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Every parent's worst nightmare


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We had an engineer (EE) as a patient and he disassembled our i.v. pump. He was on parenteral nutrition (feeding thru the vein) and the bag of food comes with lengthy tubing. He attached one tubing to the end of the other and went to mow his lawn with the tubing dragging behind and his pump in the kitchen. He had enough tubing to go around the house. We had to have our nurse and his dr to talk to him at that.

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That sounds a lot like me. When I was 18 months old, I took the door knob off the door to my room with a screw driver. And was re-tuning the stereo (gotta love analog!) once I was old enough to stand.


kilten, is that an anthro-pc as your icon?

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I can count one one hand all the things I own that I haven't taken apart. I can't count on one hand all the things I've taken apart and never put back together. Including at least six of my dad's electric shavers. Those things were just so dang interesting and every new one he got had new features that I just HAD to know all about.

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