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I'm Dissapointed With Myself..Got Caught Up In Road Rage Tonight! Long!


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After what was a perfect evening with dinner with friends, I was coming home at just after midnight.


I was driving my 20year old turbocharged Mazda 323 (pretty quick lil sleeper) and had to get onto the on-ramp for the Interstate. There was a brand new black Hummer H3 that I had to squeeze infront of as 2 lanes were merging into 1. I made sure, tried to courteous and not just cut infront of him and gave him lots of room, like I said 2 lanes were merging into 1, so had no choice.


I guess Mr. H3 did not like that I was infront of him, and decided to throw on his high beams at me...I was thinking WTF?


Now getting onto the Interstate he tried to get ahead of me (and I should have let him thinking about it now!) with his slow as molasses H3 and he tried to box me out, I anticapted his move and my 323 walked past his H3 with ease, then what does he do throw the high beams on me again and ride my bumper literally he was three feet off my bumper. I was thinking this was pathetic.


As there was alot of construction on the Interstate the speed limit was only 45mp/h and I was doing easily 55mp/h to distance myself from the DumbVee. Mr. H3 DumbVee stayed on my bumper for easily 5+miles with his high beams on me trying to blind me. With as high as those idiot box SUVs sit, his lights were overpowering, and I decided to say "enough was enough"...and dropped a few gears lets my speed drop down to around 35mp/h and stand on the brakes. He really had to lean that idiot box on its nose to not land it in my back seat, and then I then took off again and he tried to accelerate again to catch me.


By this time, we were through, the construction on the Interstate and the lanes opened up from 2 to 4. I decided I had enough of this childish crap and just let my car sit at 55mp/h and hoped that he would just cruise on by me, but instead he caught up with me and did the same thing, sit on my bumper with his high beams on, if I did a lane change to get away from him, he would do the same just sit on top of me.


I was getting so P.O'd, I went into the middle of the four lanes, and just stood on the brakes (I made sure no other cars were behind us) and brought the car down to around 20 or 30mp/h and he had no choice but to go around me, otherwise it would have been a rear end collision for sure.


I stayed cruising around 40mp/h and let the idiot get enough distance from me and I just toddled home afterwards....but boy I was really boiling hot.


I was still hot by the time I got home and I was disappointed in myself that I was braking so heavily on the Interstate with him behind me - creating a potential accident situation, to try and teach him a lesson for following me so closely and driving like an idiot with his high beams on. That is something I would have done 15years ago when I was 20 but not now!


It is the first real road rage I have been caught up in as far as I can remember..and made me feel this --><-- small, even though I feel strongly he was the instigator from the get-go.


Really if there would have been no construction on the Interstate, I would have opened up my car and just accelerated away from him and I would not have been typing this...


The driver of the DumbVee was about my age and had an attractive female passenger (wife, girlfriend?) - if that is of any consequence....


Makes me wonder, how at times we get caught up in stupid situations, and logic, common sense, rationale, whatever just goes right out the window.


I am sure we have all been through similar situations!


Shaking my head - Yasin

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I am sure we have all been through similar situations!


It is very easy to get caught up in others stupidity!


When you were young it you didn't think about consiquenses!!! Now that we're 'older', its just about all you think about :)


Around home, Oklahoma, you never know who has a gun in there car, legally. You really have to be carefull. I've had a few waved me in my day, and it is NOT cool.


I have been driving a rental in Dubai for about a month now and it is just aweful, seriously, bad driving. I try to remain calm, especially since there are always others in the car w/ me, but I can truely be tough sometimes.


Glad he didn't clip you and that things didn't escelate.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I kept saying get away from me Troll!


Sorry to generalize but I absolutely believe there is a stereotype with guys who drive big SUVs and Full Size Trucks, they enjoy the intimidation factor, in fact I heard the guys talking about it at work, most of the guys talking about it own Turbo Diesel Rams or PowerStrokes. They were all having a good laugh about it.


BillZ260 - That is a true statement, you never know who is packing heat...that is a good point. Boy...I did feel like bringing my car to a dead halt on the Interstate and taking my tire iron to his headlights!



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i know i am kinda young, 20, and a lot of people have much more experience at it than me, but i get road rage like you wouldn't believe. I drive a little eclipse with a stock wing on it, and people love getting so close to me that i see their lights UNDER my wing.i hate being tailgated, and 9 times outta 10 if someone is on my ass, i floor it to get away from them, then i go the speed limit after there is a nice little piece of road between us. BUT if they get close like that again, i tap my brakes, and if they still don't get the message, i slam on them. i know it is dumb, but when i can't see ahead of me because of the people behind me, i have no mercy, because if it is something actually important, and they just had to be somewhere quick, they would pass me. if they just want to ride my ass to where ever they are going, they can pay for me to get a new paint job. sorry if this was a thread jack



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At least nobody got hurt. I sometimes wish I had twin Gatlin canons on the nose of my car. Left lane hogs doing 3/4 the speed limit and people driving single lane roads at 1/2 the speed limit....it just burns me up. I know how you feel and it isn't good.

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Sorry to generalize but I absolutely believe there is a stereotype with guys who drive big SUVs and Full Size Trucks, they enjoy the intimidation factor, in fact I heard the guys talking about it at work, most of the guys talking about it own Turbo Diesel Rams or PowerStrokes. They were all having a good laugh about it.


I drive a big Crew Cab Diesel Chevy truck... I don't know if you've ever driven a truck that big for a considerable time, but its hard not to at least get the "well ♥♥♥♥, I can't stop this behumuth Watch out little car" or when some car cuts you off think to yourself "Wow I could crush that thing." I by no means am justifying this a-holes actions thats wrong no matter what car you're driving, I've tapped/slammed the brakes on many a Honda tailgating way to close to a big ass rear end. All I'm saying is when you're a car guy and your daily driver is a Big Turbo truck, its hard not to get a little streak of empowerment by being big boy on the road. Though I must say, I live in truck country and I agree that a large part of the truck scene gets caught into the macho-ism of it, rather than for the cars.


Sorry for the sh*tty guy, glad you still made it home okay.



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Around home, Oklahoma, you never know who has a gun in there car, legally. You really have to be carefull. I've had a few waved me in my day, and it is NOT cool.

It is illegal to wave a gun at anyone in your car, even if you do have the gun legally.

I have a friend here in Texas who was arrested for that. He used to escort the Governor and other important officials around, so he knows the laws about guns in cars. The problem was, he didnt even wave the gun. He had a person driving behind him who was messing with him, and he felt threatend. He pulled his gun out of his glove box, lifted the gun up slightly to turn the saftey off and then set it in the passenger seat.


Well the ******* behind him saw a small portion of the gun and called the cops... told the cops "He's chasing me around waving a gun at me."


The cops quickly picked him up and arrested him for "exhibiting aggressive behavior with a firearm" or something to that effect. He explained his side of the story, told him "I was the one in front, I was the one being threatend, I pulled the gun out for my own saftey, as per my training. He must have seen it when i turned the saftey off, but i by no means 'Waved the gun around' and he was just trying to be more of an ******* and get me arrested"


Well, the cop said "Well I think your guilty" which is bullshit, and arrested him. He's currently in the process of a lawsuit.








As for the Humvee, I would have been pissed too. BUT, that's why i have a military grade train horn I'm putting on my Z. I probably would have gotten behind him after all that, Blasted the horn for a few seconds and then ducked off the nearest exit and found a place to park and cool off.



Sorry he was an ******* to you... but what can you do?

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We all give in to these issues from time to time. Stupid people have a way of sucking you into their fights... I have seen this with people on the road, on the web, or in life one on one. The key is to recognize when you've had a bad day, you are dealing with someone who has had a bad day, or when you're dealing with someone who is truly not worth your time...


Get over it, move on, and be glad that you didn't let some idiot ruin your life as you now know it. Sometimes realizing we're human is humbling. Have a drink and send me the bill. :2thumbs:



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Guest TeamNissan
i used to keep a half full soda in arms reach, so if someone didd cut me off or did something really stupid in front of me, i could just toss it at their windshield..




My friend used to keep a single egg in a ziplock bag in his center consol lol.

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Well I remember when road rage got the better of me....Attention...Lesson to be learned here...


Getting on the highway with a very tight 50kph reducing radius onramp. A dude in a dark car gets behind me.. so close I could not see his headlights...or much of his hood!


I thought...Ok so ya wanna go fast eh? Seeya Sucker! I nail the throttle, and I merge on to the highway doing 160kph. (100mph) The highway has a curve, and drops down and backup around a railway bridge. I never even merge into the middle of left lanes.. I am only in the right lane. I let off and cruise at about the limit 110kph.


Were is the lesson?



Well the dude on my A$$ was an undercover police cruiser on a Saturday night mission to hunt drag racers (his words not mine)


Got the car impounded, and summons to court.


got it thrown out.


The crown attourney appealed, and I was recharged and had to go to court again.


This time I got a lawyer. Made a court date outside the 6month window for the courts to appeal and recharge me. (as many times as they see fit within 6months of the original charge.)


I got off lucky again.


Lesson learned.. Ya never know who the other guy may be.....That pretty much ended my speeding career...I don't want to go through that again..

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Guest TeamNissan

You know I had a sim thing happen to me.

Pulling out of a parking space I noticed a guy fly around the bend to try and get passed me so I backed out a lil quicker and he had to slam his brakes. I cut the wheel and put it in drive and the 1nd i moved he gunned it. I said screw it and gunned it as well, beat him cut him off and slammed my brakes. When we pulled out then had to stop at a light he (A 300lb guy) got out, showed me a badge and asked for my lic and reg lol. After closer inspection of his badge I noticed it said "dept of treasury" so I told him he was a lil out of his juristiction and my gf started laughing. I rolled my window up and drove away..... It was really funny and like zr I kind of got off easy but I could have easily been a real cop and I would have been screwed. I try not to entagonize people these days lol.

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if your going along and somebody is on your ass, push the brake pedal down with your left foot just enough for the brake light switch to engage, turns the brake lights on and WILL make the person behind you, slow down..

I have to do that in my Prelude fairly often. Get a 3/4 ton truck behind me, may not be too close for a normal vehicle, but all I see behind me are the headlights.

Was so bad once I could see my own silhouette in the shadow of my car. Nothing else but that though . . .


Bummer with the a$$ hat driver, pretty tough situation to get out of.

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My friend used to keep a single egg in a ziplock bag in his center consol lol.



i used to have a saturn sedan with a sunroof. i would keep a bag of M&M's in the car and toss a hand full up out of the sunroof and try to get the guy behind me. the warm phoenix sun does things to the thin candy shell. splat on the windshield. when they turn on the wipers it would smear all over the windshield. i still laugh now as i type this but one window got pretty covered one day. after that one i quit.


now i drive a nissan armada. cant stop that thing for nothing. big and heavy. i feel safe in it, i just feel sorry for anyone in my way in that unfortunate intance when something goes wrong. i ued to be pretty mild behind the wheel, but several months driving a big delivery truck around taught me to be way more aggresive with my driving just to get around. i have to admitt, i still stand on the brakes every once in a while. i try not to though. i want to intall a paintball gun in the back and pop off a couple of shots at the cars body.



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