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Have To Vent...Disrespectful Kids Today..Throwing Rocks At Cars! My CAR!! :(


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My wife and I met our Real-estate agent to look at a new house. I drove my truck and my wife drove her SUV. We looked at the house for a little while and I went out back.


I heard a strange popping sound. When I walked up front I heard it again and then I heard glass break. The Next door neighbor's KIDS were shooting the windows out of BOTH of my vehicles. I caught them IN THE ACT.


I called out to them to stop and called the police. The police showed up and confronted the mother and the boys(8 years and 13 years). The Mother would not come outside to apologize and the Kids did not show their faces. I was forced to communicate through the police. The mother would not come out of her house.


She told the police to tell me that she would pay damages with a check. I told the police to tell her that this would be close to $10,000. She told the police to tell me that she would look at the estimates and get back to me. I told the police I was sick and tired of talking through them to get to her.

I called my lawer and 4ucked her wallet sideways for the full $10,000. I also testified against her in a lawsuit filed by the property management group that owned the house we were looking at buying. The kids shot the house up so badly that the house repair bill was estimated at $35,000. Furthermore the neighborhood had been plagued by random BB-gun shooting incidents hitting joggers and pets. The mother lost custody of her children and moved out of town.


4uck that piece of shiat for a parent. This was in a high end Golf community and the houses were worth half a million.

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I'm guilty of damaging a couple cars when I was younger and thought the whole thing was pretty funny until...


We set a can trap across a residential street (fishing line strung across the street atop two sticks with cans tied to each end) and waited. A brand new (paper plates) Corvette comes down the street pretty fast, hooks the string, and the force pulled the can up in the air and they bounced off the back decklid. The car locks up the rear brakes, spinds a 180, and smokes the rear tires ehading right back at us. We start running.


Two guys jump out and chase me down - I thought I was running like the wind but the one guy was really fast. They are not happy and yell to the neighbors to call the cops. As I look at the guy who chased me down (the driver) I realize why he was so fast. Jim Fregosi.

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Yasin, I look up to you for taking the correct action and not losing your cool (I know you were steamed, but you witheld from getting physical).


So, now that we're telling war stories, lol...


I grew up in a suburb outside Chicago and my friend "Dennis the menace" was bragging about hitting cars passing in front of his house with get this...FROZEN ORANGES!! Well, one guy he hit got out of his car. Dennis went inside the house to hide. The guy KICKS IN the locked front door! Dennis said he hid behind the couch and the guy couldn't find him.


Gaaah! The crazy stupid, disrespectful things we do as kids...:icon50:

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Somebody egged my Z once... I was honestly going to melt his car. But when I found out who it was, the person didnt have a car to melt. Whats with people who show no respect for other peoples property... thats one thing Ive always been good about, even when I was a kid. If I had a grudge for somebody, it was that person I took it up with, not what they owned. Theres is no more class. No more respect. High school is the worst.

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For some reason my '68 Fury attracted a lot of eggs when it was parked in front of my parents' house. What I found hilarious was that on no less than three occasions, all they managed to do was hit my car in the hubcap or tire.


Nice arm there, sport. Keep fannin', maybe you'll give me a cold. *squirts down with hose*


To quote a movie, 'It'd be worth 'em doing it if you could catch 'em in the act.' and, 'What's more chicken$#!@ than %#@!ing with a man's automobile? I mean, don't %#@! with another man's vehicle.'

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Similar thing happened to me and a friend. We had just finished putting some new parts on his Silvia and we were driving it through my neighborhood to test everything.


We had an SUV that was about to pass us going in the opposite direction when suddenly "BAM!" HUUUUGE water balloon right in the middle of the windshield. We couldn't see anything, we were lucky we didnt hit any of the people who were out jogging... Also lucky it was just water, and not something like paint or a big rock.


We were a mix of pissed off, and eager for something fun to do, so we decided we'd go after them. Because they had been going the other direction and because it took us a minute to get the wipers going to be able to see again they had already gotten away.


But... this was MY neighborhood, and it's full of crazy figure eight streets and lots of roads that just circle back around. SO I told my buddy, "Ok, they lost us for now, but I have a good Idea where they're gonna go." We made a series of turns and in about 2 minutes we were sitting in the middle of the road... waiting... Then all of the sudden there they were, coming around the corner. We flashed the brights at them twice and revved the engine at them as they got close. They stopped, turned around and ran.


I told my buddy Andrew "wait, do chase them yet. I know where they're gonna go" we waited a moment and then I told him to go, and told him a series of turns to take.


We turned on to a seldom used side street, which I use as a short cut from time to time, and cruised down the hill at the beginning of the street. We rolled up in front of them. They were sitting in the middle of the road, waiting it out thinking we wouldn't find them. As soon as they saw us again they ran a second time.


I told Andrew to wait again. After another minute I told him where to go again. This time they were at a stop sign at the bottom of another hill. We rolled up behind them, flashed the brights and revved at them again. This time they didn't run.


We sat in the car 3 lengths behind them for about 5 minutes. They were probably scared sh!tless by this point, so Andrew and I decided they had learned their lesson. He peeled out in reverse, spun the car around and we took off.



That was the most fun I've ever had chasing someone down.




Sorry to hear about your car, glad you were able to teach them a lesson

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Its terribly sad to see how many of you have been subject to this same situation. It sucks and makes you wonder at times, why work so hard to have something nice that you are proud of when members of society will ultimately at somepoint damage it.


This is huge point of frustration for me.


I was this close ---><--- to pumelling that kid....but my voice of reason was able to conquer! Has he learnt his lesson...I'm betting 50/50.




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As a kid I was a bit of a jerk and drove golf balls across a busy street. Never did hit a car but on one good drive I hooked it right through some bodies kitchen window. It was open and went through every pane of glass.....a BIG window!


Anyway the police were driving by and chased my down.. An what a chase it was! They eventualy caught me and read the riot act....really played it up and scared the crap out of me! Dragged me home and if I recall correctly...my dad thumped me afterwards!


Guess what...I never did it again. Good lesson!


Im glad you caught one! Hope your car is OK.


Hey...Im not sure its a sign of the times...stupid kids will be stupid kids...and always will be. Its up to us to set them straight and teach them the right way!

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Worst thing I did to someone's car was thermite my friend's beater in the desert in highschool (with is permission of course). Awesome to see an engine block melt straight through :P.


worst car prank I did was. froze a can of shaving cream and let all the presure out and cut it open. then put the block into my friend's car at school as a prank. the foam grew over everything.


Best one was filling my friend's truck with empty soda cans and saran wrapped the whole cabin shut, poured water over it, it was winter :P.


Luckily I wasn't stupid enough to go out and chuck thing at other people. If I wanted to do that, I went to went to the baseball field.

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One night coming home I'm driving my Z that had a newly painted hood/driver's side fender. While passing through the end of an intersection I immediately hear a thump on my side of the car and look and there is three kids on the corner. I immediately bust a b!tch and I'm insanely pissed off since I picked it up from the body shop the day before. When I pulled up in the parking lot I see them drop the carton they had and run. I managed to get two of them stuck in a corner. (i'm 17 and do lots of cardio) I got both of them to walk back to the scene with me, I took all the eggs they had and smashed it on top of their heads. I didn't need to call the cops, doing that satisfied my nerves as much as they possibly can. Greatest feeling in the world.


The egg landed on my quarter panel and it was a 10-min drive home so I managed to clean it all off before it did any real harm.



Edit: Great thread btw.

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When i was a kid growing up in casper wyoming where there is not much to do when it is 20 below zero ( remember that Dr. Hunt? ) We would throw lots of snowballs at passing cars. ther would not be 2 of us, it would be like 12 kids. imagine that driving down the road and your car getting hit by 6-8 snowballs. in the summer we would launch water balloons instead. glad i do not live in snow now. my older brother confessed a while back that him and some of his buddies used to find old abandoned tires at the top of a hill at the entrance of paradise valley where we lived and roll them down the hill. at the bottom of the hill was a large lip and then the road. the object of the game, late at night, was to roll the tire down the hill and get it to fly in front of the car. there are no street lights so all you would see from the car was a flash of a tire flying past you. all went well untill someone let go a little too late and the tire caved in the passenger side door. he never did that again.


its not a new occurance but it seem more rampant now. it maybe that the ammount has not increased that much but we hear about it more now. kinda like teachers and their students.



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Man, that's terrible. I had something similar happen a while back and I completely lost it.. I was driving down the street and I saw a couple of kids playing around in the driveway. I really didn't pay any attention until I drove by and heard a *ping* and turned to see one of them holding an airsoft gun! I slammed on the breaks and completely lost it, going off on both of the kids. One of them ran in and grabbed their dad, who came outside to get an earful from me (with a few obscenities thrown in). The father apologized and jumped the kids asses right then and there, which I was really thankful for because he was about 6'6" and probably 300lbs and getting cursed out by a 5'9" kid that was 150lbs soaking wet.


Hopefully you can get this fixed quickly, because that's definitely a sharp looking car.

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Jeez, we have some seriously closed-minded people in this forum.


Kids are kids. They are still learning what is right, what is wrong.


Who here can say they've never done anything stupid, or dangerous, for a sheer thrill?


Not i.


Try to remember what it was like being a kid, then think about the state of the country (world), and have some god damn compassion.



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Glad you caught him, over here if you had so much as touched him you would probably been charged with assult on a child.


I remember being in my Dads car years ago on the Motorway, we could see some kids standing on a bridge, as we got closer you could see them hanging something over the edge ready to drop.....there wasn't enough time to move (80mph) it went under the front of the car and burst the tyre.....it was a brick in a black bag!!! Lucky escape.

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