road, the driver got out and started walking!!! WTF??? Didn't even pull over!!! So between the store and here she said she saw a good 10 to 12 cars off the side of the road in ditches. When she could actually go she didn't exceed 7 mph. But she made it home, despite the best efforts of the other people out on the road (including one guy who damn near slid backwards into our car).

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but the roads are covered with sand now rather than snow.

Just be glad its not salt ...I love michigan...


I got stuck driving home from class a couple of years ago when it hit real bad, it took me three hours to go what usually takes me 45min. At one point we were doing about 2mph crawl and the car in front of me started sliding twards the ditch, that was creepy.

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Had to take some pics just because this is so unusual for Seattle. That icicle is right outside my office window. Pretty cool. The Caddy is stuck right around the corner from my house. I guess it just happened, I heard the lady who lives there offer the driver a cup of coffee while he waits for the tow truck...















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Big Phil - Thanks for the good words. Actually I'm glad to be out of Arlington as that 80 degree temp at the end of November is just an indicator of what it will be in July.

The weather up here right now is unseasonably cold as the average lows in November is in the mid-20's with highs in the 40's. 40 degrees here with the sun out - which it is about 300 days/year -is very comfortable with a light jacket.

Pete - I'll send you some photos of the place via your email. I think I kept yours when I was cleaning out my address book.

You going to run for office for the Cowtown club? Sounds like Mike isn't getting a very good turn-out for the elections for next year. Then again, if the treasurer isn't changing it wouldn't be worth what you'd have to put up with.

Well, they're predicting 1-2" of snow followed possibly by 1/4" of freezing rain tonight. Ain't it grand? I have a feeling I'll be driving the Suburban with the studded tires tomorrow. Y'all down Tejas way hang in there. A few more months and you'll be wishing you were up here!:wink:

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wow, this is sad. Obviously no canucks posting in this thread yet. Here in winnipeg, we had our first major snowfall (only 8") of the year, which came about a month later than usual. Today it was -40 outside (thats the same in celcius and farenheight).


Were supposed to get another 3" of snow tommorow I'll have to get a picture of my z sleeping in a blanket of snow.

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