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Parking Lot Rant


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Guest TeamNissan

What about people driving in lots? Its like once they enter they loose ALL logic (what little there originally was) driving and navigation skills.


xmass time in any mall parking lot is like risking you and your cars ass lol.

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AT chrstmas time there is no "empty back of the lot" and everyone gets stupid!...real stupid...racing for any available spot!


I think the best thing to do is park as far back as possible. Its funny how lazy people are driving around in circles looking for a spot close to the doors. Its not the perfect solution...those darn pick-ups still zone in on me....but its effective.

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I hate people that park to close . I had a lady at walmart once ding my z with her car door . I was in my z waiting for my wife to come out and someone pulled into the spot next to me a bit close i might add . She didnt see me in the car " limo tint on the windows " she opend her door and wham smacked my passanger door .


So i reached over and when she shut her door i flung the passanger door open and slamed it into her car she had a fit her face turned red what a laugh it was . I said hey $#@%^ ya slamed ya door into my car i was just returning the favor .


The way i see it no matter if a car is a beater or a bmy respect it as if it was youres . A guy i work with parked his ford ranger to close to my jimmy and scratched the paint with his door i told him nicely if he does it again ill beat his ass he hasnt parked near me since then .



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I think SSFlyer has some co-workers messing with him. I had a woman door ding my F350 right in front of me. She ignored my comments and walked real fast into the mall. When she came out later all four of the tire valve stems on her Lexus ES330 were missing.

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I think SSFlyer has some co-workers messing with him. I had a woman door ding my F350 right in front of me. She ignored my comments and walked real fast into the mall. When she came out later all four of the tire valve stems on her Lexus ES330 were missing.


Gee, I wonder how this could have happened?

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lol ok, you would think that parking a r1 in the middle of a parking space would be enough so that nobody could slam their doors into it right? well some dumbass pulled into the space hit the bikes tires, knocked the bike over and just left it their, no card no name nothing..

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You've got to be a pretty gutless tool to hit someone's vehicle and just take off. My dad has had it happen twice, once right after his car come out of the body shop (after being sideswiped by a biker that was going 75+!) and the other right after he bought a new car.



I had a very nicely restored '68 Plymouth Fury...I tried to keep it away from other cars when I could. I remember walking up to it in a parking lot once while a family in a sedan was leaving from the spot next to my car...all of the adults were hustling the kids in to the car. One of the kids grabs the rear door of their car, flings it open right into my car, so hard that it bounces. The mom is standing there watching the whole thing. I stop and GLARE at them, she says nothing. I'm speechless at this point that a mother wouldn't reprimand her child for doing such a thing, and they just jump in and start backing out. I look at my door while they're transitioning from backing up to driving away, and there's a big fat paint chip with a ding under it. I stand up, yell, 'HEY!', and dad guns it and drives off.



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Guest TeamNissan

Sim thing happened to me but in my gf's ex bimmer. While reclining back in the car waiting for her to come out of a store a oriental woman WHIPPED her door open right into the passenger side door. So I sat for a moment to see what she would do, sure enough her and her friend paid it no mind after the initial look to THEIR car and began to walk off. I got out and pretty calmly asked them wtf they were thinking. They played the I don't speak english bit and ignored me while walking off. The cops were waiting for them when they returned, I MADE my gf press charges.


As if by some miracle they both spoke wonderful english when they returned to me and the cops. Never the less the driver was ticketed and charged. Later she sent me a letter with a check for 300$ asking if I would drop the whole thing. I tore it up lol........

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Oh man, I work at a pizza place, and my boss who's an ex mechanic has a 97 acura nsx. Anyway, he finally let's me drive it to the bank to make a deposit!! Way freakin awesome car, It's so perfect, that's me digressing. Well I come back out of the bank and there is a VERY noticable black mark on the drivers side door of the white nsx. I paniced, what do I do?! I call him, he's pissed, but there really wasn't anything I could do, no other cars anywhere around except the one that had been there the whole time and hadn't moved. He didn't fire me :burnout: I still get to drive it!

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Once, when I had my 300ZX, I walked out of a store into the parking lot and saw a nice little dent on my car, and the car parked next to me had red paint from my car on the edge of their door! I pulled out of the spot I was parked in, got out of the Z, walked over and kicked a big dent into the side of their car. Maybe a little bit over the top, but if people don't want to respect my property, I don't want to respect theirs either. I swear, once my Z is repainted if anyone so much as touches my car there will be hell to pay!

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You can't really hold someone responsible unless you catch them in the act. Paint samples won't cut it in court.


If you do catch them and they drive off, then it is hit and run and a felony. Look at their liscense plate and call the police. They will never touch another car as long as they live.

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i was parked in a spot once in my $100 special, a chrysler lancer that was lucky to still be running, sitting with the windows down, with an empty spot next to me, and a nice black Lexus IS200 next to that.


a woman comes into the spot, opens her door into the lexus quite hard, as i heard it clearly.

i get out to make sure she leaves some details and she just says "look at that car, they can afford it"


I leave a note for the lexus driver with my details, and a description of her and her car rego, along with time and date.


Next, i leave a note on her car saying "can you afford this? Karma is a bitch"


I get into my car, and reverse out of my spot, dragging my bumper almost all the way down the side of her car.


about an hour later i get a call from the lexus driver, saying thanks for watching out for his "baby" as its pretty much all he was left with after a recent messy divorce, right at the end of the convo he adds, "thanks mate, Karma really is a bitch"

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