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Explain your screen name choice


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Well in HS while working in an automotive machine shop I got the nickname Doctor cause I was always so clean and layed out all my parts when assembling engines. Later, when I was going to college taking a few classes while working at the same machine shop, so they called me Dr D. All of my work uniforms, even with schlumberger say Dr. D on them. Since I like to hunt and guide hunters, some of my repeat clients started calling me the Hunt Dr. or Doc Hunt cause we were always pretty successfull. Kind of a blend of both worlds

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Back in my off-road enduro hare scramble mx career (AA class) to win we use to say. "Get busy!" So I retired from racing 5 years ago and thought it would be a cool name on hybridz. Replace the S with a Z and there you go.... buZy.

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A great Jazz band/Session drum player a few decades ago was named Cozy Cole. He had a top fourty hit in the late fifties named TOPSY PART 1. In High School our group of guys took nicknames and because my last name is Cole I choose Cozy Cole. I added the Z because of the four Z's I own.

People back in my home town in Ill. still call me Cozy when I visit. LOL



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My wife got me addicted to Z's. She always talked about the 280z she had in college and convinced me to buy a "project car" that me and my sons could fix up for her. After spending billions of hours working on that car and enjoying the fruits of my labor, I couldn't just hand her the keys. So, we bought another 280z for me, thus HizAndHerz.


Now our family has four Z's, a garage brimming with parts, spare engines and transmissions, yadda yadda.

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The first night I ever got a pc and got online, well before broad band connections(wildly enough called cowtown connection, but thats another story), I had to create a screen name for my dial up internet connection. When I first put the computer on the table and fixed up my desk I put one of those suction cup stuffed animals you use to see in car windows, on top of the my monitor. It was the 7 UP spot(like my avatar). Remember those? Funny finding that little avatar after afew years because it looks like he is throwing a fit. I had just came back from a four day vacation in Vegas and had a Fitzgerald hat from the casino sitting on the table aswell. spot-fitz came together and there you have it. I still to this day have that same 7 UP spot sitting at home overlooking the computer work going on and the hat is in the closet somewhere. I never did wear it as it was mint green.

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Hi , got my name from sitting in my friend's car one day. He had a CB radio in the car and was chatting on it. He went into the house for something and left me with the radio to chat . The person on the other end asked me what my handle was .Since i did not have one I felt stupid and kind of looked up . He had a sunroof in his car an I saw the name SUNMASTER on it. Well i replied to the person that my handle is SUNMASTER and that is how i got my name. This happened in 1983 and till today i use this name for a lot of things.


On one of our South African sites a person asked me also why i was called SUNMASTER .He said he figured out since my car is yellow and my engine comes from the land of the rising sun it is a proper name for me:grin:

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Well I started on zcar about 2 years ago and needed a screen name, well I didn't think too deeply about it then. I drive a Datsun so that's where the 1st part came from. I tired just datsun but it was taken so I added my zip code to the end. Thus I ended up with Dastun40146, now I use that user almost everywhere.

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I came up with mine during college (1998-ish) while I was considering jobs for after graduation and trying to think of a new screen name for AOL instant messenger. I felt like I was going nowhere in my job search and in coming up with a screen name that wasn't already taken. I wanted "null", but it was taken. Then I was going to use NullPointerException, but thought that was too long and too programmer-geeky. "nullbound" seemed to fit with me getting nowhere... and feeling like I was going nowhere at the time. Funny how that feeling hasn't changed much... :violin:

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Well Mobythevan came from the old 68 chevy van (white off course) that my cousin owned for several years and always referred to it as Moby aka the white whale. Well, then I bought the van and had it for several years and I just liked using mobythevan for all my logins and screennames because it was never taken so I have the same username everywhere I go. I don't have the van any longer but that is the real picture of it as my avatar

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Well mine is very simple. When I was stationed in Japan I seen my first Z car and was hooked. I always dreamt of having a twin turbo S30. I came back to the states bought the kit from Japan and blamo no RHD Z. So I sold the kit and now I am building my nasty L28 turbo, single that is. Maybe I'll change to 240zt but that’s too common plus I'm known everywhere with that name.




tt=twin turbo

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