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Addicted to the internet, What to do?


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The thing for me is not getting away with it. I miss out and don't get done so many projects because I'm too busy reading and figuring out how to do them perfectly. I just want to curb the behavior a bit honestly. I don't really play video games or watch tv. I'm just always on engineering or car forums reading. I guess its not all that bad compared to some things I could be doing. Just seems kinda dumb to be spending most of my free time on the net (2/3 time student and 45hr/week job). I should be out chasing more girls I guess.. But that brings on a bunch of other problems :)



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Guest CDC# C29300

One question, how much TV do you guys watch?


That use to be the big time killer for people. Better on the internet then watching old I Love Lucy reruns.

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You can always come up with in-humane ways to capture and kill mice...




Nah, all the mice are gone! I used the internet to research how to get rid of the mice, and it worked. I don't enjoy killing mice, I enjoy them NOT eating my car and crapping it all up though.

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And everybody thought that "PC" stood for "Personal Computer"...in reality it stands for "Procrastination Center".


I am guilty as well, here lately, I'm spending approximately 6 to 8 hours a day, sometimes more, online, chatting, surfing, researching, etc... It's ridiculous to think of how much time I've wasted. Oh well...at least I'm not the only one.

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^ you and me both pal ^




At work, when there is nothing going on I surf constantly. Realistically I check hybridz no less often then every 1/2 hour during the week. I am expected to keep machines running, customers happy, and parts rebuilt. When things are going well, I surf alot. When the $hi* hits the fan, I may end up working 12 hours straight. I think it averages out really..


My problem at home is there is not much to do. I love music, but my main system is in my living room with the TV.


I have taken up building electronics stuff to keep me occupied when indoors during the winter. It does help, but I still surf a TON.



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As a business owner with employees, it pisses me off that they think they can surf and have me pay them to do it.


Now all internet access is time limited and only work specific sites are allowed. Key srtoke software on all computers will really discourage employees from checking mail and surfing.


It is amazing how much more gets done around here now. I even have more time to visit this site!

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Heh, so stop your employees from surfing, so you can, nice haha. J/k :icon45:


I don't like all the net nanny stuff businesses are doing these days. Certain restrictions, like time and whatnot are nice, but if you're employees can't be trusted to "browse" in moderation, they should be fired IMHO. I think taking 5 minutes every couple hours to check a forum or bid on ebay doesn't hurt in the workplace. I'd be pissed if I needed to take 2 minutes at work to snipe something on ebay, but the site was blocked. I think internet usage should be controlled through active management, not technology. That's just my .02 (i'm not criticizing by the way, I'm speaking generally). I also don't own a business though, so I might be singing a different tune if I did.

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I promise you, you would:mrgreen:

This is a bit of a side track, but I would suggest that it is better to give employees a task, and worry about whether or not they complete it and the quality of the finished product. That should be the measure of "good work" in my opinion.


When I was working for other people the thing that bothered me more than anything else was having to "look busy" when there was nothing to do and the boss walked through. If these employees ALWAYS have something to do just by the nature of the job then I guess you have a legitimate gripe. If that's not the case then it sounds like Theory X management is the choice you've made for managing your business, and my choice as a valuable employee was always to get another job as quickly as possible when I realized I was in that environment.


Two sides to every story is the point. I tend to think that the better skilled the employee is, the less "under your thumb" he is, and so the less crap he'll put up with before just leaving and getting another job. The ones that get trapped are the useless ones.



Damn!- i kind of giggled at first but man those are some sweet friggin pet doors! :mrgreen:

It's a weird niche, but it's working out pretty well for me. I don't manufacture anything by the way, just resell.

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I think the key to managing the time of life in regards to the net is to always make sure you spend at least as much time doing something worth reading about as you do reading about others doing.


That's not supposed to be cryptic.

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This is a bit of a side track, but I would suggest that it is better to give employees a task, and worry about whether or not they complete it and the quality of the finished product. That should be the measure of "good work" in my opinion.





I've got 6 employees. All are well trained and very good at what they do. Other than my last hire, the other five have been with me for over 10 years, 2 approaching 20 years.


The internet used to be a "use it in moderation deal" but some took advantage of the goodness of my heart:icon45:. Instead of stressing, yelling, firing rehiring and then training another employee to replace someone that has been with me for at least 10 years, I let software take care of it.


Do you have any idea of the cost of training someone to replace a key employee? It aint cheap!


As far as give em a task, I'm still chuckling at that one. We are pretty much non stop from the time we get here to the time we leave. They are all very well paid, have health insurance paid for by the company, have a 401K with company match and a production based bonus system.


They all have tasks.

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