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Need Advice: Driving a 35 Year old Car Cross Country 1776 Miles


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I'm in Orlando, FL looking at a car Albuquerque, NM. I wrecked my car in Jan, 07 and have been looking for a decent replacement since w/ no luck. That is, a car w/ little rust.


The 1972 car is owned by the orginal owner, has receipts for everthing, 3 year old paint, newer tires, radiator, new interior, and more... and most importatnly NO RUST. The bad it is an Automatic.


Additional sentimental plus is it is white, with maroon interior like the one my dad had when I was little.


Do I:

1. Spend $250 for a 1 way ticket plus $200? for gas and drive the 26 hours risking a potential breakdown and put extra miles on it.


2. Pay the $1400 to get it shipped to my house.


Maybe I'm being paranoid about something happening, but I'm in no mood for a breakdown or the cost to get it fixed while being on the road. Plus however long it woud take to get fixed, hotel costs, meals, finding parts, loss of work, etc.


Example: If for some reason the transmission went out on the way home I see it costing WAY over $1400 to get fixed.


Am I over planning or should I just risk it and drive?


Thoughts ????

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Find a copy of The World's Fastest Indian and watch it for inspiration. If you're still not sure, pay the $1400 to have it shipped.


There was a thread here about that movie a couple of months ago and I just caught it on cable. I was just looking for a spot to mention that movie and this happens to be relevant. :-D

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Change the oil in the engine, fuel filter and tranny fluid. Put new fan belt on and take off. Buy a cheap set of hand tools. Keep a quart of oil, brake fluid and antifreeze in the car and take off and have a great trip.


I got my 260 from my sister in-law and drove from southern Cal to Northern WA. All I did was change the oil and flush the brakes. I had been sitting in the grass on their ranch for years.


Have a fun and safe trip. And please take your time, trying to drive straight through could make the trip longer than you think or planned.

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Contact Art Singer of SportZ magazine to check it out. Then if you buy it have it shipped. $1,400 can add up real fast when adding food, fuel and hotel costs alone. I know it sounds adventurous to jump in it and go, and agree it would be great if you had no problems.


I think I would rather have a car delivered so I could open it like a new present rather than getting it home and hating it cause it let me stranded 5 times during a recent long haul.

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go for it!!!! I once bough a 1971 240z at cars 4 cause's that was sitting for 15 years. I know because the plate's said 1984. All I did was a oil change, fuel filter, plugs, wire's, and a belt. I drove it for about 5 years without any problems. That has been one of the most reliable cars I have owned.

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Keep it cool and keep it lubed... I'm sure you planned an oil change and tune up when you got it home anyway so figure on doing it before you drive it home... If it has been as well care for as you say I'm sure you'll be fine.. I bought a brand new Taurus for my wife last summer in TN, had 12 miles on it when I left the dealer. I popped a head gasket in the mountains and ended up raising hell with the dealer until he offered to retract the contract completely.

My Mom bought a new Buick in 2002 and drove it 44 miles before the tranny quit pulling... After 2 attempts they couldnt get it right and replaced the car. Doesnt matter how old something is....

But I bought a 74 260 in SC that had been sitting in a backyard for 3 yrs with over 200k miles on it. I drained the tank, changed the oil and pulled and cleaned the carbs and plugs, replaced the water pump and drove it 515 miles to TN with no brakes except the emergency brake... Like many said... Get AAA, they will cover towing and more if you run into trouble and make it an ADVENTURE!!

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Do it..!!! :D


I bought my '71 510 wagon last June http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=111565 with a one way ticket from North Carolina to Salt Lake City, Utah.


It was a great trip... wish I would have taken more time but it was fun. Looking forward to finishing up the project and driving it somewhere else far away :D


Checked the basics, got a small gas tank, new wipers, fuses, etc. and took along some tools just in case.


The only thing I did was tighten up the steering box a little..

We made the trip back home over 2200 miles in about 2 days, with a little of sightseeing (on what time we had).


12 hrs driving the first day to Denver, CO.(on no sleep) and 36 hrs straight the next day to get home.

I don't think I would go in that small amount of time again, but definately do the trip again.

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If this is purely a matter of cost, have it shipped.

If you hate driving long distances, have it shipped.


For me personally I would absolutely drive it (and have, although it was only 600 miles.) Bring some tools, flashlight, a voltmeter, an FSM, and a cell phone. Risk makes life worth living!

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I vote for driving it. Pack some essential hand tools with a few days worth of clothes and hop on it. I regularly drove my 240Z back and forth across Texas in all kinds of weather with 0 problems and I drove the heck out of that car two times a month at the local AutoX, by far the most reliable car I've ever owned (that is of course until I threw a turbo and FI on it :) )


When your get there you should change the fluids and belt(s) and maybe buy a spare alternator and starter at a national chain parts store. If you dont use them take them back when you get back home.

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