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3 black bears were spotted near my house in Bradbury.


2 of them in my inlaws` backyard...They wanted to use the hot tub according to my father-in-law who called the cops. A mother and her cub that ran away. A third one was caught a few days earlier after he used a neighbor`s pond.

The problem is, I run every morning in the same area to get back in shape. And I didn`t know that bears can run in excess of 30 mph! (faster than Carl Lewis:shock: ).I`m pretty sure a hungry bear can run even faster :-D

What do you do if you see a bear? They can run, they can climb, they can swim:redface:


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On an uneven playing field against an animal that is at the top of their food chain like a bear, large cat, or shark, there is not much you can do. Throw a Glock 27 in your pocket, even though I HATE Glocks, it's small enough to not be in your way. Usually just the act of pointing it at an animal will make them stop and think, because at that moment you take a posture that gives off the impression of confidence and strength (an animal can sense when you are afraid). And if all else fails and you miss, the percussion from the muzzle blast combined with the loud bang will definitely get their attention. And if that fails,... take better aim.

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