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Who Daily Drives their s30

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So back to the subject at hand..... My 70 is your basic everyday grocery getter, package deliverer, taxi and what ever else you do in a daily driver. I just added the Griffen Radiator 3 weeks ago and the triples a few months ago.


I really wanted to shout out a big THANK YOU to ViperredLS1Z for the heads up on the radiator. It's one of my favorite add ons thus far..











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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't plan on driving my '73 Z every day but since my '87 MR2 crapped the bed, and I replaced it with another '87 MR2 which keeps breaking (detecting a pattern here?) I've driven it every day since purchasing it this past August. It has about 10 solid things wrong with it (signals a little wonky, needs a timing chain/tensioner, leaks/burns oil, leaks/burns coolant, keeps getting flat tires) but it starts every day and gets me to school and work no problem. I hate driving it daily though; I'm not gonna lie. It always smells like exhaust, leaks like crazy when it rains, the drivetrain is rough, it goes through gas like nobody's business (partially due to it needing a timing chain and partially due to the triple Webers), and I'd rather have something comfy with power options (like an E30 BMW hahaha) to be my daily considering I've owned nothing but harsh two-seaters for the past 4 years. If I had my way I'd only take it out on sunny weekends, thrash it on an occasional auto-x or road course, and cruise the beach :)

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I have been driving my '74 260z almost daily, unless I need to haul more than two people. I've put on 1000 miles in two months, since I rebuilt it, and absolutely no problems except a clogged fuel filter. Sure it rides a little rough and smells like gasoline, but when I drive it somewhere, I have the pleasure of knowing that I built it myself. Handling, acceleration, and braking are all better than my wife's '05 Mazda van. Not bad for a 34 year old car.

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  X64v said:
I daily drive mine, usually around 10k mi/year. It's loud, but I'm 18. I'm sure when I get older, I'll hold the same sentiments as the rest of you, but for now it's the coolest thing ever.


Im 18 as well, I dont daily drive my 240z, in fact I havent driven her in a few weeks. I DD my 2006 Cobalt SS, and yes, the 240z right now is the coolest thing ever. I absolutely love it!

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well once i get my 78 280z to pass emissions and get a new rad for it i'll be able to DD it. (rad is clogged to hell, but emissions is close enough for it not to get hot) then once i get my tax return money i'm hopefully going to rebuild the engine, then DD it (till i think of more things to do with it)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My 280Z is not a DD, but I`m not afraid of using it.

I like to have it ready to drive anytime,

just to have the pleasure of drive it when I want.

It is usually garaged, but it does see winter...




I wish I had some pictures of it when we had a local trackday,

on ICE. Iceracing a Z is FUN!

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I daily drove my 76 280Z 2+2 for almost 9 years. It was my only car for about 6. I drove it every day until I bought my 83 280ZX, now I DD that car. and the 76 has become the project car.


I never really had a problem DDing the Z or the ZX. Makes the commute much more entertaining. I mean it is a car. Your supposed to drive it.

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