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What COULD I have done with the time...


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You ever think to yourself: "5999 posts on Hybrid Z, my how the time flies" and then think "What if I only posted 3000 times, and put all that time spent on the other 2999 posts into actually WORKING ON THE DAMN CAR!?!" Yeah probably not, seeing how I think I have taken Tim240z's title as "Official Hybrid Z Post Whore" and I don't think too many others have wasted as much time here as the two of us...


Oh well. I guess it was worth it. This is the best damn car site on the web.

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Yea well, just call me up aux and we can go stare at it together. :lol:


What I love about this place is that you're ALL motivation. I look at people like johnc and say "man, i want to know as much as that guy" and I look at people like darius and say "man, I want to be as fast as that guy" and I look at people like aux and say "man, I want to be as innovative as that guy" and I look at all the uncompleted cars and say "I don't want to be one of those guys".


So you're all motivation in some form or another. :D

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Your Z may be 'behind schedule', but you can certainly sleep well knowing that you've helped countless others! :rockon:


This is VERY true. I don't know J and I don't even know what topic he hangs around in but everytime I post in the misc tech or whatever that other one is (haha) he ALWAYS replies first has a good idea of what's up with my stuff and I SINCERELY appreciate it. KEEP IT UP :icon14:

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